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Affirmations and “Negations:” Reprogram Your Brain!

Patzia Gonzalez-Baz

Affirmations are among the most powerful tools for personal

transformation. Even before The Secret, affirmations have been a great
way to program new beliefs and behaviours into ourselves. Affirmations
are easy to use and they’re free. So what’s the catch? Many of my
clients complain that affirmations don’t work.

What we have to understand is the following, what is the true

affirmation? When someone says "I easily and consistently earn 200 000
a year." That person has what we call in EFT “tail-enders” that come up
and say: “Who are you kidding? You’ll never earn that much money!” or
"if you do, then your sister is not going to like you,” or " you don't have
the skill, the talent" or "only greedy people make that much money,” or
“Yes, but probably not this year because we are in a recession.” These
tail enders are the true affirmation, are they not? And they WORK, do
they not? They will keep you RIGHT WHERE YOU ARE.

And that's the beautiful thing about doing this process for yourself
and with clients: you write down all those “tail-enders” that are the true
Affirmation; well really I call them “Negations.” Those are the Negations
that are really there, not the Affirmations you want to do. You have
been repeating these Negations thousands of times a day: “You’re
useless,” “you’re dumb,” “you will always be broke,” “you can’t do
anything well,” etc. Write them down, make a list, this is what you tap
on to take care of it.

Did you know that every thought you have sends electrical signals
throughout your brain? Thoughts have actual physical properties. They
are real! They have significant influence on every cell in your body. We
can see this through the work of Masaru Emoto with Water Crystals and
through fMRI’s that show the functioning of our brain.

So what can you to do to erase and replace the Negations you

repeat with your positive Affirmations besides tapping with EFT? Well,
the Affirmations do have to be believable. I can repeat “My ideal hip
measurement is 32 inches, and that is what my hips measure” till the
cows come home. My hip bones are wide, and they are definitely wider
than 32 inches. A better Affirmation might be “My hips are trim and fit.”
Maybe affirming that you make 200 000 a year is not believable, but
that you make 90 000 is, so start there.
You want to get by all the tail-enders and reprogram your brain.
Try the following tips:

1) Start by saying “I’m open to the possibility of…” “I’m now open
to the possibility of making 90 000 a year.” “I’m now open to
the possibility of losing 5 pounds in the next 3 weeks.” “I’m
now open to the possibility that I can write my brief easily and
with clarity.” “I am now open to the possibility that I am a
worthy person.”
2) Use choices: “I choose to make 90 000 a year.” “I choose to
lose 5 pounds in the next three weeks.” “I choose to write my
brief easily and with clarity.” “I choose to believe I am a worthy
3) Imagine yourself in the future when you already have what you
are affirming right now. You are making 90 000 a year; you
lost the 5 pounds; you wrote the brief successfully and you
believe you are a worthy person. Now, look back and ask
yourself: “How did I make those 90 000 a year?” “How did I
lose those 5 pounds in three weeks?” “How did I write that brief
so easily?” “How did I realize I am a worthy person?”
4) Write down all the “tail-enders” that come up and use EFT
(Emotional Freedom Techniques) to tap on them. It’s like re-
setting your computer and re-wiring your brain.
5) It is work, you have to do it, but if you do you’ll find that
Affirmations work consistently and reliably, make sure that
they are what YOU want!

EFT and “tapping” stand for Emotional Freedom Techniques, download

my free booklet “Tap Into Your Power with EFT!” from my website to
learn more about it.
© Patzia Gonzalez-Baz, 2010

Patzia Gonzalez-Baz has a Psychotherapy Practice in Newmarket, On;

she specializes in using EFT, Emotional Freedom Techniques, to treat
relationship issues, emotional components of pain, shock after a medical
diagnosis, anger, anxiety, phobias, love pain, divorce and stressful
changes in life, work or family.

Visit her website at:

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