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Computer Architecture and Assembly Language

Spring 2008

Homework 1 (Chapters 1 and 2)

[Turn in HW1 at the beginning of class, Friday, February 15, 2008, at 12pm,
SEC 117]

[Write legibly, explain your assumptions, and always make sure to reason
your answers. Also, remember to write your name!!]


Question 1: Explain the difference between a “Computer” and a “Calculator”.

Question 2: Why did programmers need to know the Assembly Language 20 years ago?
Why do we study the Assembly Language today?

Question 3: Convert the following machine code instructions in assembly language (if
possible). Also, describe the format of the instruction (if legal) and what it does exactly.

1) 00000010011101010100100000100000
2) 10001101010010010000010010110000
3) 00000000000000000000000000000000
4) 00000000000100010101100110000000
5) 00001000000000000000000001100100

Question 4: Is there a “direct addressing” mode in MIPS? Explain what it does, if it

exists, or why it cannot exist, if it does not. Moreover, among the other addressing
modes, describe the one that is closer to the “direct addressing”.

Question 5: Would it be easier extending the MIPS-32 architecture, which uses 32 32-bit
registers, into an architecture using 32 64-bit registers or one using 64 32-bit registers?
Explain clearly your motivations through examples.

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