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September 2010

Volume 5 #9
Wading River Baptist Church
P.O. Box 438, 1635 Wading River-Manorville Road, Wading River, NY 11792
(631) 929-3512; 929-6022

God’s Safety Net

On a variety of fronts, the American ing another? And how are we to cope This obligation is the practical ex-
economy is in trouble. Particularly dis- with the prospect of a government forced pression of the principle laid down in
turbing is the problem of long-term un- by financial realities to reign in its lar- Ephesians 6:2-3, echoing the terms of
employment. American business and gesse? Who will take care of us when the the Fifth Commandment (Ex 20:12):
industry are not creating new jobs for government’s safety net shreds? “Honor your father and mother (which is
those who were laid off in the recent re- Christians need not panic because the first commandment with a promise),
cession. Consequently, Congress has God gives us the answer. He has pro- so that it may be well with you, and that
been compelled by political necessity to vided a series of safety nets for His peo- you may live long on the earth.” David is
extend unemployment benefits to an ple. But here is the problem. Because a sterling example of providing for the
unprecedented 99 weeks, bail out teach- God has been expelled from the public security of his parents when his own life
ers and public employee unions to avoid square—because in the name of the sepa- was threatened by Saul. He went to the
massive layoffs in education and gov- ration of church and state, biblical truth king of Moab and asked, “‘Please let my
ernment service, and at least contem- is no longer admitted into the discussion, father and my mother come and stay
plate subsidizing the mortgage payments much less embraced as the source of with you until I know what God will do
of many who are facing foreclosure. public policy—the only workable alterna- for me.’ Then he left them with the king
Looming large over the entire national tive to the government’s safety net has of Moab; and they stayed with him all
economy is the specter of bankrupt enti- been ruled out. In spite of the govern- the time that David was in the strong-
tlement programs (Social Security and ment’s hostility to biblical values, how- hold” (1 Sam 22:3-4).
Medicare) and pension funds. All of this ever, and in spite of the popular rejection The principle works the other way
comes against the background of utterly of biblical Christianity, the Christian around as well, as Paul points out to the
unmanageable national debt. community has the opportunity to im- Corinthians when he alludes to a general
A common sentiment runs through- plement God’s threefold safety net in principle by way of illustrating his re-
out this entire morass of financial chaos: caring for each other. sponsibility as an apostle: “for children
desperation. We Americans have be- The first safety net in God’s pro- are not responsible to save up for their
come accustomed to security, an attitude gram is the family. It is God’s ordained parents, but parents for their children”
that borders on insisting that every plan that families provide for each other (2 Cor 12:14). The bottom line here is
American has a right to an ever- in times of need. In no passage of Scrip- that members of the family provide for
increasing standard of living. At least no ture is this stated any more clearly than the economic needs of their relatives
American should have to experience any it is in 1 Timothy 5, a chapter the first who are not able to provide for them-
significant decline in his economic status part of which is devoted to the support of selves. At this point, the sins of a godless
through no fault of his own. This sense elderly widows. Their care was a high twentieth-century American culture are
of entitlement has become so ingrained priority in the church, but Paul explicitly now bearing fruit. Government policy
in the American psyche that the very places the burden of their sustenance on prohibiting prayer and Bible reading in
thought of experiencing a loss of security their families: “if any widow has chil- the schools, de-criminalizing adultery
inspires terror in most people, a terror dren or grandchildren, they must first and prostitution, facilitating easily ob-
that is compounded when their high debt learn to practice piety in regard to their tained divorce, refusing to enforce ali-
levels are factored in. Many Americans own family and to make some return to mony and child-support laws, and pro-
live on the precipice of financial ruin. their parents; for this is acceptable in the viding public assistance for broken fami-
That’s why most of them, including a sight of God” (v. 4). Later, he says it lies have all contributed to the destruc-
significant majority of evangelicals, have dogmatically: “But if anyone does not tion of the nuclear family. Furthermore,
bought into the promises of the progres- provide for his own, and especially for it is more common than not for children,
sive welfare state. those of his household, he has denied the once they reach adulthood, to move away
So where does one look when he faith and is worse than an unbeliever” (v. from their parents, and several genera-
loses his job and is unsuccessful in find- 8). tions of separation have virtually de-
continued on page 2
continued from page 1
stroyed the extended family. Thus, In 1 Timothy 5:16, Paul addresses tian is without a job, without financial
without any support structure from their the support of elderly widows who have resources, without the possibility of fam-
families, Americans now look to the gov- younger female relatives: “If any woman ily help and part of a church which can-
ernment as their provider of last resort. who is a believer has dependent widows, not provide significant assistance?
Plainly, that is not the way God intended she must assist them and the church Again, it was David who said: “For [or
human beings to survive in times of must not be burdened, so that it may ‘if’] my father and my mother have for-
need. Difficult as it may be in some assist those who are widows indeed.” By saken me, [But] the Lord will take me
cases, biblically committed Christians this, the Apostle means that even single up” (Psa 27:10). In his senior years he
still take their family obligations seri- women who have older women relatives could say, “I have not seen the righteous
ously. But what if the family fails in its who are widowed must care for their forsaken or his descendants begging
responsibility? needy family members, freeing up the bread” (Psa 37:25). The Apostle Paul
The second safety net in God’s pro- church to assist those who genuinely affirmed the same truth to the Philippi-
gram is the church. Under the Law, the have no other means of support. In this ans when he wrote, “And my God will
covenant community was to care for chapter, Paul reminds the church that supply all your needs according to His
each other. On the one hand, Moses said they are to “enroll” godly widows over 60 riches in glory in Christ Jesus” (Phil
to Israel: “However, there will be no years of age, women distinguished by 4:19). Many Christians can testify to the
poor among you, since the Lord will fervent prayer lives, by a record of suc- truth of these verses. Even when there is
surely bless you in the land . . .”(Dt 15:4). cessful child rearing, hospitality to nowhere else to look for help, the Lord is
How was this to become a reality? strangers, ministry to fellow believers, able to provide in utterly unpredictable
Moses goes on to say, “For the poor will and devotion to good works. Apparently ways. God will take care of His people
never cease to be in the land; therefore I in exchange for their godly service and who live responsibly, trusting in Him to
command you, saying, ‘You shall freely influence, these women would be sup- meet their needs.
open your hand to your brother, to your ported by the gifts of the church. Our spiritually bankrupt nation has
needy and poor in your land’” (v. 11). Thus, the church is to look after finally become a financially bankrupt
God’s people must care for God’s people. those of their number who are unable to nation. The tragedy is that so many peo-
The same ethic applies to the support themselves and who have no one ple are suffering as a result. And yet
church. Its members are to care for one else to care for them. One local church there is a potential silver lining to this
another (1 Cor 12:24-26). The early may not be able to provide full support otherwise dark cloud. When the econ-
church set the pattern: “For there was for everyone who needs it, but along with omy falters and when the government’s
not a needy person among them, for all the extended families of those in need, it safety nets collapse, there is One who
who were owners of land or houses can help make up what is lacking. Again, never fails. In a deteriorating economy,
would sell them and bring the proceeds however, our culture has rejected this Christians have the opportunity both to
of the sales and lay them at the apostles’ biblical provision. Since today the ma- proclaim and to live that reality. Step-
feet, and they would be distributed to jority of Americans are not affiliated with ping in as the government’s fiscal
each as any had need” (Acts 4:34-35). any church, they have deprived them- resources crumble, they can confidently
The support they provided for the needy selves of this God-given resource. heed the exhortation: “casting all your
was therefore often a matter of sacrifice Most importantly, however, the anxiety on Him, because He cares for
on the part of the more affluent mem- third safety net in God’s program is God you” (1 Pet 5:7).
bers. himself. So what happens when a Chris- ⎯ Pastor Ron Glass

Missionaries of the Month – Michael and Debbie Bannon

Michael and Deb- ber 26th. They will return to Lithuania years old and is selling – please contact
bie Bannon have sometime in March of 2011. the Bannons (
been in the mis- One of their After they complete their home as-
sion field for 30 biggest prayer signment and return to Lithuania, Mike
years; they have requests is for their and Debbie are asking for prayer for
been with World daughter Krista’s ministry possibilities. They continue to
Venture serving in future. She ask for prayer for those nonbelievers to
Lithuania since graduated from high someday confess with their mouths and
1997. They have school in June and believe with their hearts that Jesus
planted churches, have developed rela- moved back to the Christ is Lord. Especially pray for their
tionships through teaching English as a states in July. Pray team leader, Robertas, as he will be lead-
Second Language (ESL), and have men- that God will guide her as she makes ing by himself while Mike and Debbie
tored Christians in leadership positions. decisions regarding where to live and are away. Additional support of $151 a
God has answered many prayers with which university to attend, and also that month is another need for prayer. Please
new friends and many opportunities to all her needs will be met. Krista will also keep Mike and Debbie and their mission
share the gospel. be in need of a car and if anyone has a to the Lithuanian people in prayer.
But they are now back in the U.S. reliable car (maybe a Nissan, Toyota or ⎯ Joan Tyska
and will be with the WRBC on Septem- Honda in good condition) just 3 or 4

Getting Acquainted with Florence Acerra
“I can do all things through Christ who attended. They also took classes at Kay
strengthens me.” Philippians 4:13 is Arthur’s Ministries to further study
Florence Acerra’s favorite Bible verse⎯a God’s Word.
verse that reflects her hidden strength of They remained in Tennessee for four
character and stamina to accept life’s years before moving to Harleysville, PA
responsibilities as they might oc- to be near the oldest daughter and her
cur⎯and they did occur as we shall see. family. There they were both baptized at
Florence was born August 21, 1929 the Faith Bible Fellowship Church. They
in the Prospect Park area of Brooklyn to remained in Pennsylvania for five years
parents Dominick and Maria Milillo. before moving to Leisure Glen, right here
She was the youngest of five children, on Long Island.
with two sisters⎯Grace and Jose- When they moved into the area, they
phine⎯and two brothers⎯Ralph and began looking for a house of worship and
Anthony. mistletoe, expressing his feelings for her. became aware of the WRBC. Their first
Dominick Milillo, her father, worked They began dating and in time Felix pro- visit was on Father’s Day and they were
as a gravestone cutter and engraver. posed. They were married on September impressed by the friendliness of the con-
Cutting and engraving the gravestones 12, 1953. gregation and by Pastor Glass’ teaching.
was hazardous to her father’s health as They settled in Queens to begin rais- They liked how Pastor Glass explained
the dust from the cutting of the grave ing a family and had three girls: Andrea the Scriptures in a way they could under-
stones filled his lungs. Her father devel- (now 55), Michele (now 52), and Cheryl stand.
oped tuberculosis and died at the young (now 49). After about 10 years, the fam- Now they have been at the WRBC
age of 50; Florence was only 10 years old ily moved to Smithtown and bought a for 10 years and both have served the
when he passed away. larger house to accommodate a growing church well. Florence has done some
Maria Milillo was a devoted family. The girls were now in school and babysitting for mothers attending Bible
mother/housewife but became ill which Florence began longing to have a baby in studies and Sunday School; has volun-
limited her ability to take care of the the home again. teered to help with Awana and VBS; and
home. Responsibilities increasingly fell Observing friends of theirs who were participates in many capacities in a
on Florence as a high school student and caring for foster children is what quiet, behind the scenes way. She is
she felt pressured to quit school after 10th prompted the Acerras to do the same. faithful to the church and likes fellow-
grade. She accepted the full responsibil- After much discussion, they applied to shipping with the church family.
ity of the family; cooking and shopping become foster parents. It was not long When not involved with the church
as well as taking care of her Mom. after that a five-day-old baby girl arrived activities, Florence likes to attend a ce-
In taking on so much responsibility at their home to be placed under their ramics class. She can also be found in
at such a young age, Florence held on to care. They felt so blessed. Because this her kitchen cooking up her favorite
the dear memories she had of her Father was a foster child, adoption plans were dishes or doing some
and Mother taking her to the beach by under way for another family to adopt light gardening in her
train and those wonderful dinners with this little baby. As a result, the baby garden. One of her fa-
the family and friends on Christmas Eve. would only remain with the Acerras for a vorite things to do is to
short while⎯10 months to be exact. Co- take a drive east with her
It was not long before Florence husband, stopping for lunch somewhere
inciding with the Acerra’s adjustment in
joined the workforce first at Bulova along the way. Otherwise you will find
giving up the baby girl was the news that
Watch Co., assembling watches; later as Florence relaxing on her patio.
Florence was pregnant, which made the
a school aid; and her last job sorting pa-
adjustment much easier. Nine months We sometimes under-appreciate our
per products at Artistic Industries.
later, they had a son, Paul (now 44). seniors not only for their wisdom but for
As a young girl, Florence’s girlfriend With a family of four children, the Acer- what they have to offer. Florence is a
lived around the corner and on occasion ras remained in Smithtown for 24 years. perfect example of this. She has a giving
the two of them along with a group of heart, the willingness to serve, and the
Both Florence and Felix had been
others⎯including her girlfriend’s spirit of a much younger lady than what
raised Catholics unaware of the Biblical
brother⎯would hang out together. The truths. Together they began listening to her birth certificate reads. If you have
brother, Felix Acerra, developed a secret television evangelists and in 1987 made a ever had the privilege to work alongside
crush on Florence but was too shy to confession of faith in the Lord Jesus her in the service of the church, you will
pursue it. Subsequently, Felix was in- Christ. know that she is a joy to work with. We
ducted into the USNR during WWII. are blessed to have her as a part of our
Upon Felix’s discharge from the service, After Felix’s retirement, they moved
church family.
Felix rekindled his interest in Florence to Chattanooga, TN and attended the
and it was at a Christmas party in his Woodland Park Baptist Church where ⎯ Joan Tyska
home that he took advantage of some one of their daughters and her husband

Antichrist and His Kingdom
Part 3: The Rise of His Kingdom: the Seven Heads and Ten Horns
So far, we have discovered that Anti- came again to me, saying, ‘Son of man, name of a nation. Literally, this phrase
christ’s rise to power begins at some un- prophesy and say, “Thus says the Lord reads, “the sons of the land of the cove-
designated point following the Rapture God, Wail, ‘Alas for the day!’ nant.” In other words, the descendants
of the church, and by virtue of satanic of those who are living in the land which
enablement, he embarks on an unprece- For the day is near, God had promised by the covenant to
dented reign of terror, wreaking his hate- Even the day of the Lord is near; Israel. Apparently this indicates the
ful vengeance on God’s saints and upon It will be a day of clouds, modern “Palestinians.”
Israel, God’s chosen covenant nation. In A time of doom for the nations”’”
(Ezek 30:1-3). Thus the confederation is made up
Revelation 17:1-8, his capital city is sym- of Egypt, the Sudan, Libya (or Somalia-
bolically represented as “the Great Har- This passage therefore pertains to the Kenya), Turkey, Saudi Arabia-Jordan,
lot.” That city is a rebuilt Babylon in seven-year period of the Tribulation. Georgia-Armenia-Azerbaijan, and the
Iraq which flourishes as the fabulously Then the Lord pronounces judgment Palestinian Authority. The unifying fac-
wealthy showplace of the world’s su- upon a seven-kingdom coalition: tors here are that today all of these na-
preme ruler. But his capital is also rep- tions are militantly Muslim and fiercely
resented as a place of the most horrific “And a sword will come upon anti-Israel. From John’s first-century
blasphemy, especially during the final Egypt, vantage point, apparently the first five
3½ years of the Tribulation, following And anguish will be in Ethiopia, kingdoms had reached the pinnacle of
his resurrection from the dead and his When the slain fall in Egypt, their power and had gone into decline
indwelling by the demons of the abyss. They take away her wealth, (Rev 17:10). One was still prominent,
It remains for us to untangle the And her foundations are torn down. which points most likely to Egypt, which
Ethiopia, Put, Lud, all Arabia,
mystery of the seven heads and ten was still a major player in the Middle
Libya, and the people of the
horns, the key to Antichrist’s identity. land that is in league will East. One had not come into being at all,
That explanation is given in the last half fall with them by the sword” and that would be the Palestinian Au-
of Revelation 17. “Here is the mind (vv. 4-5). thority. Such, then, is the alliance of the
which has wisdom. The seven heads are seven heads.
seven mountains on which the woman Who are these nations? The identi- The ten horns are “ten kings who
sits, and they are seven kings; five have fication is not as clear as we would like, have not yet received a kingdom (v. 12).
fallen, one is, the other has not yet but the identity is reasonably certain. Where in Scripture do we find a ten-
come; and when he comes, he must re- 1. Egypt is the nation we know nation confederacy in the context of end-
main a little while. And the beast which today as Egypt. time prophecy? The answer is in the
was and is not, is himself also an eighth 2. Ethiopia (“Cush”) is not the vision of the colossus in Daniel 2. As
and is one of the seven, and he goes to territory of modern Ethiopia, but em- interpreted by the angel through Daniel,
destruction. And the ten horns which braces the territory we know today as the Nebuchadnezzar was given a glimpse of
you saw are ten kings, who have not yet Sudan. the Babylonian Empire (he was the head
received a kingdom, but they receive of gold), the Medo-Persian Empire (the
3. Put is thought by many to be
authority as kings with the beast for one torso of silver), the Greek Empire (the
modern Libya, but others have specu-
hour. These have one purpose; and they abdomen and thighs of bronze), and the
lated “Somaliland,” which would include
give their power and authority to the Roman Empire (legs of iron). See Daniel
modern Somalia on the horn of Africa,
beast” (Rev 17:9-13). 2:31-45.
and perhaps portions of modern Kenya.
The angel tells John that the seven The interesting feature of the Roman
4. Lud is probably “Lyddia,” or
heads represent seven mountains (v. 9). Empire, however, is that it also included
modern Turkey.
These are not the “seven hills of Rome,” the feet, which were partly of iron and
as has been so often assumed, but, ac- 5. All Arabia would designate the
partly of clay. Feet have ten toes, indi-
cording to verse 10, seven kings. Five territory we know as Saudi Arabia, and
cating that there is a second form of this
have fallen, one is, and the other has not perhaps modern Jordan. continued on page 5
yet come. According to the principle of 6. Libya (“Cub”). This name is
the analogy of Scripture (the Bible is its very obscure, but Egyptian inscriptions
own best interpreter), we are justified in mention a Kûfa, a people from north of
seeking biblical revelation concerning an Israel, probably between the Black and
alliance of seven kingdoms during the Caspian Seas (kûfa means “mountains”).
Day of the Lord (the Old Testament term If this identification is correct, this re-
for the Tribulation). In fact, there is such gion would include one or more of the
an alliance mentioned in Ezekiel 30. former Soviet states, Georgia, Armenia,
There is no question as to the time and Azerbaijan.
under consideration in this passage. 7. “The people of the land that
Ezekiel writes: “The word of the Lord is in league.” Note that this is not the
The Roman Empire
continued from page 4
kingdom, which is confirmed by the an- When we collate all the details, by Antichrist’s treaty with Israel (Daniel
gel when he tells Daniel that “it will be a therefore, it appears that Antichrist’s 9:27). Their intention is to give power
divided kingdom” (v. 41). This future world-wide authority rests upon the and authority to Antichrist (Rev 17:13),
form is comprised of ten parts made up foundation of a powerful coalition be- probably as facilitating world peace; but
of iron, which is strong, and clay, which tween a consortium of southern Euro- their support is short-lived since after
is brittle (v. 42). They “will combine pean nations and an alliance of Muslim his death and resurrection, his prophet
with one another in [or with] the seed of nations on the Mediterranean rim. He sets up an image of him in the temple in
men; but they will not adhere to one an- himself is the unifying factor, which ap- Jerusalem—an image which speaks by
other, even as iron does not combine pears to have implications for his iden- satanic power—and demands that all
with potters” (v. 43). Thus, there is a tity. It is not unreasonable to speculate mankind worship Antichrist. This is
mixed population coming from the terri- that Antichrist will be an apostate Mus- what both Daniel and our Lord referred
tory of the former Roman Empire which lim (“he will show no regard for the gods to as “the abomination of desolation.”
is beset by internal disunity, and religion [or ‘god’] of his fathers,” Dan 11:37) who The Jews will not worship this idol, and
is a logical source of this tension. emerges out of the “seven heads” Islamic thus Antichrist initiates the most brutal
Excluding the Middle Eastern na- alliance. He “is himself also an eighth pogrom ever inflicted on them. When he
tions for the moment, the territory of the and is one of the seven” (Rev 17:11). We breaks his covenant, he appears to lose
Roman Empire includes southern do not know which one. The significant the support of much of the European
Europe (the United Kingdom, the Low Muslim population of Europe will per- contingent of his coalition, and so he
Countries, France, Portugal, Spain, Italy, suade these nations to participate in withdraws their authority (“they receive
the former Yugoslavia, Albania, Greece, supporting Antichrist. This coalition authority as kings with the beast for one
and a small slice of modern Russia between the nations of the former Ro- hour,” Rev 17:12). From this point on,
(around the Black Sea) and North Africa man Empire and those of the Middle Antichrist begins to experience unrest
(parts of Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, and East, apparently will not, however, be a and outright rebellion which marks the
Libya). It also includes the area occu- comfortable one. Its brittle nature beginning of the end of his treacherously
pied by modern Iraq. The North African indicates tension within the alliance, brutal, but short-lived, career. His
nations are today militantly Muslim, but tension which will erupt later in the downfall will be the subject of the final
the fascinating process now underway is rebellion of the King of the South (Egypt, part of this series.
the Islamization of these same southern Dan 11:40). This tension could very well ⎯ Pastor Ron Glass
European nations which once were part concern their relationship with Israel.
of the Roman Empire. In fact, the initial participation of
the European nations may be facilitated

August in Review
August has been a quiet month with a spot of tea at the church socials. Once training of Pastor Glass, God has blessed
many taking their summer vacations; again we thank you, Vic. the WRBC now with this young exposi-
college students returning to their stud- We can also thank Dr. Vic Bellard tory teacher who has clearly proven his
ies and two of our high school graduates for the unique biblical study answering ability to assist Pastor Glass in the minis-
starting college. Sariah Perez is staying questions regarding the origin of the try. Peter Albrecht will conclude his ex-
locally, studying Criminal Justice at Suf- universe including creation, “The Big position of Jude on September 12th.
folk County Community College in Sel- Bang,” the age of the earth, prehistoric Our music department continues to
den. Our second graduate, Katie Glass, man, evolution, intelligent design, and grow as the Perez girls teamed up with
will be studying Elementary Education at more. Dr. Bellard has devoted 40 years the Piraino girls on August 15th forming
Covenant College located at Lookout to studying creation science and is a vot- an orchestrated worship ensemble.
Mountain, Georgia. ing member of the Institute for Creation WRBC has become quite familiar with
It is time we give Research. Dr. Bellard has filled pulpits the talents of Shannon, Sarah, and Linea
Vic Bellard the title of all over Long Island speaking on both on the violin and piano. They are now
resident carpenter as creation and theological subjects. He accompanied by Sariah Perez on the flute
he has again crafted has been teaching these lessons at and Danielle Perez on the cello. How
another beautiful WRBC’s 9:45 am adult Sunday School
piece of furniture for and will conclude his study on Septem-
the WRBC. The first ber 12th.
two pieces of furniture⎯two tables with For the month of August, Peter
intricate designs⎯are in the vestibule of Albrecht preached at the 11 am service a
the church. The new addition, a maple series of expository sermons on the Epis-
and birch wood “Beverage Buffet” has tle of Jude, focusing the attention on the
found its home just outside of the warning for churches of the days just
kitchen in fellowship hall. You can find before the return of Jesus Christ. Peter
it where we all meet for a cup of coffee or has only been with the WRBC for less
than two years but under the leadership
continued on page 6
blessed the WRBC is with the growing hungry individuals. Many of the guests
musical base in the worship services. arrived with their specialty dishes offer-
ing a full buffet of scrumptious food –
some reflecting other regions of the US.
There was even a bit of entertainment
from the family dog, Shep, loving the
extra attention he received from the
guests. Shep was expert in finding
guests willing to play a game of catch, at
times taking Shep to the edge of the pool The church picnic was also a time to
to retrieve the ball out of the pool (a bit welcome extended family into the fellow-
out of reach) for a comical Kodak mo- ship of the church. One family on hand
ment. for the occasion was Jim and Janet
Back in March, Joe and Martie Best August 22nd was the traditional Perry’s son, Josh, and also their daugh-
contacted the WRBC as they began plan- WRBC Annual Church Picnic in a very ter, Shawna, with her husband, Charles,
ning a move to this area and were inter- untraditional way. A picnic, you think of and their two children, Jake and Luke.
ested in finding a solid Bible-believing picnic tables, BBQ grills, tents and um- For Jim and Janet, it was a time to show
church. Joe Best, a staff sergeant with brellas and the uninvited guests – the off their new infant grandson, Luke,
the U.S. Army, was being transferred to ants and flies. For WRBC it is more born July 2, 2010. For everyone at the
Long Island and a communication began about the fellowship and less of the in- WRBC, seeing their grandson, Jake, was
with WRBC. It was at this time WRBC terfering conflicts like the uncertainty of a reminder of how Jake has been on the
began to pray for Joe and Martie Best for whether it is going to rain or not. In- prayer list since the beginning of 2008.
a smooth transition from St. Louis, MO stead, after the morning service, every- The doctors knew before Jake was born
to NY and prayers continued throughout one gathered together in the Fellowship that one of his legs was growing longer
the summer. Now prayers have been Hall (while it rained outside for the first than the other. We have continued to
answered and the WRBC has welcomed time in weeks). A bit of sunshine in the pray for Jake as more news of his im-
Joe and Martie Best into the fellowship form of sunflowers in mason jars made pending surgeries is shared with us. The
of WRBC. great centerpieces adding to the “picnic” first surgery will be in the spring before
Within a few days’ time frame, an theme. Marcelle Ritzmann, Helen his 3rd birthday. His surgery will be fol-
impromptu get together was planned Bryan, Ruth Kerr, and Alice Teufel were lowed by eight weeks in a fixator, a
and successfully put together by Chris first in line for the heroes and side device that provides rigid immobilization
and Jackie Hallstrom in their home on dishes, many from the kitchens of church of a fractured bone by means of rods
Sunday, August 16th. The Hallstroms members. attached to pins that are placed in or
invited and opened their home to the through the bone. Keep him prayer as
entire congregation of the church for a we approach that date.
time of fellowshipping and a time to wel- We were glad to see Marcelle
come Joe and Martie Best into the Ritzmann back at her duties as a
church family. Chris Hallstrom kept the deaconess. She recently had gall bladder
food coming from the grill and Jackie surgery and has bounced back with
Hallstrom was the perfect hostess as amazing vitality.
their home filled with over two dozen

Taconic State Park Trip

Saturday, October 9th Nora Faustinorio was recognized

and congratulated on her achievement of
Meet at church: 6:45 AM becoming a United States Citizen. Sadly,
Depart: 7:00 AM it preludes her departure to the Philip-
pines as she joins her husband, Pastor
Enjoy the bus ride upstate, fall
Noel Faustinorio. It will be a joyous day
foliage, hiking to the Copake
for Pastor Noel and Nora, but a sad day
Falls, fellowship and dinner!
for the WRBC when she will leave some-
time in September.
⎯ Joan Tyska

September Bible Quiz Questions August Bible Quiz Answers
1) Who prayed, “For a thousand years in Your sight are like 1) False. Daniel was cast into the lion’s den
yesterday when it passes by, or as a watch in the night?” (Daniel 6:16).
2) What did King Solomon offer as a sacrifice at the dedication 2) False. Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego
of the temple he built for the Lord? (Daniel 1:7).
3) Which of the Ten Commandments, when disobeyed, become 3) The city of Timnath-serah in the hill country of
sins of omission? Ephraim (Joshua 19:49-50).
4) What new commandment did Jesus give to His disciples? 4) James, the half-brother of Jesus (James 1:22).
5) Which verses in the Bible declare it to be the inspired Word 5) Zedekiah (2 Kings 24:17).
of God?
Bonus: No (Acts 20:35).
Bonus: Which one of Jesus’ disciples had a twin brother?
(Note: the brother is not named in the Bible.)
― Felix Acerra
The Birthday Corner
Submit the answers and Bible reference to: September 2nd – Diane Pandolfini
The answers for this month’s quiz will be announced in September 8th – Lisa Coleman
the next newsletter! September 25th – Michael Heuzey
The Anniversary Corner
September 12th – Felix & Florence Acerra
September 18th – Bob & Debbie Bristoll

September 2010
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
1 8:00 AM Ladies Prayer 2 3 4
– Joan Tyska (727-5998)
7:00 PM Prayer Meeting

5 9:45 AM Sunday 6 7 8 8:00 AM 9 10 11 1:00 PM

School–Dr. Vic Bellard Ladies Prayer Senior Saints
11:00 AM Morning 7:00 PM Prayer Meeting
Worship Service

12 9:45 AM Sunday 13 14 15 8:00 AM 16 17 18

School–Dr. Vic Bellard Ladies Prayer
11:00 AM Morning 7:00 PM Prayer Meeting
Worship Service and Exposition of Psalms

19 9:45 AM Sunday 20 21 7:00 PM 22 8:00 AM 23 24 25

School – “God’s Word Missions Ladies Prayer 6:30 PM
and Everyday Ethics” Committee 7:00 PM Prayer Meeting AWANA
(Peter Albrecht) Meeting and Exposition of Psalms
11:00 AM Morning
Worship Service

26 9:45 AM Special 27 28 29 8:00 AM 30

Presentation from Ladies Prayer
WRBC Missionaries 7:00 PM Prayer Meeting
11:00 AM Morning and Exposition of Psalms
Worship Service

PO Box 438
Wading River, NY 11792

Wading River Baptist Church Our Purpose

1. To glorify God through sharing
the good news of salvation by God’s
sovereign grace through faith in His
Son, the Lord Jesus Christ.

2. To nurture believers through a

strong program of Christian educa-
tion, youth ministries, and expository
Biblical preaching.

3. To provide an opportunity for

Biblical worship, service, and fellow-

4. To extend our ministry through-

out America and around the world
• For the Exaltation of God in All Things through participation in home and
• For the Proclamation of Faith in Christ foreign missions.
• For the Transformation of God’s People WRBC is affiliated with the Conserva-
tive Baptist Association of America
and the Conservative Baptist Mission
to the Northeast.

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