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Mrs Sarah Sans

12th Grade Grammar



Here are the learning objective we’ve been working with in class. If you feel confident that you have achieved
these objectives, you will pass the test with flying colours.

1. To memorise adjective and adverb
2. To analyse the way adjectives and
adverbs function in a sentence
3. To identify adjectives and adverbs
in complex sentences
4. To apply understanding of
adjective and adverb functions in
creative writing

* I know we haven’t looked at this – I apologise, I forgot. It is on the test, but it’s really easy. I just want you to
recognise the most common ways to change nouns/adjectives into adjectives/adverbs.

There are many, many adjective suffixes. The most common include:
-ive as in creative, supportive, emotive -able/-ible as in likable, possible, manageable
-ous as in hideous, famous, jealous -ing as in interesting, fascinating, annoying
-ful as in beautiful, mindful, thoughtful -less as in thoughtless, homeless, careless

There is really only one important adverb suffix: -ly.

The test has 4 parts. None of them are difficult.

(20%)Section A: Objectives 1 and 2.

You need to know:
 Definition of adjectives and adverbs (what do they modify?)

 At least 4 common suffixes.

 A common adverb suffix

(40%)Section B: Objective 3
Consists of exercises similar to those in the workbook, so review those to prepare.

(40%) Section C: Objective 4.

In this section, you will have two options: write a short story similar to creative writing task 1 (mundane event).
You will be given a specific situation to write about and be asked to use at least 20 adjectives and 10 adverbs.
Hint: you will write from the perspective of an animal.

Option 2 is a good choice if you’re not confident about composing a creative story on the spot. Instead of
writing a story, you’ll fill in blanks in a series of sentences, adding adjectives and adverbs.

For example, a sentence might look like this:

Mrs Sarah ________________ feels ________________ when she has class with the seniors.

The point is not to figure out what word I was thinking of when I wrote the sentence – the idea is to use
whichever adjectives/adverbs you think of that will make the sentence interesting and give it sense. You will be
graded on using words correctly and creatively.

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