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At the start of a child’s education the first lessons taught are the recognition of the individual scripts or
letters, ABC, to Z. We then teach the rules of joining, with simple examples i.e. CAT, BAT, RAT etc.
The student is then introduced to the ‘story’ concept, i.e. ‘The cat sat on the mat’. We then ask them to
produce similar stories from their imagination. This imagination, I believe acts as a doorway to the ‘un-
materialised existence’, which is accessed via the medium of creativity, therein exists all the knowledge
there is to know. All the knowledge of the Material-state, and all the knowledge of the Behavioural
States. We can think of this as ‘The knowledge Pool’.
After students are able to reproduce their journey through the ‘knowledge pool’ using literal scripts,
they are then introduced to the materialistic problems faced by the society. They are promised the
highest rewards if they can retrieve solutions to these problems from the ‘pool’. At this point the
students are called ‘researchers’ or ‘doctors’. The pinnacle of their ‘education’ so far, is their ability to
manipulate the visual scripts. We can now review some pertinent facts relating to this journey to the
knowledge pool.
The knowledge pool is as an enveloping parallel universe where the materialised matter in our
universe, the animal, vegetable and the mineral, exist and is recognised by our perception only in a
symbolic form. In the un-materialised existence are to be found the solutions to every problem which
will exist or has existed. In there is enough satisfaction to satisfy all. These solutions may be
unrecognisable and requires the creative self to form them into a comprehensible inspiration for the
imagination to interpret
It is a fact that symbols convey much more information than words, for example mathematical
equations, or The Crucifix, or again The Star1 of David. The amount of words required to convey the
same amount of information as these symbols would require many books. Secondly, Literalism is
related to the visual reality, it is tied to the material world and material concepts. Finally, a literal only
education, produces a literal view of reality, the symbolic is not taught, or recognised. I believe it is
reasonable to expect that the solutions we seek are to be found in the symbolic aspects of the pool.
Interpretation of the ‘inspirations obtained from the pool could be dependant on the mechanistic or
altruistic bias of the seekers mind. For the mechanistic mind solutions from the pool forms the basis of
more material inventions and constructions, consequently other aspects of our lives become threatened
by an increasing amount of devices. We should overstand in, ‘AWE’, that it is possible to continue
retrieving and creating mechanical devices from the pool forever! That is, until our planet is choked,
and we can survive no more. However the most important problems facing society cannot be
manufactured away. The Symbolic altruistic solutions are not apparent to mechanistic visualisation,
however by achieving the ability to recognise them, our range of search would be widened in a similar
degree as, a symbol is wider in information content than a word.
The summary is that, education should be a means to develop the Human consciousness, not only for
the creation of material objects.2 An education process which does not recognise the symbolic content

1 Star of David. Geometric visualisation from the Black Dot Principle.

2 In this cannibalistic culture the marketing of consumer cannibalism is seen as a triumph of political
of scripts produces students who will not be well prepared to recognise or interpret symbolic
information. As an illustration, in a recent discussion on the discovery of the molecular structure of
Benzene, the ‘discoverer’ emphasised the difficulty the science fraternity had in classifying a new
found chemical. After a dream in which he saw a ‘snake’ holding its tail in its mouth , he was inspired
to deliberate on the possibilities of a circular compound structure, using this inspiration he found the
solution, it turned out that he had discovered the first known ‘cyclic’ compound. We are not to know
how many times he had passed such / d –irect -tion / before recognising and accepting the symbolic
As parents we need to re-evaluate our ideas on education and on success. The desire to produce and
recognise only, manufacturers and inventors to solve human problems would soon make our world
uninhabitable filled with machines and devices, which is not the result we would expect or desire. Our
quality of life would become more endangered. Symbolism may provide alternative non materialistic
routes to solutions to human problems. It is well to repeat, that, our purpose is to produce children of
the world, but not as, the world.

and cultural achievement. Thus all lower members of the society are seen as commodities to be sold
and bartered, intellectually and industrially, who’s only input in the process of the ability to react.
Where a consumer may purchase a commodity and in the process becomes a commodity themselves, to
be sold on to a different consumer!

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