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Critical Approaches to Discourse Analysis Across Disciplines 1 (1): 179-195

Pragmatic Issues in Discourse Analysis

Louis de Saussure
University of Neuchâtel

Starting from the problems raised by the notion of ‘discourse’ and its definition, this
paper takes issue with the views that consider discourse as an object of study
observable and describable as a ‘whole’ static structure, and which meaning is richer
than the sum of the meanings stemming from the individual utterances composing it.
The assumptions previously put forward by authors such as Chafe, who claimed that
discourse is better studied as a process unfolding through time, is taken seriously into
account. Within the ongoing discussion about the very notion of discourse, some
arguments are proposed to sustain the view that all the meaning produced by a given
discourse is in fact reducible to the meaning produced by the single utterances
composing it; in particular, implicit rhetorical relations are conceived as the result of
pragmatic inferences of the same nature as contextual hypotheses in general, and
therefore rhetorical relations are to be interpreted at the level of pragmatic meaning.
Keywords: Pragmatics, Meaning, Discourse analysis, Rhetorical relations

1. Introduction
Since Discourse analysis, as a field of study, is trivially concerned with discourse, it is
thus equivalently trivial that it is concerned with language, in particular with language
use, which is a common definition for pragmatics. In that sense, discourse analysis is
a subfield of pragmatics.
Pragmatics in general – and thus discourse analysis in particular – has to deal with
meaningful units: meaningless objects can not be studied as „conversations‟ or
„discourses‟. It follows that in order to understand the mechanisms of some discourse,
its rhetorical organization, its hidden semiotic properties, or the psychosocial
activities that take place and, as some say, are „shaped‟ by the interactive use of
language, one must take for input spans of meaningful utterances (or fragments of
utterances). Meaning is the issue addressed by semantics and by pragmatics in a
narrower sense. In this particular sense, pragmatics is the theory of meaning in context
(including implicit meaning), or, equivalently, the theory of human natural language
understanding in context.
One may however wonder whether the analysis of meaning is indeed required for the
study of discourse. After all, we are all competent speakers and as such, we are
capable of finding out intuitively about the meaning of linguistic stimuli; these
intuitions could then be enough to serve as inputs for discourse analysis proper.
The aim of this paper is to emphasize that it is certainly not so. Lacking a theory of
meaning entails lacking a theory of discourse; what one can do about discourses but
without an awareness of semantic issues is limited to intuitive opinions, with a high
risk of mistakes. This risk is particularly high when wondering whether this or that
constituent of meaning is provided by a speaker explicitly or implicitly, which is all
but trivial, since when the message is implicit, the speaker shows less commitment, or

Critical Approaches to Discourse Analysis Across Disciplines 1 (1): 179-195

even not at all, to the message, its interpretation being presented as if left to the
interpretive speculations of the hearer. When considering the various kinds of
entailments which are calculated by the hearer on the basis of an utterance, such as
implicit or indirect meanings (implicatures), speech act types (when necessary),
presuppositions and implications, this problem appears very clearly. In a recent paper,
Wodak (2007) shows how much discourse analysts gain when taking a closer look at
the ongoing research in semantics and pragmatics on this matter.
For it is untrue, although sometimes still believed by discourse analysts and scholars
in communication science, that linguistic analysis has little to offer to discourse
analysis and to communication studies. No doubt it used to be true, even not further
than 20 or 30 years ago. But the research on „discourse semantics‟ and „pragmatics‟
has dramatically developed in recent years, with a close eye to philosophy of language
and philosophy of mind, and to cognitive science.
In the following section, I will try to trace back the main epistemological attitudes
towards language use and discourse in pragmatics to their foundations, taking into
account that the sciences of language have always been at the crossroads of natural,
formal, and social sciences. I will then try to go into further details on the two main
views on language use, considering discourse „as wholes‟ and discourses as
„processes‟. I will argue for the latter and in section 3, I will turn back to the notion of
discourse and to the considerations I have just evoked above, before I give a few
arguments to sustain the view that discourse analysis should take into deeper
consideration semantic and pragmatic facts at the „micro‟ level.

2. Conflicting approaches: Wholes and processes

It is tempting, and I think, justified, to suggest that two different philosophical
attitudes are represented in the field of pragmatics. First, there is pragma-semantics,
or, for some trends, radical pragmatics, which is pursued by the inheritors of Paul
Grice and many scholars of the referential-logical tradition, with various degrees of
commitment to truth-conditionality. This approach is interested in the construction of
meaning by a hearer, through cognitive or formal (computational) models. Second,
there is the trend that views the production of speech acts as the primary concern of
pragmatics. This trend pays of course close attention to social determinations of
linguistic behaviour.
Roughly (since the subfields of „pragmatics‟ are in fact countless, representing a great
variety of orientations), the first trend focuses on the theory of human language
understanding, assuming a „bottom-up‟ view (where global – discursive – issues are
explainable by local semantic and pragmatic phenomena), while the second one
focuses on a theory of speaker‟s productions of utterances within structural patterns of
discourse and interaction, assuming a „top-down‟ view (where issues concerning
single utterances are explained by global discursive or social constraints).
I will take issue with the mutual exclusivity of these approaches. It is true that they are
generally incompatible as theories: top-down approaches are relying on the standard
methods of social science while bottom-up approaches adopt more generally an
epistemology with strict determinism (sometimes pointed out by its detractors as
„positivistic‟). But it is also true that a deterministic approach can provide the input
for a non-deterministic approach depending on the phenomenon tackled – heretic as
this may seem on the epistemological side at first glance. I will suggest that a bottom-
up explanation of pragmatic understanding is a necessary input for top-down models

Critical Approaches to Discourse Analysis Across Disciplines 1 (1): 179-195

of discourse. That is why I will follow Chafe, Sperber and Wilson, Carston, Recanati,
inter alia in arguing that discourse is better analysed not as a structured entity but as a
The very nature of the object we call discourse is a very disputed problem among
linguists and in particular among discourse analysts; another disputed issue concerns
the right way to scientifically investigate discourse. As for the definition of discourse,
we probably all agree at least on the idea that a discourse is an organized set of
utterances reflecting, or in relation with an organized set of thoughts (I will leave
aside here the old structural hypothesis of a strict language-thought equivalence).
Discourse analysis assumes in general that discourses bear properties of their own
(which are not the properties of single utterances). The consequence of this
assumption is a very common idea: a discourse is more than the sum of the utterances
composing it, an idea however not shared by radical pragmatics, or, better, which is
differently understood and approached in radical pragmatics. This assumption actually
depends on what one wishes to call „discourse‟: are we talking of explicit contents or
fully developed meanings starting from the literality of the considered discourse?
Among theories of discourse, the properties that discourse bears are strongly
associated with the notions of coherence, cohesion and (informational or hierarchical)
structure or any other concept related to internal organisation. However, it is now well
acknowledged that pure formal linguistic features of utterances in discourse
(„cohesion markers‟) do not suffice to establish coherence or to provide evidence for
such an internal organisation, so that it is necessary to include various contextual
devices, typically the recourse to discourse relations, or rhetoric relations (even not
verbalized), in order to see what the „deep‟ structure of the considered discourse looks
like. On the other hand, it is also clear that spans of text with all necessary cohesion
markers and clear rhetorical relations may well be incoherent according to a
commonsensical intuition of the notion of coherence (Reboul and Moeschler 1998).
As for structure, there is a large literature talking of discourse as an organisation of
arguments, speech acts or even actions bearing functional relations of various kinds
with each-other (van Eemeren and Grootendorst 1992, 2004; Mann and Thompson
1980; Lascarides and Asher 1993), as a coordinated negotiation in the sense of
Goffmanian praxeological sociology (Roulet et al. 2001) and as, more simply, a
structure in a syntax-like sense as old-style textlinguistik views it (Weinrich 1953). To
make the picture more complicated, ethnomethodological approaches to
conversational analysis brought together conversation as speech acts with action in
the sense of social psychology to address the structure of conversation as ritualized or
as bearing crucially social functions.
If discourse is a scientific object in itself, bearing specific structural properties, then a
given discourse has to be studied as a singular object (although complex). If on the
contrary discourse is nothing more than the dynamic modification of representations
achieved sequentially by the succession of single utterances, then a given discourse
needs to be studied as a process; in the latter case, the meaning of a discourse is
reducible to the meaning of the last utterance composing it, with regard to the initial
and final cognitive environments of the interlocutor(s). This view is held by a number
of scholars in radical pragmatics1 who, in the end, will simply refuse to take anything
like a „discourse‟ into consideration.
From a cognitive pragmatic standpoint, it is possible to hypothesize that there exists a
higher level of representation of information besides the structural and propositional

Critical Approaches to Discourse Analysis Across Disciplines 1 (1): 179-195

ones we attach to single utterances in context. These higher-level representations

would be „discursive representations‟, and would concern at the same time several
utterances bearing relationships, just as we can handle several organized thoughts
about a given topic. Pragmaticists deal with a finite set of representations: formal ones
(the logical syntactic form), propositional representations of explicit meaning
(typically Sperber and Wilson‟s propositional form or Grice‟s what is said etc.) that
correspond to saturated semantic representations, and representations of implicit
meanings (implicatures).
Are we now able to defend the idea that things like „discursive representations‟, which
happen only in organised sets of utterances, exist? And: how are we exactly to deal
with these complex representations? The answer to the first question at least seems
obvious: we are certainly capable of attributing to the speaker complex thoughts that
are only expressible with more than one utterance, thus discourses, that is,
combinations of propositions that allow for further inferences. This means that
pragmaticists in general agree that there are things that deserve to be called discourses
and which deserve scientific description.
Such a viewpoint is presupposed in a wide number of approaches from Antiquity to
Port-Royal Grammar and to contemporary theories of argumentation, not to mention
many approaches of language within social science, sociolinguistics, social
psychology of language, and of course, within literature studies and Critical Discourse
Analysis (CDA).
Yet I would like now to insist on a point that I see as crucial: the fact that discourses
do exist does not entail that the best explanation for discourses must consider anything
other than contextual single utterance interpretation. In other words, it is not clear a
priori whether we should speculate or not that there is anything at the level of
discourse interpretation that is not explained by utterance interpretation procedures.
This is the standpoint I am going to explore here, taking seriously the idea that
discourse is best explained as a process unfolding through time, following Chafe
(1987); an idea probably too radically expressed by Blakemore (2002: 150), who says
that „a theory of verbal communication must not be built upon the study of discourse‟.
In fact, we should be aware that the term discourse is itself confusing. It can mean
„sets of utterances‟, „texts‟, or in the post-modern view, „thoughts and ideologies‟.
What nowadays more and more people call „discourse‟ is taken as an equivalent of
„verbal communication‟, although the precise sense of „discourse‟ gets then unclear
with regard to the single-utterance vs. span of utterances dichotomy, as far as the unit
tackled is concerned.
Before I can enter in more detail into this problem of sketching out what discourse is
and how it can be tackled according to radical pragmatic views, I need to address a
few points of comparison between the two main kinds of approaches available on the
market about human communication with language. Let me call the approaches that
view discourses as finite spans of utterances Discourse approaches, that I will oppose
to Utterance approaches, which in turn aim at explaining the whole of verbal
communication by addressing the process of understanding single utterances in
First, a number of Discourse approaches anchor on speech-act theory and assume that
the key to a scientific understanding of discourse-structure and conversation resides in
social psychology, while most Utterance approaches focus on human individual
cognition, following Fodorian methodological solipsism and the epistemology of

Critical Approaches to Discourse Analysis Across Disciplines 1 (1): 179-195

naturalistic mechanism dear to both Bloomfield and Chomsky (each in their own
way), and aim at providing model-theoretic accounts, assuming that social
conventions can be reduced to elements of the (mutually) manifest cognitive
environment – although not consciously (cf. Saussure 2005a).
Second, some Discourse trends suggest that parts of discourse are distributed non-
sequentially; in other words, spans of discourse can attach to spans other than the
directly preceding one, through a particular rhetoric relation (typically in Mann and
Thompson‟s Rhetorical Structure Theory (RST), in Roulet‟s modular approach of
discourse, in Lascarides and Asher‟s Segmented Discourse Representation Theory
(SDRT)). On the contrary, Utterance trends will say that these are not relations
between spans of discourse but relations between the current utterance and parts of
the environment available, as representations, for contextualization. All this may be a
dispute of words, though, since what Utterance trends call „context‟ incorporates what
comes out from the understanding of preceding utterances, therefore of parts of the
preceding „discourse‟, and since Discourse trends have to take single utterance
meaning into account for anything „discursive‟ to emerge.
Furthermore, many Discourse approaches, such as CDA (van Dijk 1998; Fairclough
1999; Wodak 2007) and some other trends (Roulet et al. 2001), it is assumed that the
study of discourse is not only a scientific attempt at understanding discursive
phenomena. It is also an attempt at bringing awareness about some covert properties
of discourses that go unnoticed by ordinary hearers and which are potentially
manipulating their commitment to the speaker‟s ideas (there is here a similarity with
continental and other trends in philosophy that see discourse, language and speech as
means of power – or as being a form of power itself). On the other hand, Utterance
approaches have also showed that semantic and pragmatic features of the utterance
itself are a key to manipulative uses of language (see Allott 2005; Choi et al. 1997;
Saussure 2005b), however without commitment to the notion of „discourse‟ as a
structured whole, and without the generalization that discourse or language is always
in relation with power.
In that perspective, Discourse approaches are more like tools for the analyst rather
than explanation of natural language understanding procedures, although some
theories aim at bridging the gap between the two, following the pioneering work of
Searle when he, so to speak, made the Austin-Grice interface through the architecture
of illocutionary force applied to a propositional content in order to handle implicit
meaning (van Eemeren and Grootendorst‟s Pragma-dialectical approach is another
example of how Searle‟s early ideas can be exploited in a way that articulates natural
language understanding procedures with issues regarding utterances‟ interconnections
in a given conversation or discourse). The pursued outcome of a number of Discourse
approaches, notably within CDA, is that ordinary individuals should in the end
become analysts in a weaker sense. There is less of such ambition in most Utterance
approaches, although a number of works are now opening to similar objectives (Allott
2005; Blass 2005; Saussure 2005b).
In short, Discourse approaches tend to see discourse as having organisational
properties of its own and that there are rules that allow for the description of these
properties, while in Utterance approaches a discourse is simply a sequential
production of changes in the interlocutor‟s beliefs, discourse being, then, a by-product
of human communication, itself being basically the result of cognitive systems at

Critical Approaches to Discourse Analysis Across Disciplines 1 (1): 179-195

It has been proposed to a number of theories of discourse structures, in particular to

the RST (Mann and Thompson 1980), that their rules allow for the generation of
several equivalently plausible structures for a given discourse. In other words, there is,
within the theory, no way to say what the actual structure of a text span is. That
happened because not much was speculated within these theories about the fact that
the specificities of given interlocutors, their knowledge, etc., are generally taken into
account by a speaker in verbal communication in order to avoid many ambiguously
possible interpretations. Discourse approaches facing these problems fail to achieve
the explicative and predictive objective of deterministic theories that aim at (and
restrict themselves to) identifying clear relations of causes and consequences. Mann
and Thompson however did not use the word theory with this particular background;
in a recent paper, Taboda and Mann (in press) stress how RST is a descriptive tool
rather than a theory in the strongest sense, and the paper clarifies a number of issues
raised by their approach. However RST is typical of approaches that rely very much
on the analyst‟s own opinions and feelings about what role is assumed by which span
of text with respect to which other (justification, explanation, elaboration, etc.); but
intuitions about these functions are all but automatically generated, and therefore are
all but strongly reliable without solid semantic and pragmatic grounding.
It seems however difficult to deny that the approaches targeted by these critics
provide nonetheless highly valuable heuristic methods of investigation. They are
heuristic first for the analyst who uses them and who will end up with potential
findings, which must be further validated according to the methodology he considers
better. Second, they are heuristic for scholars outside the theory, since the data found
and the explanations suggested can be interpreted and evaluated within one‟s home
framework. Less trivial is the fact that there is also a higher level where an approach
can serve as a heuristic for other approaches of verbal communication: this is what
happens when the original approach can be exploited, fine-tuned, „translated‟, into the
format of an approach initially working with very different concepts and still using a
very different methodology. This is what happened when Lascarides and Asher
(1993) founded SDRT, a standard approach in formal semantics applied to discourse
(„dynamic semantics‟), merging strong assumptions from Kamp‟s Discourse
Representation Theory (DRT) (see for example Kamp and Reyle 1993) with,
precisely, the convincing intuitions from Mann and Thompson lying at the basis of
RST. That way, through SDRT, DRT become aware of discourse structures while
RST became aware of meaning computation and representation according to formal
However, it remains that most scholars in Discourse theories use non-deterministic
approaches and prefer to use informal heuristics rather than formal tools. For
example, in mainstream CDA, through a number of underlying methods established
on the basis of functionalism à la Halliday, the scholar looks for specific features (like
stereotypes, causal transitions, participants of eventualities, etc.) with regard to the
historical context of the considered text, and provides with some creativity an
argumentation about the ideology underlying the considered corpus. A possible reason
for preferring informal tools is that if we do not use a formal model, we are able to
focus on much more complex concerns, leaving aside the complex and time-
consuming details of consistent micro-analysis, which would be anyway provided
intuitively to a satisfactory level of reliability. Instead of worrying about pragmatic
accommodation of semantic forms, or about the semantic or pragmatic nature of
existential presupposition, we can have scope over complex networks of human

Critical Approaches to Discourse Analysis Across Disciplines 1 (1): 179-195

negotiation, and address, through observation of discourse, things like the underlying
set of assumptions of the considered discourse, its coherence, its structural effects on
social matters, dismantle the way a speaker organises his speech in order to influence
others, etc. On one hand, things like meaning need not, in such perspectives, be
technically explained since meaning is an obvious and given data to deal with. On the
other hand, it is no surprise that the conclusions obtained through Discourse
approaches are qualitatively more speculative than what is obtained through formal
models that do not accept an unidentified number of possible outputs for a given
input, and sometimes redundant with the ones we can get from semantic and
pragmatic analysis.
Most formal approaches admit (that is the case for DRT, SDRT and Ter Meulen‟s
Discourse Aspect Trees, (Ter Meulen 1995)) that they provide a model of discursive
reality and organization, and that they do not worry about the complexity of cognitive
This position is wise in the measure in which all model-theoretic positions can be: a
picture of reality is not reality but a picture; a road map has not the size of the actual
land it describes (otherwise it would be of no use) but a useful – although approximate
thus false – picture of that land. But this position also seems wise if we suppose, as
Saussure did in his third course of general linguistics, that we do not have access to
the „boxes of the mind‟ (Komatsu and Harris 1993:80)2. In this idea, cognition is a
black box and the best way to account for human natural information processing is to
build an ideal model of it, no matter whether we indeed use, for example, automatic
non-monotonic (default) logic, or another type of rationality (other approaches will
prefer to avoid, or correct, the model-theoretic bias through a focus on „external‟
observation in the line of behaviourism or through various types of non reductionist,
or less reductionist standpoints). As a matter of fact, formal theories of dynamic
natural language processing, in general, boil down to computational models of natural
language processing. It is no surprise then that the model gets validated by appropriate
coding for computer implementation. Yet such a way of modelling human
understanding looks like building airplanes in order to address how birds fly. In the
end, by doing so, we indeed end up with the ability to fly, while, the ornithologist,
should he speak about birds for ages, will not see wings appear on his back. But it is
still questionable that the airplane engineer knows anything at all about birds. And
here, that the computational modeller knows anything about actual human language
Yet the crucial question regarding model-theoretic is in fact the one of
appropriateness to reality. A good model of communication, or discourse, is not some
complex machinery which provides procedures for a computer (which is not the
human mind) but a plausible representation of specific aspects of cognitive processes,
i.e. procedures plausibly followed by a human mind given its cognitive properties. An
abundant literature on human reasoning within cognitive psychology – notably within
connectionist psycholinguistics – emphasizes the fact that human reasoning does not
share much with canonical „hard‟ logic (which is used in computational modelling)3.
It is particularly visible when thinking of logical fallacies and inconsistencies, on the
one hand, and the procedures that allow for a belief to be fixed in the mind, on the
other hand. A computational model has therefore little chance of being the picture of
human verbal communication-as-a-process that we are looking for, if taking into
account that research in experimental pragmatics and philosophy of mind converges
towards a non-computational rationality.

Critical Approaches to Discourse Analysis Across Disciplines 1 (1): 179-195

It is a widespread view in psycholinguistics that syntactic disambiguation is an early

process: we do not need to develop far parallel competing structures before we
actually start contextualization, reference assignment and other logical and
propositional form construction, at least as hypotheses. We do bet, at an early stage of
linguistic information processing, on a contextually relevant structure and on its
likelihood to be the one intended by the speaker. In Flying planes can be dangerous,
we try to assign straight away, „online‟, a value to the expressions, one after the other,
following the order in which they arrive to the pragmatic system; we do so with
regard to salient contextual information. In a context where it is clear that the topic of
conversation is about the possibility of making an aeroplane fly, we would get the
early assumption that Flying planes corresponds to making a plane fly and not to a
complex NP (planes that fly); on the contrary, if contextual features are about dangers
of aeroplanes, the early preferred structure will be about planes that fly. The
hypotheses that we form „online‟ about the actual structure of the linguistic string as
well as its meaning have two important pragmatic properties. First, they are pragmatic
in the sense that they are context-dependant. Second, they are pragmatic in the sense
that they have to do with rationality and beliefs: in particular, they are assumed with a
certain degree of plausibility. If that degree is too low, then the hearer waits for more
reliable information before he places a (new) bet. This happens when the hypothesis
can not be exploited when confronted with the hearer‟s previous beliefs in order to
make new relevant information emerge.
At a higher representational level, the literature rejects more and more the classical
idea that the separation between „what is said‟ and „what is implicated‟ entails a
timeline staging. In fact, it may well be the case that we start betting on implicatures
as soon as i) we have available information on the propositional content at the level of
explicatures, and ii) an implicit meaning is more obviously intended. Among scholars
who would pursue this line of thought, Gibbs (1989, 2002, 2003) needs to be
mentioned, as well as Carston (2002). The fact is however that we still lack a
comprehensive model in order to account for the actual procedure going on at this
level of semantic-pragmatic interfacing (or syntactic-pragmatic interfacing, for some
scholars, see Pollock 1997 and Kempson et al. 2000).
It is in fact far more likely that we hold early beliefs about the potential intended
contents, that these beliefs were awaiting further confirmation, and that such
confirmation can come up from the confrontation of the various levels of
representation at the same time. The „modules‟ dealing with explicit and implicit
information (or with different types of implicit meanings if considering unarticulated
constituents as implicatures (Bach 1994)), need to work „together‟, in parallel, under
the control of some other device. When all necessary representations (logical-
syntactic, semantic, pragmatic) make sense together, that is, conform or are congruent
with one another, then the hearer considers that the intended meaning is found –
provided there is some relevance in that meaning, that is, provided that the effort of
processing information was compensated by sufficient cognitive effect (such as new
information, changes in the presupposed assumptions, etc.). In Saussure (2005c), I
made this claim with regard to a particular case of implicit-explicit content
interdependency. This could be actually the key to another kind of coherence than the
fuzzy notion of that name we are accustomed to.
What is assumed in such a model is i) that we make interpretive bets, ii) that these
bets are about forms as well as about meanings, and iii) that they are automatically
compared together until they form a unit of „interpreted utterance‟ so that they can

Critical Approaches to Discourse Analysis Across Disciplines 1 (1): 179-195

join the contextual level (so that they can join memory). Plus: the inferences that we
make in order to enrich the underspecified semantic meaning to a full meaning
(including implicatures) are risky (we make early guesses based on more or less
reliable information, but we may fail).
Now, much is also controversial, of course, about the very nature of what deserves to
be called explicit meaning and about the operative criteria used to delimit this level of
representations, in particular because the ordinary case of conversation implies
sophisticated strategies of meaning reconstruction even in order to build up that part
of meaning usually called explicit, or what is said. Carston (2002), in line with
Relevance Theory, assumes that the explicit content is the part of meaning on which
the speaker overtly communicates his commitment. Carston (2002) and Recanati
(2002), following well-known examples from Perry (recalled in Perry 2000), have
suggested various processes of pragmatic enrichment at the level of explicit meaning
construction. For example, cases like Paracetamol is better (Carston 2002), with a
PRO- or elliptic syntactic component, or the usual It’s raining where „hidden‟
indexicals would be recovered through a necessary enrichment procedure (Recanati
2002, Carston 2002, although Recanati now finds it controversial4). The kind of
enrichment that goes on at the lexical level in the increasingly interesting domain of
„lexical pragmatics‟ (which addresses the conceptual specification of lexical items
depending on contextual features and collocations, such as in red apple as opposed to
pink grapefruit, or as open in open a door and open a restaurant), is also currently
much debated.
These various processes of enrichment, going on at the levels of syntactic-logical
form, explicit-propositional form and implicatures, also going on at the level of
phonological-prosodic recognition, do not develop arbitrarily: they are guided, so to
speak, by the wording itself, for example the choice of connectives (see Saussure
2007 for a short development on this).
All this entails that understanding is a procedure, that is, a kind of algorithm. At the
level of semantic and pragmatic ambiguity, Sperber and Wilson (1997) have already
convincingly argued that the mapping between the lexicon and the concepts repository
is not one-to-one but one-to-many, a lexical item being therefore underspecified with
regard to the actual conceptual meaning. Pragmatic meaning narrowing at the lexical
level entails that pragmatic accommodation is already necessary at the level of
propositional form (roughly: „what is said‟). This implies that the procedure of human
language understanding uses contextual information not only to generate assumptions
about implicatures (which is trivial), about the syntactic form as I suggested above,
but also about the level of explicit meaning.
Many aspects, of course, need to be taken into account in this global process: the
utterance can be ironical, metaphorical, etc. These aspects are built up through either
extra-processing effort or direct conceptual loosening. What is more important here is
that understanding corresponds to a metarepresentational process: we elaborate a
representation of the speaker‟s intended meaning, which is itself a representation;
some suggest there is a specific cognitive device dedicated to the task of intention and
mental states recovery, the mindreading module, that would be also at work during
natural language interpretation. This mindreading ability is directly linked to a
metarepresentational ability; I guess, in fact, that it will be in the end assumed that the
central notion is metarepresentational ability, not mindreading ability. But this takes

Critical Approaches to Discourse Analysis Across Disciplines 1 (1): 179-195

us too far away from our key issues. The next section takes us back to the notion of
discourse, discussed with regard to this global picture of pragmatics.

4. Back to discourse
I will now try to see what can be said of discourses within this perspective. Most of
all, the idea that a given discourse conveys „more than the utterances composing it‟
because of the possibly implicit „rhetorical relations‟ that hold between the considered
segments, must be addressed. This is a crucial issue to be resolved in order to see
whether cognitive pragmatics can address what scholars in discourse analysis usually
call discourse, or not. In other words: is there a possible interface between pragmatics
understood as the theory of human comprehension, and pragmatics understood as the
theory of discourse? The key point to be made with regard to this general question is
that discourse should not stand for an equivalent for communication despite the fact
that the term „discourse‟ is very often used informally as an equivalent of verbal
communication. Yet communication is about (generally intended) flows of
information while discourse is about ordered sets of phrases or utterances (or even
thoughts). It remains that discourse can be thought of in very different ways.
First, discourses can be thought of as formally autonomous objects of study, delimited
by macrostructural aspects considered from the outside, „externally‟ (a book, a
speech, a given conversation intuitively or materially identified as closed) and
belonging to a particular type (narrative, deliberative, commentative…). Discourses
can thus be addressed as autonomous objects „internally‟ determined: a discourse is a
span of utterances that obeys structural parameters, such as coherence / cohesion, or
has an autonomous semantic structure, with a homogeneous domain of reference,
within a particular type imposing formal features (it is a commonplace, for example,
to recall that many approaches would rigidly assume, for example, that temporal and
spatial indexicals are theoretically incompatible with fictious past narratives). A
discourse can also be seen as a set of organised representations held within a cultural
community, appearing in specific texts. This is assumed for instance for both
postmodernist continental approaches (Foucault or Bourdieu would assume something
like this) and „dialogism‟, the trend initiated by Bakhtin (see for example Bakhtin
1981), for whom any given text or conversation „polyphonically‟ evokes and echoes
dialectically other texts and conversations. I will not comment on these interesting but
barely operative intuitions here (on polyphony vs. metarepresentation, see Saussure to
Second, as discussed in this paper‟s introduction, discourses can be tackled as
meaningful units, where „meaningful‟ means their „corresponding to a speaker‟s
intention to pass on a given message‟ and therefore implies, for the interpreter,
speculations not only on the local meaning of individual sentences, but also on the
global meaning of some given span of speech or text; local and global meanings are in
fact local and global intentions to bring manifestness to particular assumptions held
by the speaker (for local and global intentions, see Reboul and Moeschler 1998).
Whatever the best definition of discourse may be in the end, the central issue in its
study is, in my view, the following: by studying the abstract structure of discourses,
their types, their internal organisation, will we better understand human
communication? Opinions regarding this point diverge, but it is easy to notice that
discourses, if they are not seen as a by-product of semantic and pragmatic
understanding procedures, are abstract objects, which have little relation to what

Critical Approaches to Discourse Analysis Across Disciplines 1 (1): 179-195

actually happens during the communicative action. Let me briefly elaborate on this
Looking at the relations that utterances bear with one another within a given span of
text or of conversation, it is commonplace to assume that the content of this span is
richer than the contents of the utterances it contains. This magical result, where the set
ends up being quantitatively more than its exhaustive parts, was and still is one of the
main arguments used to justify the need for a linguistics that escapes from the limits
imposed by the syntactic-semantic structures and finds out more about global
structures of meanings. It is sometimes believed that the contribution of linguistics to
discourse studies is to be found – if any at all – in the fact that linguists are well
equipped to address larger items than simple clauses, for example discourses obeying
rules of macrosyntax, whatever they are exactly. Certainly, discourses do bear
structures, since they are not elaborated randomly or arbitrarily. Now the question is:
what causes these structures to appear? Many scholars assume that the individuals are
engaged, when exposed to a discourse, in „discursive‟ mental operations of coherence-
tracking, of recovery of organisational properties, or identification of the discourse
type. In this line of thought, there would therefore be specific „discursive operations‟
taking place when interpreting more-than-one-utterance segments, which should entail
that the hearer / reader has something like „discursive competence‟, just like he/she
has a linguistic competence. This view is reflected by the idea sometimes put forward
that the „syntax‟ of discourses is broken when there is no verbalized connection
between two constituents; the fact that the interpreter is able to provide a connecting
information to fill this missing slot can then be taken as evidence for this „discursive‟
This global view entails a division of the interpretive tasks: the hearer, on one side,
interprets single utterances – or speech acts –, and on the other side, processes these
utterances and acts with regard to their discursive function, with some awareness of
what a discourse formally is. Although this makes sense intuitively, I want to stress
that as a matter of fact the hearer / reader can spontaneously form hypotheses
regarding the meaning of a discourse, but he/she does not naturally end-up with
hypotheses regarding the structure of the discourse. „Discursive structures‟ could
therefore be seen as an artefact elaborated by the analyst. But an alternative approach
is to say that discourse structures do actually exist, but that they are the result of
meaning construction, thus of interpretation, as I will now argue; only the meaning
level is easily accessible to a hearer/reader‟s consciousness, while the structure of
discourse appears only with cautious analysis. Recovery of discourse structures is not
a spontaneous and automatic cognitive operation; conversely, meaning recovery is.
This is why „utterance understanding‟ links back to the speaking subject‟s rather
reliable intuitions, while „discourse structures‟ or „rhetorical functions of text spans‟
does not, thus the several equivalently possible analyses provided by theories such as
RST or Roulet‟s „modular‟ approach (to take the example of a trend mostly known in
the French-speaking area). Nonetheless, studying discourse structures can be the key
to backtrack the main problem, that is, how meaningful information is recovered
through related utterances.
Yet I take it for granted that rhetorical relations, or discursive connections, which are
the cement of discourses, and which are the key to most utterance interpretations, are
not at all independent from the construction of the meaning of single utterances. In
fact, any discourse semanticist, any pragmaticist interested in utterance meaning,
would argue that these relations must be viewed as a result of pragmatic processing:

Critical Approaches to Discourse Analysis Across Disciplines 1 (1): 179-195

the hearer seeks to link the currently processed utterance to other representations in
order to make the most of it; these other representations come typically – but not
always – from the previously achieved processing of past utterances; they can be
previously verbalized representations, or representations that have to do with other
contextual assumptions. In other words, the linguistic context is just a part of a global
context; representations that arise from the linguistic context have however specific
properties as inferential premises since they were intended by the speaker while
contextual representations in a broader sense can be used as inferential premises only
more or less speculatively.
Connections are realized between representations coming from elements of the
current utterance and representations previously obtained from past utterances. It is
intuitively sound that these connections, usually called rhetorical relations, such as
justification, cause, result, explanation, elaboration or whatever it may be, are a type
of cognitive information, and as such there is no other way than to see them as
springing out from (pragmatic) cognitive processing. They are therefore achieved
bottom-up, they are not predictable from general rules of discourse organisation (but
they are of course constrained by unconsciously known conventions of conversation
and discourse, which is another matter). A text is, in this perspective, an empirical
document for these relations.
Therefore, current models of Gricean and post-Gricean pragmatics, as well as models
in dynamic semantics, simply do not need to ascribe discursive functions to
utterances: they would rather consider that these functions are about communication
as a dynamic process. Discourse structure studies, in the end, should boil down to full
utterance interpretation studies, since they are by-products of individual utterances‟
meaning attribution, which is always considered with regard to the context, which in
turn contains a number of salient previously verbalized propositions. This implies that
„coherence‟, as an intuitive notion, is in turn a by-product of interpretation: an
utterance U1 within a given discourse has the function of preparing the appropriate
contextualization of the next utterance U2; the function of U1 is to be easily combined
as a contextual premise with U2. It is simple to see that if a set of representations
coming from the previous utterances correspond to, say, (P & Q), and that the current
utterance U corresponds to a proposition presented as implied by (P & Q), (P & Q)
count as a contextual premise for the conclusion U; there is nothing here that can not
be explained through online utterance processing, including the argumentative
structure. Here, the full-fledged meaning M derived from U corresponds to something
like this:
M = U & [(P & Q) U]
which is a structure bearing not only the relevance of U with regard to the premises,
but also satisfies the intuition of coherence.
Again, this does not imply that there is nothing like discourse structures, nor that it
would be meaningless to study discourse structures according to the analysts‟
intuitions. Certainly, some pragmaticists would say, elaborating on Blakemore‟s claim
that communication should not be studied in relation to the notion of discourse, that
discourse structures are simply irrelevant. But this is far too abrupt. When considering
argumentation in particular, it is clear that only discourse structures can help us
understand the role of utterance sequence production with regard to things like belief-
acquisition / inculcation. Studying discourse as bearing structures of functional items
thus means tracing back to the cognitive operations that are driven by a typical

Critical Approaches to Discourse Analysis Across Disciplines 1 (1): 179-195

sequence of types of utterances. That way, discourse studies combine, or interface

potentially well with semantic-pragmatic analysis. And when it comes to
generalization, discourse structure studies are technically allowing for tracing back
possible interpretations, and therefore tracing back potential belief inculcation and
other changes of the cognitive environment of the hearer/reader (reason for which
many discourse approaches focus on discourses with a generic audience like media
and political discourses, with a concern on how discourses are produced, rather than
However, since communication is an ongoing „online‟ process, it is better explained
by a procedural modelling of information processing with regard to contextual
features. But whatever the ultimate solution to the problem of discourse meaning ends
up being, for semanticists and pragmaticists of the post-Gricean tradition, it is clear
that the meaning of a given discourse is equivalent to the meaning of the last utterance
of the considered discourse along with the consequently triggered changes in one‟
cognitive environment, that is, beliefs and mental states in general. This is expectable
from these approaches since they consider discourses as processes unfolding though
Communication, in this view, is a process of continuous hypotheses formation,
validation and refutation, with comparison to background assumptions and to other
contextual features, including previous discourse. I claimed earlier that this ongoing
process already takes place at all levels of logical form, propositional form and
implicatures. At this stage, it became important to evaluate whether things like
„discursive representations‟ were relevant or not for pragmatics. Assuming that all
these hypotheses are, in fact, hypotheses about the speaker‟s representations
(conscious or non conscious, actual or mistakenly speculated by the hearer/reader), in
particular about the speaker‟s intentions, it makes definite sense that pragmatics can
indeed worry about global intentionality, even if this is not clearly acknowledged in a
number of radical traditions of pragmatics.

4. Conclusions
A discourse is an ordered set of representations which are outputs of the interpretive
process: a set of representations corresponding to various intentions of the speaker.
What remains to be clearly explored within neo- and post-Gricean pragmatics is the
fact that discourses convey a series of hierarchized components. But this hierarchy
can not be adequately tackled through rhetorical relations, although they can help in
reconstructing it. The hierarchy of information conveyed by a discourse is the result
of a very pragmatic process, and finding out about this hierarchy is probably not the
work of linguists themselves but rather that of communication scientists and
psychologists, who help us see which information is extracted and considered as more
relevant by the hearers. In a recent study (Rubinelli et al. forthcoming) we discovered
with some surprise that a panel of people exposed to an advert for a medicine, when
afterwards asked about the key elements in the advert‟s text, tended to mention
elements that were only implicitly communicated, sometimes far remote from the
literality of the text. The hierarchy of information, in such a case, would have been
predicted by rhetorical relations very differently than what actually happens in
message reception; we assumed on the contrary that this hierarchy of information, or
salience of interpreted elements, was the result of a pragmatic cognitive process where
completely extra-discursive notions played a crucial role, such as beliefs about what is

Critical Approaches to Discourse Analysis Across Disciplines 1 (1): 179-195

importantly communicated by the writer and what is not, the hearer‟s own concerns,
If this is correct, then rather important consequences follow about discourse analysis
proper. Namely, taking into account recent research on the complex borderline
between explicitness and implicitness should definitely help discourse analysis to
enhance its capacity to provide substantial stories about the object – discourse – they
tackle. In particular, addressing these issues with a substantial awareness in the
research pursued in the field of pragmatics and cognition, I am sure, is the necessary
ground for the necessary turn in discourse studies (see also Chilton 2005 on this).
Until now, it made sense to wonder what kind of content, for example ideological, is
embedded in a given discourse. However, this made sense insofar as one had no idea
how information is actually processed, a problem upon which much relies as far as
belief change is concerned. Now that the research on pragmatic psycholinguistics is
undergoing a (notably technical) revolution (although it is still considerably
speculative, opposing materialistic attitudes to neo-behaviourism, opposing internal
and external models), cognitive processes of understanding and of belief acquisition
on the basis of discursive, linguistic, forms, can not be eluded.

Carston, personal communication; Blakemore (2002).
Saussure says in his „third course‟ : „About the boxes inside our mind, we can‟t explore them‟
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(1994), Trueswell and Tanenhaus (1994), Labelle (2001), Faust and Gernsbacher (1996) and the
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not model how the mind works, of course; they presuppose however the difference of actual human
processing with computer processing.
Personal communication, Nov. 2005. See Recanati (in progress), “It is raining somewhere”.

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