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The term Bosnian pyramids has been used for a cluster of natural geological formations

sometimes known as flatirons[1] near the Bosnia and Herzegovina town of Visoko, northwest
of Sarajevo, including Visočica hill (located at 43°58′40″N 18°10′38″E), which became the
focus of international attention in October 2005 following a news-media campaign promoting
the false idea that they are human-made and the largest ancient pyramids on Earth.

Scientific investigations of the site show that there is no pyramid there.[2][3][4] Additionally,
scientists have criticised the Bosnian authorities for supporting the pyramid claim saying,
"This scheme is a cruel hoax on an unsuspecting public and has no place in the world of
genuine science."[5]

The 213 metre Visočica hill, upon which the Old town of Visoki was once sited, is roughly
pyramid-shaped. The idea that it constitutes an ancient artificial edifice was publicised by
Bosnian author and metalworker Semir Osmanagić who currently is based in Houston, Texas,
United States. His subsequent excavations at the site have uncovered what he claims to be a
paved entrance plateau and tunnels, as well as stone blocks and ancient mortar which he has
suggested once covered the structure. Osmanagić has claimed that the dig involved an
international team of archaeologists from Australia, Austria, Ireland, Scotland and Slovenia.[6]
However, many archaeologists he named have stated they had not agreed to participate and
were never at the site.[7] The dig began in April 2006, and has involved reshaping the hill to
make it look like a Mayan step pyramid.[1]

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