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In the first 12 weeks after the first day of the last menstrual period is called the first trimester.

This trimester is the most consuming for many women because everything is new and exciting.

The first trimester is also one of amazing development in the baby. Here are the following week-

by-week for fetal development in the first 12 weeks:

About 2 weeks after the first day of the last menstrual period is the fertilization meaning that the

women’s body releases an egg, which is fertilized by a sperm. The fertilized egg has the 46

chromosomes which needed to determine height, hair color, and sex. Then, the egg begins to

separate, and initiate its trip down the women’s fallopian tube toward the uterus. After that, about

5 to 7 days after the fertilization, the egg attaches to the lining of the uterus. The fertilized egg

begins to grow and doubles in size every day. The placenta and umbilical cord begin to form and

carry nourishment and oxygen to the baby and carry waste away. In week 4, is the time that the

woman misses her period. The embryo is about 1/100 of an inch long at this time. The baby has a

spinal cord, and is separating in to three layers that will become the different organs and systems

in the baby. In week 6, the embryo is about 1/6 inch long. Legs and arms begin to appear and it is

started to refer as limb buds. Blood is being pumped through the fetal circulation, and a heartbeat

can be seen on an ultrasound.

In second month, the baby is about ½ inch long and weighs a fraction of an ounce. The baby’s

development is very rapid during this month. All of the baby’s major body orangs and body

systems have begun to develop by the end of the second month. At the end of the second month

of pregnancy, the baby will looks like a tiny human infant. Next, in third month the baby is now

officially called a fetus, and will be completely formed by the end of this month. At this moment,

the baby is beginning to move its hands and legs, and opening and closing its mouth. But the
baby is still small therefore; the women would not feel the movement yet. And slowly, the baby

fingers and toes are now distinct, and hair is beginning to form on the head. By the end of this

month, the baby will be about 4 inches long and weigh just over an ounce.

In the period of pregnancy for women, there will have side symptoms such as emotional

changes, physical changes and weight gain. The pregnancy symptoms happen when the time that

a women misses her period and she often starts to experience the symptoms that are common to

pregnancy, including nausea, headaches, dizziness, breast changes, frequent urination, heartburn,

aversions, and cravings. These symptoms are caused by hormones, and typically are more severe

in the first trimester. One of the most common complaints of the first trimester is morning

sickness, which can range from mild to severe, and usually lessens around the end of the first

trimester. Not only that, the women emotions are also will be affected by the raging hormones of

the first trimester. Many women tend to feel irritable, have mood swings, and are quick to cry.

Whether the pregnancy is planned or unplanned to have a wide range of feelings about it

including joy, fear, excitement, and apprehension is also common when women is in this state.

Besides that, the main physical change in the first trimester is not the belly, but is the breasts.

The breasts are starting to change and develop to be able to produce milk by the end from the

very beginning. One of the first symptoms many women notice is a tighter bra. Most women do

not start to show until the second trimester. And lastly, the average weight will be gain during

the first trimester which is about 5 pounds, but some women actually lose weight as a result of

morning sickness.

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