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Our Youth

by Briyi Mendoza & Claudia Nunez & Gerardo De Dios

We have very different symbolic objects: a skunk, yo-yo, and a turtle. Why? We’ll tell you...and we’ll also show

how they can merge into one picture. We are going to do this by using Google docs and making a picture on it. This

picture will have all of our symbolic objects.

My symbolic object is a yo-yo, I chose this object because it shows that I have a hard shell and a soft inside

which is the string. The yo-yo also symbolizes the ups and downs of my life. I like the yo-yo because its a time less

classic toy and it has survived through many years of doubtfully experience.

The symbol that I chose was a turtle. The reason I chose this symbol is because turtles are very shy. When

they get shy they hide in their shells. I am shy as well, so a turtle is my symbol. A turtle is also hard from the outside

and soft on the inside. I might look mean sometimes but I’m really nice. I think that the turtle was a great symbol that

could represent these characteristics that I have which is why i chose the turtle.

Hi my name is Briyi ,my symbolic object is a skunk. I chose a skunk because it really represents me and its all

cute and young and like looks nice right??? But really I’m mean if you get me mad and I’m would blew up on u so don’t

mess with me because you’ll regret it . But if you don’t get me mad I’m really nice and sweet and caring . I love to help

out people and going out to places and to have fun!! And skunks like to have fun like me so that why I chose it.

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