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The views in the previous chapter may be realised / illustrated / shown / by considering the ‘Light
Spectrum’. Most of us are familiar with the Glass Prism, which when white light is passed through it,
diffracts the light into its component parts. These seven parts, Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue,
Indigo and Violet e are each what we call a Light Spectra Therefore white light is a mixture of the
‘Spectra ’s. red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet lights; these combine to produce the
‘visible light region’. The visible light region, or Light Spectrum, is responsible for our ability to ‘see’
and ‘order’. It is dependent on the degree to which each of the other spectra’s are present.
To see it another way, we can ‘imagine’ that, as the amount of ‘materialisation’ of each Spectra
increases, the spectrum moves towards the ‘visible light region’, the only region in which Humans can
perceive existence and order.
The visible light region, the white light region, is where Humans are able to, perceive existence –
examine existence – theorise on existence – and create disorder.
In the infrared and Ultra Violet Spectra’s Humans cannot see! In these regions, we are unable to see
existence and order or to create disorder.
The infra red and ultra violet states of existence are as ordered as the white light state but they are out
of our physical perception, or un -materialised to our senses. Each of the un-materialised spectra ‘pre-
exist in its own ordered state, but cannot be perceived / seen / to exist by us! When these Spectra are at
a particular alignment they ‘materialise’ / create visible light which for us is the onset and the
beginning of their existence, the onset and beginning of our own existence. It should be seen that, for
us, mechanistic ‘order and disorder’ is only found in ‘materialised existence’, or the visible white light
region of existence. In the ‘Spectra’ or ‘un-materialised’ region we are unable to see / exist or
determine ‘order or disorder.
However we know from the diffraction and examination of the visible / materialised spectrum of the
universe, of the existence of each spectra in its own ‘ordered’ reality /state / un –materialised to our
existence. It should now be seen that order must exist before we exist, before we can create disorder.

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