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Thinning of ozone layer :-

- Is mainly due to the chlorofluorocarbons

- Once in the stratosphere, CFC is broken down by
ultraviolet rays.
- As a result, the highly reactive chlorine radicals
(CI) are released.
- These chlorine radicals break down ozone
molecules, O3 in a chain reaction
The effects of ozone depletion
- Excessive entering of ultraviolet radiation to the
Earth’s surface.
- Lead to higher rick of skin cancer, cataracts and
sunburns due to prolonged exposure to
ultraviolet radiation
- Lead to the increasing of the Earth’s
- Reduce the nutrient content and crop yields due
to ultraviolet radiation.
Ways to reduce the thinning of ozone layer
- Reduce or stop the use of CFC. For example,
reduce the use of air conditioner.
- Replace CFC with hydro chlorofluorocarbon
(HCFC) and hydro fluorocarbon (HFC). Unlike
CFC, these gases break down in the atmosphere
and return to earth in the form of rainwater.

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