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Head Office: Northern Office:

The Empty Homes Agency The Empty Homes Agency

195-197 Victoria Street PO Box 3609
London Barnsley
SW1E 5NE S75 1WW
Phone: 020 7828 6288 Phone/Fax: 01226 390 093
Fax: 020 7828 7006 Mobile: 07719 798 033

Release Date: 30th January 2007

Empty Homes Agency Welcomes the First Ever Empty Dwelling

Management Order

The Empty Homes Agency welcomes the announcement today of the first
ever empty dwelling management order. The order confirmed by the
Residential Property Tribunal will allow South Oxfordshire District Council to
take over management control of a two-bedroom house that has been empty
for more than 10 years and had been abandoned by the owner.

David Ireland Chief Executive of the Empty Homes Agency said “This is a
home that would probably stay empty if it wasn’t for this new legislation. It’s
great to see that local authorities are taking a sensible approach to these new
powers. We know of other cases in the pipeline, but the mass house grab
predicted by some has not materialised.”

Although this is the first confirmed order, Empty Dwelling Management Orders
are being used effectively elsewhere. Manchester City Council has started
using the new legislation on fifteen occasions since last July. But each time
the owner has either sold or let the property. “This is real success” said Mr
Ireland “It’s always better if owners will deal with their empty home
themselves, but when they won’t it’s good to see councils making full use of
the new powers available to them.”


Notes for Editors

1. EDMOS were introduced in the Housing act 2004, but councils have
only been able to use them since July 2006

2. There are two stages of EDMO interim and final. The South
Oxfordshire case is the first interim EDMO. There have been no final

3. The owner of this property still has the opportunity to bring it back into
use themselves, but if they do not do so the council may serve a final
EDMO within the next 12 months that will allow the council to bring it
back into use and take control of it for up to 7 years.

4. For further information please contact David Ireland on 020 7828 6288

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