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Answer Key: Literature Reader 8 5 : The Banyan Tree

A. 1. not true 2. true 3. true 4. true 5. not true 6. not true 7. true 8. true 9. true

Revision Paper 1

1. 1. trains 2. buses 3. trucks 4. coaches 5. planes

2. a: a ship; a pen; a flower  
    an: an umbrella; an ice cream
3. 1. croaks 2. chirps 3. grunts 4. brays 5. squeaks
4. 1. apple 2. banana 3. peas 4. sun 5. crow
5. fruit: papaya; guava; lemon
  vegetables: drumstick; onion; cabbage

3 : Worksheet 3 Using Grammar

A. 1. washes 2. makes 4. cleans 5. keeps


A. 1. Can I have an ice cream? Yes, you can.

  2. Where is Homi? He is playing football.


  1. No, she’s a nurse.

  2. She works in a hospital.
  3. She looks after sick people.
  4. A post-man sorts and delivers letters.
  5. Ranvir works in a post-office.

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