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2010 School Climate Triage Survey

Schools are welcome to use this free student survey for educational and school improvement purposes. Please
invite your middle and/or high school students to complete this survey. Use your results to take the pulse of
school climate in your school and learn what you need to do to make your school a safer, more respectful place for
student engagement and learning.

Circle the number for each item that best represents your experience in your school.

1) I feel safe and free from bullying and harassment at this school.
1 2 3 4 5
No, I almost never I seldom feel safe I feel safe about I feel pretty safe at Yes, I definitely
feel safe at school at school. I half of the time, school and I am feel safe. I am not
because I am frequently get the other times I rarely bullied. I bullied at school
always getting bullied or I often don’t. I see a fair also rarely see it and I don’t see it
bullied, or I see it see it happening to amount of happen to others. happen to others.
happen to others. others. bullying.

2) The principal or other administrators at this school take quick action when they find out that a
student is bullying or being cruel to another student.
1 2 3 4 5
No, nobody does Administrators They do an OK I think Yes, they do a
anything to stop a rarely do anything job stopping kids administrators do great job. I see
student from to stop kids from from bullying and reasonably well them take quick
picking on other being cruel to being cruel. stopping kids from and effective
students. others. bullying each action to deal with
other. bullying

3) When principals or other administrators take action to stop bullying and harassment, it really
1 2 3 4 5
No, nothing they What they do Sometimes the I think the things Yes, definitely,
do works. It hardly ever makes things they do can they do are usually when they take
doesn’t stop much of a help stop some pretty effective. action to stop
bullying at all. difference. kids from bulling it really
bullying. helps.

4) There is a person in school who I can go to for help, if I feel unsafe for any reason at school.
1 2 3 4 5
There is definitely I might be able to I guess I could talk There is a teacher I Yes, I definitely
not one adult I feel talk to someone with one or two could go to and I know of a teacher
comfortable going but I’m not sure people here if I wouldn’t hesitate or several teachers
to in this school. who I would go to. needed to. to do so if I I would be
needed it. comfortable
talking with here.

SafeMeasures™ School Climate Triage Survey, © W.K. Preble, 2010

5) I would be willing to step up and help if I saw a student getting picked on or harassed at school.
1 2 3 4 5
No way. I would I doubt it. I I might go up to Probably. I know a Yes, I definitely
not have a clue wouldn’t know the kid afterwards few things I could would try to stop it
what to do and what to do. and see if he or she do to try to help and stand up for
would not get is OK. the victim. the victim.
6) My teachers give me choices and let me learn about things that I am interested in or curious
1 2 3 4 5
My teachers never One or two of my Some of my Quite a few of my
Yes, I definitely
give us choices or teachers do this teachers let us teachers try to
feel that my
let us work on once in a while. choose what we connect with my
teachers know my
stuff we like. learn about or they interests and give
interests and I get
do things we are us choices in class.
to make lots of
interested in. choices about what
I learn in school.
7) At my school, I have opportunities to learn by going out into the community and working on
projects that help make our community a better place.
1 2 3 4 5
We never leave We sometimes go One or two of my
I have had several Yes, we have
the classroom. outside or do little teachers have let
chances to do many chances to
projects but not as us do this kind of
community-based work together in
a group. learning in the real
or service learning the community to
world. projects related to solve real
school. problems.
8) My teachers know my strengths, weaknesses, and interests and treat me with respect.
1 2 3 4 5
I’d honestly say Only one of my A couple of my I’d say most of my Yes, nearly all of
that none of my teachers knows me
teachers have teachers know my my teachers know
teachers really pretty well and gotten to know me strengths and me well and treat
know me or treat treats me with pretty well and weaknesses and me very
me with respect. respect. they treat me treat me with respectfully.
respectfully. respect.
9) I have good friends at this school who treat me with respect.
1 2 3 4 5
No, I have hardly Not really, I have I am treated pretty I have lots of Yes, I definitely
any friends at this a few friends that I well by most friends here and I have many good
school who treat get along with students at this get treated with friends here and
me with respect. here but most school. respect by most we all treat one
students could care students. another with
less about me. respect.
10) Cyberbullying, or student cruelty or harassment using Facebook, Twitter, e-mails, or other
technology-based platforms is something that I have experienced in the last year.
1 2 3 4 5
I have been treated I have had quite a I have had a few I have not really No, I have never
very badly by few problems with problems but I had any big had a problem with
other students over internet-based have tried some problems with cyberbullying of
the internet and cruelty and I am things that have this. any kind.
don’t know what not sure what to do made things better
to do about it. about it. recently
For more information about the full SafeMeasures™ surveys for students, teachers, and parents, elementary surveys, or focus group
and interview protocols contact us at

SafeMeasures™ School Climate Triage Survey, © W.K. Preble, 2010

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