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In ICC10 with the setup we ran today:

Health: 31,752
Mana: 29,931
Spell Power: 3,778
MP5: 517
Crit Heal: 44.3% (586.3)
Spell Haste: 42.74% (879)

Total Mana Available (through all sources during fight): 116,276

Burst Healing Sequence: Riptide + Healing Wave

Sustained Healing Sequence: Riptide + Chain Heal
Mana Available per Second: 388
Mana Used per Second: 432

Global Cooldown: 1.05s (167 til Haste Cap)

Healing Wave: 1.75s(normal cast speed) / 1.23s (Tidal Wave speed)
Lesser Healing Wave: 1.05s
Chain Heal: 1.75s

Helm: Frost Witch's Headpiece: Arcanum of Burning Mysteries; Revitalizing Skyflare Diamond & Runed
Cardinal Ruby
Neck: Reckless Ametrine
Shoulders: Greater Inscription of the Storm; Runed Cardinal Ruby
Cloak: Springy Arachnoweave; Runed Cardinal Ruby
Chest: Powerful Stats; Runed Cardinal Ruby x2
Bracers: Superior Spellpower; Reckless Ametrine
MH: Mighty Spellpower; Reckless Ametrine
OH: Greater Intellect
Gloves: Hyperspeed Accelerators (340 Haste every Minute); Reckless Ametrine
Belt: Runed Cardinal Ruby x2
Legs: Sapphire Spellthread; Runed Cardinal Ruby and Reckless Ametrine
Boots: Nitro Boosts; Reckless Ametrine x2
Ring 1: Nothing
Ring 2: Reckless Ametrine
Trinket 1: Talisman of Resurgence
Trinket 2: Egg of the Mortal Essence (40 Emblems of Heroism)

Belt Options: Windchill Binding (28 EoC), Sash of Ancient Power (4 Spellweave, 4 Ebonweave, 6 Runed

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