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Write check in the box if DONE


Important Reminders: Before imaging
1. IP Address
2. Computer Name
3. BDS folder (IDCTLR.ini and HOST.ini)
4. Pbsystem folder (IDCPB.ini and RCBC***.653)
5. Mrwin folder (RCBC***.653)
6. SVS folder (SVS.ini)
7. Ws_FTP folder (WSFTP.ini) none
8. PB2query folder (BP2.ini) none
9. Tellix folder none
12. Lotus notes folder none none
13. Lotus notes ID (*.id) (back-up all id's) none none
14. Lotus notes email ( *.nsf) (back-up all .nsf) none none
Important Reminders: After imaging
1. Paste all the back-up file in which appropriate folder
2. Config MSTDC
3. Config ODBDC (OLTDSN and SVS)

4. My computer (manage, rename user to branch name and

make it Admin. But remove after setting up and config.)

5. Windows firewall ON (exception add sql 1433 and tsrBDS)

6. Check the printer com port, driver, and if dedicated or
7. Check the device drivers

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