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Zara Hinckley

2nd p.

Vocabulary List A

Homage- Noun; something that shows respect or attests to the worth or

influence of another.

Sally- Noun; To rush out or leap forth suddenly.

Demur- Noun; Objection, delay.

Acquiescence- Noun; Passive assent or agreement without protest.

Reproach- Noun; an expression of rebuke or disapproval.

Prudence- Noun; the exercise of good judgment, common sense, and even
caution, especially in the conduct of practical matters.

Approbation- Noun; An expression of warm approval, praise.

Vicissitude- Noun; One of the sudden or unexpected changes or shifts often

encountered in one's life, activities, or surroundings.

Epithet- Noun; An abusive or contemptuous word or phrase.

Pugnacious- Adjective; Combative in nature, belligerent.

Redress- Transitive Verb; To set right; remedy or rectify.

Abeyance- Noun; The condition of being temporarily set aside.

Appellation- Noun; an identifying name or title.

Pedantic- Adjective; Characterized by a narrow, often ostentatious concern

for book learning and formal rules.

Credence- Noun; Claim to acceptance; trustworthiness.

Derogatory- Adjective; Disparaging; belittling.

Alacrity- Noun; Cheerful willingness; eagerness.

Wizened- Adjective; shriveled, wrinkled, or dried up.

Dubious- Adjective; Fraught with uncertainty or doubt.

Sagacious- Adjective; having or showing keen perception or discernment

and sound judgment, foresight.

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