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In your classroom you have a projector and computer on your desk.

You can connect the projector to either your laptop or the desktop computer.

Videos work better on desktop computer as it is wired to the internet.


First thing you should do is probably turn on the computer so when the
projector comes on, you will have a Windows screen to look at and know that
it’s working.

For the projector to have power the switch below needs to be turned on. It’s
on a panel on the wall in your room.

The projector has power when you look up into its home and it has one green
light. Switch the ON button on the projector remote to get it started up.

If when the projector comes alive and you see the Windows display on the
projector screen that is on the computer monitor you’re ready to go.
Sound: The sounds come through the intercom thing on the wall. If you find
you do not have sound. Look for a plug coming out of the conduit somewhere
along the wall with the projector screen on and turn the power switch on
beside it. There is also a small volume knob on the wall where the cable
comes out of.

If the windows screen does not come up and it’s all blue or there is a big gray
box saying something about “Image Express Utility”. Or, even more strangely,
you see somebody else’s desktop. Don’t panic!
Go back to your Projector Remote Control and look for the below buttons:

You want to be clicking the 1 or 2 button in the “Computer section”. By clicking

one or the other your Windows screen will turn up on the projector screen in a
few seconds, give it a little time.


Bring your laptop to the room and start it up. Find the Projector Training
Manager on your desktop:
Click “ok” on the box that appears making sure Intel(R) Centrino(R) Advanced
N-6200 is highlighted in blue (Not the Easy Connection one, which is

In the next screen you need to put in the address of the projector so that the
laptop can get its screen displayed. How do you know the projector’s
address? It’s written on the projector’s metal casing (it’s the bit):
Back at the laptop, click the List menu and click “Input Address…”

Just type in the address on the projector in your room and click “Add”

It will then show up in your list. Click it making it blue and Click “Connect”
You will not have to go through that process again unless you are with
another projector in another room. You will obviously have to go into the same
Projector Manager but all you will do is highlight the projector and click

Any questions email me back!


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