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Mountains of Problems

And when he had sent the multitudes away, he went up into a mountain apart to
pray: and when the evening was come, he was alone. Matthew 14:24

Problems! Problems! Problems! Everywhere we turn, we find problems. At

work, mountainous tasks stress us. At home, children squabble, pushing us to the
limits; our parents provoke intense arguments. Our budgeting skills do not work on
our finances and we could hardly make both ends meet. Calamities or tragedies top
the news in our country. Cap it with political and economic instability, the dwindling
peso value against the almighty dollar, sending prices of even the most basic
commodity to the hit. Violence, murder, sex, corruption and death as shown in TV
programs worry our minds with the dangers of present existence.

We are tapped. Where do we turn to? There are among us who turn to food
for escape, adding obesity and its heart threatening risks to their problems. Some
turn to drugs, others to alcohol. Still, others go haywire, ending up in nervous
breakdown. In addition, sad of all, others end all their problems by committing

Maybe we are not counted in the foregoing tragic ends. However, are we free
from problems? The perils of stress, heart attack, or stroke respect no man. But no
one in this world has been subjected to problems and persecutions, for that matter,
than Jesus had been. In the wilderness (Matthew 4:1-16), Jesus was enticed
physically, mentally, and emotionally, but He came out victorious! He was powerful
over the temptation. Then after the weary day of healing the sick, feeding the
crowd, and beheading (Matthew 14:13-21), Jesus retreated alone to the
mountainside to pray (verse 23).

All throughout Jesus’ life and ministry, the scriptures and prayer proved to be
His most powerful weapons. Retreating alone to the mountainside to pray was His
habit. His strength came from prayer. Next time we are pressed by mountains of
problems, petty or trivial they may be, let us retreat to the mountainside –solitary
place to be alone with God in prayer.

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