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Encyclopedia of Life Webquest

Compiled by Mrs. Marsha O’Hare, Clarksville High School

Open a new window in the web browser of your choice (IE, Safari, Firefox, etc.)
Answer all numbered questions on this webquest on your own sheet of paper.
(A half sheet should be fine – Save a tree!  )
Type in the following web address:

What is the EOL? Click on the green “Using the Site” menu tab at the top of the
page. Select the “Video Tour” option. Watch both videos available on this page.
(“Navigation” video AND “Species Pages” video)
1. What is the EOL?

Under the green “Feedback” tab at the top of the page, click on the “EOL Blog”
link. Find the October 2008 post, titled “Halloween Biodiversity of the week!”
2. According to the post, what are the two creepiest animals ever?
3. Find one other blog post that interests you. Give the date, title, and a
brief summary of the posting.

Click “EOL Home” at the top of the page. Select the “About EOL” tab at the top
of the page, and choose the “Exemplars” option. Click on the link for the page
about the Green Anole.
4. What is the Latin, or scientific, name of the Green Anole?
5. What is the Distribution (Geographic Range) of the Green Anole?

Type “White Tailed Deer” into the organism search box (button says “find”) at the
top of the page. Click on the link for Odocoileus virginianus (Zimmerman, 1780).
(Don’t use the link for the Columbian White Tailed Deer.) Look at the
Classification box on the right side of the screen. (Remember KPCOFGS!)
6. Which Kingdom does the White Tailed Deer belong to?
7. Which Class does the White Tailed Deer belong to?
8. Which Family does the White Tailed Deer belong to?

Click on the green “Press Room” tab at the top of the screen, and select “Articles
Archive.” Click on the link titled “Public asked to help monitor life on Earth,” by
Alliser Doyle. Read the Reuters article that you are redirected to.
9. The EOL is based at which Washington landmark institution?
10. How could the EOL potentially help to track the effects of global

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