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Uang Muka means uang panjar, persekot in Indonesia dictionary and in Oxford Advance

Learners Dictionary means money paid for work before it has been done or money paid

earlier than expected.

2. Kurang ajar means tidak tahu sopan santun, means how dare he is used to show that

you are angry about something that somebody has done.

3. Mengulurkan tangan means memberi bantuan atau pertolongan, means held out their

hands is help in doing something.

4. Naik pitam means marah sekali, means losing his temper is to fail/manage to control

your anger.

5. Biang keladi means orang yang menjadi pemimpin suatu tindakan kejahatan, means the

brains is the most intelligent person in a particular group.

6. Bunga bibir means kata kata yang manis, sesuatu yang selalu di percakapkan orang,

means a pretense is the act of behaving in a particular way, in order to make other

people believe something that is not true.

7. Mata keranjang means sangat gemar akan perempuan, means womanizer is a man who

has sexual relationship with many different women.

8. Sarang macan means tempat yang berbahaya (banyak penjahat atau musuh), means a

deserted tigers is of a place with no people in it.

9. Berhati baja means tidak mudah menyerah, teguh hati, means iron hearted man is to

love somebody/something.

10. Bersikeras hati means tidak lekas menyerah, terus berusaha sekuatnya, tidak mau

mundur, menuruti kemauan sendiri, menekad. Means determined is having a definite

decision to do something and not letting anyone prevent you.

11. Air muka means rupa muka, wajah. Means tearless is free from tears.
12. Otak encer means is cerdas, pandai, mudah mengerti. Means sharp mind is your ability

to think and reason, your intelligence, the particular way that somebody thinks.

13. Sakit keras means is sakit parah, penyakitnya amat sangat. Means seriously ill is suffering

from an illness or disease, not feeling well.

14. Putus arang means is putus sama sekali, sehingga tidak bisa di perbaiki lagi (tentang

persahabatan dsb), means would break is to end a connection with something or a

relatioinship with somebody.

15. Omong kosong means is perkataan yang tidak benar, bohong. Means was not working is

having a job which you are paid

16. Buta huruf means is tidak dapat membaca dan menulis, means illiterate is not knowing

how to read or write.

17. Hari depan means is masa yang akan datang, means my future is the time that will come

after the present or the events that will happen then.

18. Kelinci percobaan means orang yang dijadikan percobaan (untuk mengetes keampuhan

obat, dsb.), means guinea pig is a person used in medical other experimenets

19. Bertukar pikiran means berdiskusi, berubah keyakinan (pendapat, pandangan.) gila,

means exchange thought is a person’s mind and all the ideas that they have in it when

they are thinking.

20. Pandangan luas means banyak pengetahuannya, selalu mempertimbangkan dari

pelbagai segi akan suatu masalah, means know a lot is a person who behaves as if they

know everything.

21. Jalan pikiran means cara berpikir, means according to is as stated or reported by

22. Berhutang budi means mendapat kebaikan yang wajib di balas, means debt is to feel

grateful to somebody for their help, kind behaviour, etc.

23. Rendah hati means tidak sombong, tidak menonjolkan kehebatan diri, ikhlas. Means

humble is not large or special in any way.

24. Angkat bicara means mulai berbicara (berpidato), means speak is to use your voice to

say something.

25. Gulung tikar means bangkrut, terhenti usaha dagang karena kehabisan modal, means

bankrupt is without enogh money to pay what you owe.

26. Bermuka dua means tidak jujur, tidak satu pendirian. Meaning two-faced is not sincere,

not acting in a way that supports what you say that you believe, saying different things

to different people about a particular subject.

27. Mercu suar means kemegahan, kedahsyatan, kehebatan, means a beacon is a light that

is placed somewhere to guide vehicles and warn them of danger

28. Hati bersih means jujur, berniat baik (tidak ada niat yang curang, dsb), means a pure

heart is having the type of character or personality mentioned

29. Angkat kaki means pergi, lari, means move out is to leave your old home.

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