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March - April 2010

Welcome to the WLPS Bulletin. A bi-monthly

round up of all that is happening in the

Greater Horn of Africa, plus national and

international news and events, in relation to

women, peace and security.

Photo courtesy of Walter Astrada

Horn of Africa News - 1- 2 Spotlight: One woman’s Journey Click: Sites of Interest - 11

Regional News - 2 to Dadaab - 6 - 7 Look Who’s Talking: Online

International News - 3 The World is Calling - 8 forums - 12

Features - 3 In Focus: Stuart Price - Notable Publications - 13

Views - 4 - 5 Photojournalist 9 - 10 About the Project - 14

This E-Bulletin is a collaborative work between the Institute of Security Studies, Club de Madrid and Isis Women’s International Cross Cultural Exchange

The Women Leadership for Peace and Security in the Greater Horn of Africa project is supported by the governments of Germany,
Norway, Belgium and Iceland and the Hunt Alternatives Fund
Horn of Africa News
Sudan SUDAN:  "Very  complicated"  
elections  -­  the  view  from  Warrap
Sudan:- Umma opposition
Darfur's  election  dilemma ReportId=88542
party gives Bashir ultimatum
h"p:// AU sends election monitors
Darfur  IDPs  alienated  from   to Sudan led by former
Sudan  government  and  JEM  
elections  process  -­  group Ghanaian president
trade  accusation  over  stalled peace  talks h"p://>cle34620


JEM  slams  Sudan  Darfur  peace  

Somali  refugees  told  to  leave  
accord  ultimatum
Mogadishu  airport

Mogadishu  residents  told  to  

leave  Somali  capital
Sudan's  Omar  al-­Bashir  
'will  expel  poll  observers'
8581993.stm Behind  Somalia's  Islamist  
Voters  in  Sudan’s  
upcoming  elections
uncertain  over  existence  
of  names

"The most urgent thing is to go through the elections which will take place after
26 years. They need to be democratic, free and fair and inclusive. But there is
another urgent matter: the resolution of conflicts in Darfur. Some progress has
been made with the agreement on the cease-fire. It's important to move to the
next stage which is to negotiate everything else, to produce a global political
agreement. The referendum will take place in January next year. If the people
vote for independence, how should these 2 Sudans handle their relations? If they
vote for unity, how should the relations between the North and the South be
designed? There are many questions like this. Sudan is very important for the
future of Africa." Thabo Mbeki on Sudan’s upcoming elections
Ethiopia  'silencing  its  critics'  
before  election
Somali  army,  AU  force  must
spare  civilians  in  [ighting  -­  
60725/2010/02/25-­‐174737-­‐1.htm President  Al-­Bashir  Returns  
Home  after  a  Visit  to  Eritrea
Ethiopian  political  parties  heat   Bashir_Returns_Home_after_a_Visit_to_Eritrea.shtml
up  election  Campaigning

Regional News
Nigeria  women  protest  at  Jos  killings

Nigeria  Islamic  court  'bans  Twitter  feed'

DR  Congo  needs  new  strategy,  says  UN  chief

NATO airlifts African Union troops into

Women protest in Abuja carrying
pictures of dead children

African Union Urged to Engage with women

on Peace and Security

International News
Secretary Clinton Addresses EC: Women and Men in Spain pushes for Europe
Spain-Africa Women for a decision-making - 2020 gender equality goal
Better World Conference Highlights langId=en&catId=89&newsId=739&furthe spain-pushes-gender-equality-goal-
2010/03/27/secretary-clinton- rNews=yes europe-2020-news-392096

Suburban  dad  leaves  Burnsville  to  
govern  in  Somalia
In  Pictures:  Portraits  of  Darfur

Q&A:  Sudan  elections

Counting  the  cost  of  Uganda’s
“Rape is used as a weapon of war.
Tens of thousands of women and girls
have been subjected to extreme sexual

violence since the crisis began. Yet

holding the perpetrators accountable is

almost non-existent .”

Photo journalist Stuart Price documents

the effects of the war in Darfur in the

BBC feature: Portraits of Darfur.

Women’s Leadership for Peace and Security in the Greater Horn of Africa 3
International Crisis Group Observation missions from the European Union,
the African Union and the Carter Center may
Sudan’s Rigged Elections help prevent the most flagrant electoral fraud
and ballot stuffing, but much of the rigging has
Nairobi/Brussels, 30 March 2010: The Khartoum already occurred. Furthermore, observers will
government is rigging the 11-13 April elections only assess the quality of the elections. They
in Darfur to return an indicted president and his cannot be expected to make broader
party to power with catastrophic consequences recommendations. President Omar al-Bashir,
for Sudan. who is under indictment by the International
Criminal Court for multiple atrocity crimes in the
Even as opposition parties threaten a last- Darfur conflict, and the NCP will almost certainly
minute boycott,   Elections in Darfur and the win the presidential and legislative polls, but it
Consequences of a Probable NCP Victory in will be up to governments and
Sudan   ,* the latest policy briefing from the intergovernmental organisations to act to limit
International Crisis Group, examines how the the damage.
National Congress Party (NCP) has manipulated
the 2008 census, drafted the election laws in its In addition to making it clear that the victors
favour, gerrymandered electoral districts, co- lack a genuinely democratic mandate, they must
opted traditional leaders and bought tribal push for the Darfur peace talks to resume
loyalties. It has done this everywhere in Sudan, immediately after the elections and insist that
but most dramatically in Darfur, where it has any Darfur peace deal provide for a new census,
greater freedom and means to carry out its voter registration and national voting. The AU,
strategy because of the ongoing conflict. UN, regional Intergovernmental Authority on
Winning big in Darfur is central to the NCP’s Development (IGAD) and other key international
plan to capture enough votes in the North to supporters of the Comprehensive Peace
ensure its continued national dominance. Agreement that ended the generation-long
North-South civil war in 2005 should press the
“The legal environment for free and fair Khartoum government and the Government of
elections does not exist”, says Fouad Hikmat, Southern Sudan to agree on the critical steps
Crisis Group’s Sudan Special Adviser. “The needed to assure a peaceful self-determination
international community should acknowledge referendum in the South in January 2011 and to
that whoever wins will lack legitimacy”. provide for stability in both North and South in
the afte rmath of that referendum.
The flawed results of the 2008 census were
used to draw electoral districts, apportion “Since the April vote will impose illegitimate
legislative seats and organise the voter officials through rigged polls, Darfuris will be
registration in ways that favour the NCP. Census left with little or no hope of a peaceful change in
takers worked hard to count the party’s the status quo”, warns EJ Hogendoorn, Crisis
supporters in Darfur. Newcomers from Chad and Group’s Horn of Africa Project Director. “Instead
Niger were reportedly issued identity papers so many will look to rebel groups to fight and win
they can vote as Sudanese citizens. Most of the back their lost rights and lands”.
estimated 2.6 million internally displaced
persons (IDPs) living in camps, as well as h"p://
individuals from groups hostile to the NCP living
in “insecure” neighbourhoods of cities and the
population of rebel-controlled areas, were not
counted. 4
non-Arab and non-Muslim southern part.
Sudan’s Historical However, a confluence of interests among
April 2010 Elections previously warring individuals and groups is
feeding confidence that the elections will be a
success. A key building block was last February’s
Marcel R.D. Chirwa, Senior Research Fellow, preliminary peace treaty between the
Head of   Africa Peace Support Trainers` government and the Justice and Equality
Association, APSTA Secretariat , ISS Addis Movement (JEM), Darfur`s largest armed group.
Ababa Government officials signed the deal with the
Liberation and Justice Movement (LJM), an
Free and fair elections should ideally only take
umbrella group of small factions in Qatar, weeks
place when there is a stable security
after Khartoum inked a now faltering accord with
environment. Many fear that the upcoming
Darfur`s powerful insurgent JEM.
elections in Sudan, from 11 to 13 April, would
lead to unrestrained competition and increase The prospects of stability in Sudan are related to
conflict in the country. Worries that the 2009 the prospects of change. If Sudan is encouraged
International Criminal Court indictment of by the African Union (AU) to change in ways that
President Omar al Bashir on charges relating to promote grater cooperation through the
Darfur would undermine the comprehensive adoption of harmonized and coordination of
peace agreement (CPA) and the election policies in a context of reduced challenges to the
schedule, and further destabilize the country, elections with greater protection of all the
have so far proven to be unfounded. Sudanese people without discrimination, there
are good prospects for stability.....
President Bashir, though politically weakened in
the eyes of some observers, has used the
indictment to rally national political forces to his
This is an excerpt from the Institute of
cause while simultaneously dismissing the
Security Studies ISS Today dated March 31st
charges as ill-founded and hypocritical. As
2010. For the full text please visit:
Simon Tisdall of the Guardian in the United
Kingdom wrote: “it’s a remarkable prospect, and
one that has been largely overlooked by a
western world accustomed to criticizing, not
celebrating Africa. Barring a last-minute
disaster, the people of Sudan will go to the polls
next month to elect a president, a national
legislature, regional governors, and the
leadership of the semi-autonomous south. The
elections are a way-marker on a long,
incomplete journey”. The military option failed,
on both sides.
Throughout its independent history, Sudan has
been characterized by multiple levels of conflict
and by tensions between the mostly Arab and 5
Islamic northern part of the country, and the
Somalia: Dusty and Disoriented - One Woman’s Journey to Dadaab
One minute Halimo Mohamed, 40, was at home with 5 March: "Finally, we decided to walk to Luq, some
her children, the next she was on the move, fleeing 90km away.”
violence in Somalia's capital, after her Karan
neighbourhood, in north Mogadishu, was hit by a 6 March: "After walking for most of the day, we got
barrage of shells, killing dozens and destroying homes, lucky and were picked up by a truck heading to Luq. We
including hers. spent the night there. We were very tired, hungry and
thirsty; the townspeople gave us water and we bought
After dodging militia, struggling to find food and some food. My Muufo had run out by then.”
sometimes being forced to walk, she and three of her five
children finally arrived on 17 March at Dadaab, a refugee 7 March: “We left for Bulo Hawo and arrived the same
camp in northern Kenya. day; we were very excited, thinking that our ordeal was
over and we would soon cross the border to Kenya.”
1 March: "On 27 February I was at home with my family
in Karan when a number of shells hit the area; a lot of 8 March: "We headed for the border town of Mandera
houses, including mine, were hit. Many people were but we were denied entry. They told us we had to go to
killed; others were injured. We ran in different directions. Liboi; some of us cried when we found out that Liboi was
I managed to get hold of my younger children but my as far away as Mogadishu, some 600km away.”
oldest daughter, who is 18, is still missing. I don’t know
what happened to her. My 14-year-old son is also missing 9-11 March: "As we had no choice, we decided to stay a
but I think he was taken by the militias. They had taken while in Bulo Hawo to rest and to find someone willing
him before but I got him back; now I fear I will never see to take us to Dobley [the closest Somali town to Liboi].”
him again.

"We and some neighbours rented a truck to take us to the

Kenyan border. I only managed to flee with a little
money, Muufo [Somali bread] and water; this is all I had
for my children and myself.” 2 March: "We made it to a
small town near Baidao [240km southwest of Mogadishu]
where we stayed because the driver was afraid to drive
through militia checkpoints at night. It seemed there was
a checkpoint everywhere.”

3-4 March: "The following morning, we left for Bardale,

200km away. Although we reached Bardale that night, we
had to wait there for two days because the truck had
broken down. We waited for it to be fixed, but this was in
Photo: Contributor/IRIN
vain. My children were eating the Muufo and water. They Halimo Mohammed
did not complain because they were hungry and would
eat anything.”

Women’s Leadership for Peace and Security in the Greater Horn of Africa
Dusty and Disoriented - One Woman’s Journey to Dadaab: Continued

12 March: "We left Bulo Hawo in a truck that was going a truck coming our way. We stood in the middle of the road
to Dobley.” and the driver had to stop. He picked us up and took us to
Dobley for free; we spent the night there.”
13 March: "We spent the night in El-Waq in Somalia; by
16 March: "We then began our move towards Liboi, some
this time, the money I had could only buy us one meal a
18km south. By then, we were exhausted, afraid and
day. Sometimes we asked the people in villages we
totally disoriented. We had no idea where we were. It is
stopped at to let us buy food and we cooked it as this was
not a trip I want to do again and I wouldn't recommend
cheaper than buying ready-made food. Most of my
anyone to make the trip I made; every time they [militias]
companions were also running out of everything, so we
stopped us at a checkpoint, you didn't know what to
tried to support each other.”
expect, and they could do anything to you.”

14 March: "We left El-Waq for Dobley but the truck broke
17 March: "Finally we were in Liboi! We went to
down 160km from Dobley. We had to walk again, but this
UNHCR [the UN Refugee Agency] and got registered as
time there were no villagers to help us.”
refugees but we aren’t settled yet; I am staying with
another family. At least now I am not afraid that someone
15 March: "We walked for more than a day before we saw
will kill me or my children, that is all I have and I am
grateful for it.

"I will pray for my son and daughter and will call relatives
back in Mogadishu to look for them, but I know it is
impossible to look for anyone now in Mogadishu."

This article appears as featured on the IRIN Humanitarian

News and Analysis website:

Photo: IRIN

Women’s Leadership for Peace and Security in the Greater Horn of Africa
The World is Calling
2010 ECOSOC High Level Segment Open Call For
Oral And Written Statements
The NGO Branch of the United Nations Department of Economic and
Social Affairs is pleased to announce an open call for oral and written
statements for the 2010 ECOSOC High Level Segment (HLS) for NGOs
in ECOSOC consultative status. The HLS will include sessions on the
Annual Ministerial Review (AMR) and the Development Cooperation
Forum (DCF).

The theme for the AMR segment this year will focus on "Implementing
the Internationally Agreed Goals and Commitments in regard to Useful sites for
Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women", while the theme
for the DCF will be "Development Cooperation in Times of Crises: New Fundraising:
Commitments to Reach the MDGs". The HLS will be held in July 2010
at United Nations Headquarters in New York.
Funds for NGO’s
For the full call please visit:

Institute for Inclusive Security: Training of Trainers -

Call for Applications
Inclusive Security is currently accepting applications for admission to a
Training of Trainers workshop in Nairobi, Kenya from May 30-June 6,
2010. The cutting edge ToT program will expose participants to
Inclusive Security: A Curriculum for Women Waging Peace, a unique
teaching tool that draws on more than a decade of original research,
advocacy, and training by staff and accomplished women peace
builders from around the world. The curriculum’s eight highly
interactive modules aim to foster strong coalitions, enhance problem
solving, bolster confidence, and most significantly, result in a concrete
agenda for advancing women’s leadership in peace and security. Over
the week-long workshop, participants will become experts in Inclusive
Security’s integrated skills and content methodology and be able to
adapt the curriculum for use in a variety of settings.

We are seeking participants from Sudan, DRC, Uganda, Rwanda,

Kenya, and Burundi.
Note: Applications have now closed for this session

Women’s Leadership for Peace and Security in the Greater Horn of Africa 8
IN FOCUS: Stuart Price
Stuart Price: Photojournalist
Having travelled extensively throughout Africa visiting all
but a handful of countries south of the Sahara, Stuart
qualified from the University of Westminster in London with
a BA Honours degree in print journalism and documentary
photography in 2004. After 18 months working on the
editorial team of a London-based African current affairs
magazine, he relocated to the Ugandan capital Kampala
at the end of 2005 to work as a photographer and
freelance journalist for a number of international media
organisations, realising an ambition crafted during the
many months he spent travelling and understanding a
continent as rich and diverse as Africa.

After two years working as contributing photographer for

Agence France-Presse (AFP) news agency in the Great
Lakes Region covering political elections and conflict in
Uganda, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Rwanda and
Southern Sudan, Stuart was recruited by Albany
Associates as a photographer and media consultant, as
part of a specialist media advisory team supporting the
African Union Mission in the Sudan’s (AMIS) public
information office.

As the peacekeeping operation’s only photographer he

spent over a year almost exclusively on the ground in
Darfur embedded with the peacekeepers documenting the
final six months of AMIS before its transition to the current
joint United Nations-African Union Mission in Darfur
(UNAMID) and the first seven months of its deployment
and operations.

In March 2008, a selection of his images were exhibited at

the United Nations Headquarters in New York as part of
celebrations marking 60 years of UN peacekeeping
“Through his images, Stuart communicated the pride and commitment of
operations around the world.
the African Union peace operation in Darfur, the devastation and beauty
of the landscape and the diversity and character of the people of the
region. His contribution to the African Union and to the people of Darfur
has been significant.”

Susan Manuel, Chief of Peace and Security Section, Department of

Public Information, United Nations, New York

Women’s Leadership for Peace and Security in the Greater Horn of Africa 9
IN FOCUS: Stuart Price

“ ...The images attempt to impart a human face to

consequences of Darfur’s conflict; the peoples, the children,
the women who have suffered immensely , a repercussion of
the indifference of war; the peacekeepers struggling to
identify a peace to keep and the rebel movements, their
leaders, their young fighters. All of them, faces of a conflict.”

Stuart Price on Darfur

“In 2006 when these images were taken in the month leading
up to Congo’s first presidential elections in over four decades,
persistent fighting between the newly formed Congolese Army,
militias and remnants of the rebel groups which toppled
Mobutu's reign in 1997, continued to displace people in their
tens of thousands. The small town of Geti, 60km south-east of
Bunia, the administrative capital of Ituri District in north east
Congo, had recently been retaken from militia forces by the
Congolese Army. Yet the town's population quickly swelled to
almost 50,000 people who were fleeing fighting in other parts
of Ituri. With the support of MONUC forces the Congolese
Army were engaged in operations to return order to the
provinces of Ituri, North and South Kivu and Katanga ahead of
the elections. It proved a difficult task”

Stuart Price on the Congo

View Stuart Price’s galleries on Darfur, Congo, Uganda and

Somalia at

All photos copyright of Stuart Price

Women’s Leadership for Peace and Security in the Greater Horn of Africa 10
CLICK: Sites of Interest

UN Peacemaker is an online mediation support tool AU Monitor is a site established by Fahamu to

for international peacemaking professionals and   an establish African CSO’s to engage constructively
extensive databank of   modern peace agreements. with the African Union (AU) and its organs in the
Publicly   launched in October 2006, it is part of the
interest of promoting justice, equity and
overall effort of the United Nations’ Department of
Political Affairs (DPA) to provide advice and support to accountability through the provision of high -
the UN Secretary-General and his Representatives in quality and timely information.
their efforts to resolve international disputes and
internal conflicts. 
The site intends to meet the information requirements
of peacemakers with   content including   Peace
Agreements, Peace Agreement Summaries,Selected
Literature on various substantive peacemaking issues,
an extensive   Legal Library   containing the legal
framework that guides the UN’s efforts in peacemaking,
as well as links to Research Centres and other useful
In addition, the site offers easy access to peacemaking
knowledge by providing   Lessons, Case Briefs,
Operational Guidance Notes, Knowledge
Essays   and   Comments   on peace agreements and on
the management of peace processes. The lessons,
guidance and comments have been derived from the
United Nations' extensive experience in peacemaking.

Please register and sign in to access content.

Women’s Leadership for Peace and Security in the Greater Horn of Africa 11
Look Who’s Talking: Online Forums

BBC Forum iKnow Politics: Election Talk

The topic of the BBC’s news forum this week is iKnow Politics invites individuals and other
“Do African Elections Need Foreign Monitors?” organizations from Sudan working in the area
of promoting women in politics to share their
Foreign election monitors in Sudan have views, agenda for the political parties and
suggested that next month's elections be campaigns on iKnow Politics.

The discussion will begin on April 11th at 00:00

They cite on-going instability in South Sudan
and the refugee crisis in Darfur as well as GMT.
multiple preparation and logistical challenges
on the ground.  Participate at:

But President Omar al Bashir has accused them

of interfering in internal affairs and threatened
to "cut off their fingers" and expel them.

Do African elections need international

observers? Do observers really make any
difference in elections? Should Sudan listen to
the observers? Send us your views. 

Join the debate at:


Women’s Leadership for Peace and Security in the Greater Horn of Africa 12
Notable Publications

Please follow the hyperlinks to access publications

Decisions constituency boundaries in SOMALIA: No End in Sight:

and Deadlines Sudan’s 2010 elections The Ongoing Suffering of
A Critical Year for Sudan -
Somalia’s Civilians
A Chatham House Report %20Report%20on%20elections%20in%20Sudan.pdf
Weaknesses of IGAD
Ethiopia and Eritrea: Allergic
mediation in Sudan peace
to Persuasion
Elections in Sudan: process
Learning from Experience
%20-%20Learning%20from%20Experience.pdf Lost Opportunities
in the Horn of Africa
Against the Gathering Storm How Conflicts Connect and
Local Peace Processes in Securing Sudan’s Peace Agreements Unravel
Sudan: A baseline Study Comprehensive
Peace Agreement

A Chatham House Report
Why Peace Agreements don’t
end civil wars
Electoral Designs %20Storm%20by%20Eddie%20Thomas.pdf
Proportionality, civilwar.html

representation, and

The African Centre for the Constructive Resolution of Disputes’ (ACCORD) website contains a number of
reports, journals and papers which can be downloaded for free. Please explore their site at:

Notable report titles include:

Protracted conflict, elusive peace Initiatives to end Choosing to engage: armed groups and peace
the violence in northern Uganda: Issue 11 (2002)  processes: Issue 16 (2005) 

Somali peace processes: Issue 21 (2010)  Owning the process: public participation in
peacemaking: Issue 13 (2002)
Peace by piece: addressing Sudan's conflicts: Issue
18 (2006) 
Women Peace and Security in Context About the project: Calling on high-level political
expertise to provide knowledge
The Women Leadership for Peace
Important progress has been and capacity-building and
made in terms of the number of and Security in the Greater Horn strategic leadership advice, the
women elected and appointed to of Africa project, in collaboration project will strengthen women’s
with the Club De Madrid, Isis
office around the world. However, leadership for peace and
women continue to face Women International Cross dialogue and, in the medium-
Cultural Exchange (Isis WICCE)
significant structural term, empower women to
disadvantages in politics and and Institute of Security Studies improve human rights and
decision-making worldwide. (ISS), seeks to maximise the security in the Horn of Africa.
participation and contribution of
Nowhere is the void of women’s women in national and regional The specific objectives of the
peace and security decision- project are to:
representation more noticeable
and unacceptable than in matters making and political dialogue in
the Greater Horn of Africa. (1) Learn security fluency:
of peace and security. The reason
building women’s knowledge
is simple: while women continue Within the respective frameworks of and capacity to address
to experience the full impact of
of UN Security Council peace and security issues.
violent conflict as civilians and Resolutions 1325 and 1820
combatants and too often as (2) Secure a seat at the decision-
calling, respectively, for women’s
targets of extreme forms of making table: advancing
equal participation in decisions
violence – they are still generally women’s participation in and
concerning peace and war, and
excluded from the decision- influence on security policy
for the prevention of the
making processes that ignite and practice.
systematic use of sexual violence
wars and put an end to
in conflicts as a tactic of warfare,
hostilities. The projects scope covers
the project works directly with
Djibouti, Eritrea, Somalia, Sudan
women leaders and women’s
and Uganda and specifically
groups in the region to promote targets 40 Women Leaders from
interaction and dialogue with
the region, as well as top
national and regional decision- leadership at the country level,
making structures and
current presidents, prime
mechanisms for impact on policy
ministers and parliamentarians.
formation, government spending
and security sector reform.

Women’s Leadership for Peace and Security in the Greater Horn of Africa 14
For Bulletin Content
Women Leadership for Peace and Security in the Greater Horn of Africa

Einas Mansour

If  you   have  any  news,  reports,  videos,  photos,  features,  upcoming  or  past  events  that  you  would  like  to  share  with  the  G40  then  
please  submit  to:  

This  bulle>n   is  a  produc>on  of  the  Women  Leadership  for  Peace  and  Security  in  the  Greater   Horn  of  Africa  project.  It  is  meant  
for  informa>ve  purposes;  the  views  expressed  within  are  not  those  of  the  G40  or  project  partners.  

Photo Credits:
BBC News
Project Partner Sites:
Club De Madrid
Front Page: Walter Astrada
Sudan Tribune
Pg 1: BBC News / AFP
Pg 2: BBC News
Pambazuka News Pg. 3: Stuart Price
Institute of Security Studies
IRIN Pg 6 & 7: IRIN
Pg 9 & 11: Stuart Price
iKnow Politics
Bartamaha News Pg 7: Stuart Price

Back Page: Walter Astrada

Useful Sites:

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