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Get rid of sinus infection overnight!

Do You Know What Causes Sinus

Have you ever thought about what really causes sinus infections?
There are many possibilities and sometimes it is difficult to determine the culprit. You
could have gotten it while at work, at the mall, at school or you could have even picked it
up at home. Let's look at some things that may cause sinus infections.

Most sinus colds or infections are caused by the common cold, also known as viral
influenza. This causes congestion of the nasal passages and inhibits the drainage of the
sinuses which causes them to become very inflamed.

When this happens, the nose is full of mucus caused by the accumulation of white blood
cells in the lining of the nose. This accumulation can make it very difficult to breathe or
even smell and the only way to get rid of it is to blow your nose or sneeze. Usually flu
symptoms remain at maximum for a period of one week. After that period we usually
recover, but the sinus remain inflamed. The nose is very sensitive at this point and
susceptible to viral infections.

Sinus colds can also be the result of being subjected to dust particles, pollen and many
other irritants in the air. If there is too much of this in the nasal passages, it prevents the
mucus from being able to drain away. When bacteria such as Streptococcus pneumoniae
and Haemophilus influenzae settle within the upper respiratory tract and multiply, then
this may lead to a sinus cold or infection.

It is very easy to come in contact with these when you go outside or even when you're
inside in areas where sunlight isn't prevalent. Another example is the fungus known as
Aspergillus, it can cause various immune system problems.

You are at a much higher risk of getting colds if you have asthma because nasal polyps
inside your nose are swollen. This leads to chronic sinus colds or infections that could
last two weeks.

Lack of water can also cause a sinus infections. This is because the thick mucus makes it
difficult for the cilia to move through the sinuses.

Stressful situations can also cause us to get these infections. To prove this point, one such
condition called vasomotor rhinitis, produces inflammation and excessive mucus
production while under stress.
You can also get a sinus cold from blowing your nose, too. This is because the nose is
swollen after blowing too hard or too much. Some activities that are fun can also cause
sinus infection. Traveling by air and diving are common because they put a lot of
pressure on the sinus which can cause bacteria to grow.

If you do not watch your children carefully, they could inhale harmful substances or
foreign bodies which introduces bacteria into the sinuses. Certain drugs are also known to
cause sinus infections as a side effect, because it can affect the functioning of the mucous

Finally, although very rare, you can get a sinus infection of the teeth due to infection of
the maxillary sinus in the cheek bone by the root of a diseased upper tooth.

Sinus colds or flu like symptoms are not fun and can be caused by many things. Now that
you know what it is and does, it's time for you to take steps to prevent this from

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