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Rules of Thumb Regarding Women

Ok, so you came to this site, because this girl did this, and that girl said that. And now you want to know
how to respond. Or maybe you want to know if she likes you or not.

Honestly, here are a few rules of thumb regarding women:

-If she's paying attention to you in any way or form, she's interested.

-If she's being weird to you, like she's hot one second, then cold the next, she's just playing games.
Which means, she's interested. Girls play games and test you to see if you're a man. And she wouldn't be
playing games or testing you if she wasn't interested.

-Take action. If you think so and so likes you, and you think you like her back, just run it. Why do you
need random people from the internet to tell you what to do? Do you want us to hold your hand to when
your making out with her? How bout when you're boning her? If that's the case, grow some balls.

-Just because she starts talking about other guys doesn't necessarily mean that you're out of the game.
It's all about the context. If the focus is on what she feels about him (oh he's soo hot. he make's me feel
sooo hot. it felt soo good when he was staring at me), then she likes the dude. You're become an
emotional tampoon. But, if the focus is on actions rather than emotions (so and so asked me out today. i
had hot a date the other night. this guy was staring at me today), then she wants you, and she's trying to
tell you that other guys think she's attractive, so you should too.

-TAKE ACTION. I cannot stress how important this rule is. It's soo important that it counts as two rules. If
you don't take action to touch her or try to kiss her, you're gonna be in the friend's zone. HE WHO
HESITATES, MASTURBATES. If you think you're gonna be a jerk for trying to do something, then you
often get disappointed if you don't make a move. So for the love of god, make a move.

-Have fun. One of the main reasons guys get LJBF (Let's just be friends) is because they're boring as
fvck. Be fun. Do something fun. If you think just being around the girl is fun, then you're going to get really
acquainted with your hand. If you don't know what to do for fun, then there must be something wrong with
you. Everyone can have fun. Just be silly, novel, and different. And if you still can't think of something fun
to do, try an action date. Like go carts, or mini golf, or rock climbing, or paintballing. Are you soo mentally
retarded that you don't know how to have fun?

-Say anything. You don't know what to say to the hottie in sitting in front of you in class. How bout, can i
borrow a pen? Or what'd you get in that last test. Say something. Say anything. Just don't be one of those
idiots that go, uhhhhhhhh, or ummmmmmmmm, or duhhhhhhhhh i forgot what i was gonna say. Dude,
just think of the hottie as a regular human being and not some goddess. She'll appreciate you for doing

-She is not the one. Ok, maybe she is, but how the hell are you gonna know if you don't even "try out"
other girls. Don't treat her like she's the one. If you do then you're on the express way to the land of being

-There are 2 things chicks are awesome at. It's lying and flaking. You're never gonna escape those two
things when dealing with chicks. Just learn to deal with it. Chick flakes on you, whatever. Give her 1 and
only one more chance. Chick lies to you, walk a way.

-Respect is all. Learn to respect yourself. Don't be her boytoy. Don't constantly do crap for her. Get her to
do things for you. If she's being demanding and throwing b1tch fits all over the place, walk away. You
deserve better.

-Chicks like dudes who are willing to walk away at any given moment.
-She's just a chick. Honestly, what's there to be nervous about. When you were younger, you didn't fear
girls. Just because they have tits now doesn't make them magical.

-She wants the d1ck. No really, she does. Just oblige her and give it to her.

-A great way to be friends with a chick is to not be sexual with her.

-You are money. Don't let anyone tell you you don't deserve what you want. You do deserve it, you just
gotta get it. Like the great Rivers Cuomo of Weezer said "If you want it, you can have it, but you gotta
learn to reach out there and grab it..."

-Give her space. Would you like it if a girl was constantly calling you and wanting to hang out with you?
Well maybe at first it'll be really cool, but it'll get old fast. Get a hobby. Work out. Hang out with friends. If
you're always available to her, then she's not gonna want you. Like a wise man once said, "Give her the
gift of missing you". Absence makes the heart grow fonder. Trust me, it does.

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