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DATE OF TEST : 2 Nov 2003
MODE : Off-Campus

-----Original Message-----
From: soumya
Sent: Sunday, November 02, 2003 10:35 AM
Subject: [CHETANA] (Job) I got job in SATYAM + some info

Hello Frnds,
I am feeling it a pleasure to inform u that i got selected in Satyam Com
puters on nov 2nd.This was my 5th test.I could not clear any of the previous 4(n
ot even the first round)
I had applied through the mail id given in
There were 3 rounds
1st-Logical reasoning aptitute test(15 questions 30 min)
2nd-Group discussion(10 min)
3rd-Technical cum hr interview(half an hr)
Logical reasoning had few puzzles like infy with ans,some analytical questions,n
on verbal reasoning.+1 for correct ans and -1/4 for wrong ans.
Group disscussion topic
For us he asked us to suggest a topic for GD some gal suggested this topic"shoud
GD b a part of selection process r not" and we were given that topic to speak.
we got 2 min to collect our ideas n then started to speak.HR just was pretendi
ng as if he is not hearing to us .But no body took it for granted n were alert i
n their talk.
I along with another guy spoke against it.
6 others spoke for it.
Some other topic was like"should sonia gandhi b made a PM or not?"
Regarding Interview, many were asked to explain their project n also some questi
ons on C n C++.
But i was asked some questions on antennas,transmission lines, digital circuits
and CCN .
I answered most of them but did not answer 2 or 3 .They just said no problem n w
ere ok with it.

Thanx for all the support n encouragement.

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