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It requires a degree of interpersonal skills
which involves a person's ability to form
HEALTH satisfying relationships with others.
People skills mean being able to perform
They are team well even with others who possess varied
players. characteristics. They can blend and still be
It also relates to the ability to adapt
SOCIAL comfortably to different social situations
HEALTH and act appropriately in a variety of
They can
accept that No one is created similar with anybody.
individuals are Even identical twins are totally different
unique in from each other.
many aspects.
They can get
along well with They provide an individual not only with
family basic needs but love and security.
They can meet Individuals who have developed people
and mingle skills have the ability to socialize and
effortlessly with related with others. They are not
others. withdrawn, never are social isolates.
It is reiterated by Erik Erikson is a result of
an individual's relationship with the
PERSONALITY significant others as he goes along
performing his everyday tasks.
They have at
Healthy people skills mean having some
least one or two
kind of this that whom can vent his
intimate emotions whether positive or negative.
They 'comply before they complain'. They
They are
find solutions to resolve problems and not
proactive. delve on finding faults or blaming others.
People skills means getting rid of one's
They are gender
prejudice and stereotypes or even bigoted
sensitive. views.
They are Interpersonal skills require ready
proactive. acceptance of tasks at hand.
It involves facial expressions, gestures and
body language that requires the use of
The channel multiple senses that allows the
transmission of the message.
The party, who initiates, encodes the
The sender message and transmits it.
It involves either qualitative or
The message quantitative thoughts that may create a
mental picture on the part of the receiver.
He stated that social health directly
Merki (2002) connotes relatedness with other people.
It is avenue that allows the passage of
The channel information.
This displays the how the receiver have
perceived and interpreted the insight of
The feedback the sender whether it is positive or
It possesses characteristics decodes the
message. Her experiences will affect as
The receiver well her assessment of the message being
It involves facial expressions, gestures and
body language that requires the use of
The channel multiple senses that allows the
transmission of the message.
The message this is the insight or idea that is being sent.
this is the way or method by which a
The channel message is sent from the sender to the
This refers to the response of the receiver
The feedback to the message of the sender.
the party who accepts the message from
The receiver the sender.
Physical this includes the noise that is found in the
Barriers external environment.
Psychological this refers to the sender and the receiver
Barriers as well.
The state of mind of these two parties
from their end affects the accuracy of the
Barriers message being delivered.
Defensiveness It is triggered by the intimidations, control
of the receiver and manipulation by the sender.
Motivational such that they only listen to what they
Distortion from want to hear Information that contradicts
the receiver’s an individual's views often produces
end emotional distress.
Self- They cut people when they start
preoccupation discussing about themselves.
They tend to arouse negative perception
from the other end as they are so 'self-
serving'; they take much of the
preoccupation conversation time and they tend to
alienate others.
Self- The receiver of the message feels ignored
preoccupation and offended.
Effective communication requires that an
individual knows how to initiate
conversations. Some can be done in
It pays to be
several ways like asking about the
articulate weather; asking about the circumstances
of the other person; even saying 'hi' or
There is a need to speak what we mean.
Deficiency in words prevents one from
vocabulary expressing his exact insights.
One has to give and take ideas.
Communication is a two-way process.
Never monopolize the conversation.
Learn to Listen Never delve on your favorite topic 'Me,
Myself and ľ'. An individual with this
attitude will end up either doing a
monologue or talking with himself alone.
Do not try to get your ideas across in a
Be patient hurry. Take time to speak your mind.
Tactfulness and Listen to opinions as everyone is entitled
openness to their point of view.
One has to introduce himself when
attempting to initiate a conversation. The
same goes when leaving a conversation, it
Respect and
has to be done very politely like stating " I
courtesy need to be going, nice meeting you, I
enjoyed talking to you, hope to see you
When articulating your ideas so that
Choose your message will be delivered efficiently. It is
words evident that words are symbols that can
have a double meaning.
Thorndike in his "Laws of Learning' was
definite when he stated that there is a
need to practice to perfect what we
Law of Exercise engage in. Being a good conversationalist
is not a skill that we can learn and master
Develop proper Do not mumble so the listener can hear
the message with 100% accuracy. Very
modulation of high pitched voice or an over amplified
voice voice can hurt the ears.
Most people hear someone speak and
Develop active start to form a response in their mind
listening skills before the person finishes what they're
It is a key people skill that comes directly
from learning, listening to others and
Develop Good observing the world around you. It allows
judgment one to wisely select friends and associates,
determine reactions and responses, and
make sound decisions.
Develop ability One should learn to sell others his ideas,
products or services. There is a need to
to persuade form a strong, convincing argument that
others others cannot be able to resist.
Develop These are beneficial with both internal and
external discussions. It is highly beneficial
negotiation when it's time to pitch a new idea or sway
skills coworkers to one's own way of thinking.
Develop the To create trust and respect in others,
people need to know that their point of
ability to keep view and feedback will be considered and
an open mind used.
Everyone enjoys laughing. It is a great
Develop a great diffuser of tension and conflict. Laughter
sense of humor allows lightheartedness in the workplace
more air time during meetings.
Be Able to
Knowing what, how, and when to say
Know the things to others is critical.
It’s essential in building trust among
colleagues. Once it is lost it's very difficult
to regain it. People want to work with
Be honest those that they know they can trust and it
is the foundation of any relationship,
particularly in business.
It makes up the majority of how we
Awareness of communicate with others. We are
body language communicating with people all the time
even when we're not speaking.
Using 'please' and 'thank you' goes a long
Good manners way in the realm of people skills.
According to Dwight D. Eisenhower, a
famous general in the Second World War,
Leadership it is the “the art of getting someone else
to do something you want done because
he wants to do it”.
According to him, leadership is the “the
Dwight D. art of getting someone else to do
Eisenhower something you want done because he
wants to do it”.
Napoleon “A leader is a dealer of hope”.
George W. Bush
“Leadership means duty, honor, country. It
means character, and it means listening
from time to time”
“I must follow the people. Am I not their
Adolf Hitler
“To be a leader means to be able to move
Jesse Jackson “Time is neutral, and does not change
things. With courage and initiative,
leaders change things”
Ho Chi Minh
“To use people is like using wood. A skilled
worker can make use of all kinds of wood,
whether it is big, or small, straight or
Roosevelt “The best executive is the one who has the
sense enough to pick good men to do
what he wants done, and self-restraint
enough to keep from meddling with them
while they do it”
“If you want something said, ask a man; if
you want something done, ask a woman”
Harry Truman
“A leader is a man who has the ability to
get other people to do what they don’t
want to do, and like it”
Lao Tzu
“A leader is best when people barely know
that he exists, not so good when people
acclaim him, worst when they despise
It is a model that becomes highly efficient
as it transforms people in the organization
Leadership to achieve the group goal.
MacGregor Burns Who proposed the insight of
transformational leadership and then
whom it was developed.
Bernard Bass

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