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Morning Day 1

1. BW history ( 2.1 -> 3.0 -> 3.1 -> 3.5 -> BI 7.0 and 7.1 now)

2. Mainly deployed where R/3 is used

3. In R/3 database tables are of 2 types : Master and transaction

4. Infoobjects - characteristic IO is for master data

5. Infoobjects - Key figure IO is for trans data

6. RSA 1 - code for Data warehousing workbench

7. RSA6 - to check where DS is created

8. RSA3 - extract checker

Noon Day 1

1. Architecture overview

2. PSA is a temp storage area

3. Loading to PSA is mandatory in 7.0

4. BEx is for excel based reporting

5. Web Application Designer - WAD is for web based reporting

6. Mobile Intelligence is also used but not much

7. IF R/3 is customized, SAP BI 7.0 also would need customization

8. SAP provided content is called business content

9. Activate BI content, to create definitions in the database

10.Transaction data is stored in infocubes and each field is known as infoobject

11.Key figure - facts

12.Characterstics - dimensional attributes

13.InfoArea is a folder where infoobject or infocube is stored

14.Infocatalog - stores characteristics or key figures


1. Create info area

2. Create info catalog (contains chars and key figures IOs)

3. Create IO - chars and key figures

16.Time and unit are mandatory dimensions

Morning Day 2

1. To track time, data is stored in T tables. Else in P tables

2. Master data is NOT in the dimension table

3. SID links characteristic to the dimension table

4. Modelling techniques

1. ERM

2. MDM - multi dim model

5. By default 3 dimensions are created in SAP BI - Time, unit and data package

6. Maximum 16 dimensions including 3 above. (net it is 13)

7. Max 248 chars in one dimension

Noon Day 2

1. P is only attributes except name

2. H table is for hierarchy

3. T table is for text

4. Mapping is done in a transformation

5. Infopackage - pulls data from a file and into PSA

6. DTP - extract from PSA, transform and then load to Infoobjects and Infoproviders

7. Flat file support is only for CSV & ASCII

8. Steps in loading a cube

1. Create info area

2. Create info catalog

3. Create info object - characters

4. Create info object - key figures

5. Activate them all

6. Create the Datasource

7. Specify source and edit / copy the fields (Ctrl Y for copy)

8. Create infopackage to load data into PSA

9. Go to info provider and select “Insert Characteristic as infoprovider”

10.Choose the characteristic given in the Infoobject

11.Create transformation

12.Create DTP

13.Execute Infopackage and DTP job requests

The flow of data into Infocube

Morning Day 3

1. R/3 datasource has 2 structures - extract and transfer

2. Extract structure - need to specify the source. It will show all the fields in the source

3. Transfer structure -

4. Length of R/3 sources - 18 minimum

5. RSA6 - to check where DS is created

6. RSA3 - extract checker

7. Datasources of 3.X are different from 7.0

8. Steps loading from R/3

1. Create infoobject

2. In Info area, insert it as char

3. Use RSO2 to create DS

4. Select trans, master or text option and give it a name (like DS_MAT_ATR)

5. Select the application component (R/3 -> MM -> MMIO)

6. Enter short, medium and long description

7. Enter table name (like MARA)

8. Click on save

9. From the window that pops up, select local object

10.Select the needed fields and hide unwanted and click on save

11.Datasource is created

12.Go to main window and hit RSA1

13.Go to Datasources tab and under right infoarea (like Material Management MM-
IO), right click and select replicate metadata

14.Select as Datasource (and not 3.x option)

15.Select background

16.You will get the DS here

17.Make changes to the DS if needed and activate

18.Create infopackage and make necessary changes

19.Start job

Noon Day 3

1. DTP is available in 7.0 onwards only.

2. Update rules is the name for transformations in 3.5

3. RSA5- to see SAP predefined datasources from BUsiness content

4. In standard installation, first go to RSA1 - > BI Content, select cube and say In data
flow before and then hit RSA5 and activate all required datasources

5. DSO - data store object

6. ODS in 3.X is now known as DSO

Morning Day 4

1. ODS types - standard and transactional

2. DSO types - standard, write optimized and direct update

3. DSO supports delta. Cube has no delta support.

4. DSO stores transactional whereas cube stores summarized

5. DSO is for consolidation & formalization of data

6. You can report using the DSO too

7. DSO has overwrite funtionality. Cube has only summarized.

8. Full upload is taken from Active data

9. Delta upload is taken from change log

10.Active data, change log, activation queue - see manual page 268
11.X value in the change log means before image. Blank means after image

Noon day 4

1. Loading data to Infocube using DSO

1. Create datasource

2. Import the structure from flat file and copy the template and activate

3. Create the infopackage to load data to PSA

4. Go to infoprovider

5. Assuming that the infoarea and infocatalog for char and key are already done

6. Create DSO

7. Drag and drop key and data fields from the infoobject catalogs and activate

8. Create the transformation with the target as DSO and source as the Datasource
(of flat file)

9. Create DTP

10.Create infocube

11.Create dimensions

12.Drag and drop characteristics from infoobject catalog

13.Drag and drop key figures from IO catalog


15.Create transformation, this time with target as Infocube and source as DSO

16.Create DTP

17.Execute infopackage job and check if flat file data is loaded to PSA

18.Execute DTP to load DSO

19.Right click on DSO and select manage

20.You will see the DTP job there

21.Click on contents and see if new data is there

22.Go back to requests, select the request and activate it

23.A new window will appear. Select the request and start the job

24.Now check the data in the content tab in active data

25.Execute DTP for infocube

26.Right click on infocube and select Display data.

27.Check columns needed and if needed, click on Use DB aggregation

28.See if data is loaded.

2. Now for the delta load to Infocube

1. Repeat all steps above

2. Now go and change key figure data in the flat file

3. Execute Infopackage for loading PSA

4. Execute DTP to load DSO

5. Right click on DSO and select manage

6. Activate the new request

7. Check the changed log

8. Execute DTP to load infocube

9. Check the data in infocube and see if incremental is done

Day 4 noon

1. Virtualprovider overview

2. Virtualprovider creation steps

1. Right click on Infoarea and select create Virtualprovider

2. Give the name and if you want to copy details from a cube, specify it. Activate it

3. Go to datasources and create a datasource

4. In the extraction tab, say Direct access allowed

5. Specify the flat file and copy template and activate it

6. Go to Virtual provider and create transformation and DTP

7. Activate but DO NOT EXECUTE as it is not needed

8. Infopackage creation for datasource is not needed

9. Right click on virtual provider and select Activate direct access

10.Right click on Virtualprovider and select display data

3. RDA

Day 5

1. Aggregates - used to improve query performance

2. Steps to create an aggregate

1. Right click on infocube and choose Maintain aggregate

2. Select Create by yourself

3. Create new aggregate or hit F5

4. Drag and drop the characteristics for aggregation

5. If you want to choose Fixed values, select it by right clicking on Characteristic

6. Click on Aggregate and activate it

7. Start the job (immediate or later)

8. Click on the Spectacle symbol to view data or hit SHIFT+F9

3. Process chains - used to automate loading

4. Process chains work only with files present on Application server and not with local
workstation files

1. Go to transaction window and hit RSPC

2. Click on create, enter name

3. Create a start process by clicking on variant and hit OK

4. Click on Change selection, choose immediate and save

5. Save again and go back

6. Click on Continue

7. Go to process types
8. Insert the Infopackage for master data datasource

9. Insert the DTP for masterdata

10.If all masterdata is done, create an AND

11.Next, insert the infopackage for transaction datasource

12.Insert DTP for DSO

13.Insert Activate datastore object from data target administration

14.Insert DTP for infocube

15.Click on schedule and execute

16.Click on logs and see execution

17.Refresh to see status

6. Creation of master data, cube and loading from scratch
1. Create Infoarea

2. Create Infocatalog for char

3. Create Infocatalog for Key fig

4. Create char Infoobjects, mention data type and length

5. Assign attributes to master object

6. Create key fig infoobjects, assign unit and currency (0Currency, 0Unit, etc are

7. Go to datasources

8. Create datasources, specify source, (for Process chains, the source has to be on
application server), copy template in fields tab (use CTRL Y) and activate

9. Preview data

10.Create infopackage and activate

11.Repeat for all master data and transaction data

12.Go to infoprovider

13.For masterdata, right click on infoarea and select insert char as infoprovider

14.Create transformation and DTP

15.For transaction data, create DSO

16.Create transformation and DTP

17.Create infocube

18.Create transformation and DTP

19.See Process chain picture above for execution flow

7. Infoset creation

1. Right click on Infoarea and select create infoset

2. Choose a start with object

3. From the screen that appears, choose a cube from the left

4. Join the objects using the common object

5. Right click on link and choose required join

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