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_Loftus,_Paul (_L&D_R-LON) _ _
From : David Kelly [xsk45@dial .pipex com]
Sent: 17 July 2003 10 22
To : John Clark
Cc: ,~`!At3 QCGL-S,
Subject: PCs

John and Bryan,

I have compiled the information as best I can The list of journalists is the most difficult because some may
date before 2002 and some may have nothing to do with Iraq whatsoever' Attached is the information in



PQ Ref 4234N

IISS meeting was 12 to 10 September 2002

PQ Ref 4234N

I have records of meeting

Nick Rufford (Sunday Times) 14th March 2002 (discussing AI-Manaq

Alex Nicoll (Financial Times) 15th May 2002 (Iraqi WMD in general)

Philhp Sen (The Engineer) 3rd October 2002 (Inspection technology)

(Other than Andrew Gilligan I know that I have met Jane Corbin and Tom Mangold in the past year but
have not recorded those meetings in my diary )

Letter to Peter Watkins

CcrA I y. I CO-79

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