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A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.

Meaning: be satisfied with what you already

have rather than scheme how you
can get more of something.

Birds of a feather flock together.

Meaning: those with the same interests tend to
stick together.

Cheapest is dearest.
Meaning: some items may save you money
because they are cheap, but their
quality may be poor, and this may cost
you a lot of money in repairs and
getting replacements later.

Don’t count your chickens before they are hatched.

Done by: Mrs. ayu

Meaning: do not be too confident of success
before you have begun to carry out
your plans.

Easier said than done.

Meaning: a task that is more difficult to do
than it seems.

First come, first served.

Meaning: the first in line will be attended to

Great minds think alike.

Meaning: clever people tend to come up with
similar solutions.
Honesty is the best policy.
Meaning: always tell the truth.

It’s never too late to mend.

Done by: Mrs. ayu
Meaning: it is never too late for anyone to
change into a better person and to
correct past mistakes.

Knowledge is power.
Meaning: the more you learn the greater
influence you have over others.

Look before you leap.

Meaning: don’t act in haste, look into the
facts, and check the details.

Many hands make a light work.

Meaning: sharing a burden makes it lighter.

No pain, no gain.
Meaning: you must be ready to make sacrifices
to get what you want badly.

Done by: Mrs. ayu

Once bitten, twice shy.
Meaning: a bad experience will cause you to be
careful in future.

Practice makes perfects.

Meaning: if you practice at something, you will
eventually be good at it.

Rome wasn’t built in a day.

Meaning: it takes a long time to complete a
major, complicated task well.

Speech is silver, silence is golden.

Meaning: conversation is good but there are
times when it’s better to be quiet.

Time and tide wait for no man.

Done by: Mrs. ayu

Meaning: time does not stop for anyone, so do
not waste it.

Unity is strength.
Meaning: unity brings strength to a team.

Variety is the spice of life.

Meaning: doing many different things, meeting
different people, is what makes life

Walls have ears, shoes have tongue.

Meaning: be careful what you say and who you
speak to.

You can’t shoe a running horse.

Done by: Mrs. ayu

Meaning: if you want help, or if you in a
trouble, you will need to stop and ask
for help.

Done by: Mrs. ayu

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