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Algebra and Functions

 Exponential functions and their graphs

 Logarithms and Laws of Logarithms

 Solving equations of the form

Sequences and Series

 Sequences and sequence notation

 recurrence relations
 arithmetic progressions
 geometric progressions
 common ratios

 Series notation

 arithmetic series
 geometric series (including the sum to infinity formula)

 Factorials and nCr notation

 The Binomial expansion


 Sine, cosine and tangent of special angles

 Graphs of the sine, cosine and tangent functions
 Transformation of trigonometric functions
 The sine rule
 The cosine rule
 Formula for the area of triangle (using sine)
 Radians
 Arc length and area of sectors via radian measure
 Solving trigonometric functions in degrees
 Solving trigonometric functions in radian
 Trigonometric identities
 Integration, indefinite integrals and constants of integration

Differentiation and Integration

 Differentiation and the derivative (gradient function)

 Integration, indefinite integrals and constants of integration
 Definite integration and limits of integration
 Finding the area under a curve
 The trapezium rule – a numerical integration technique

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