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FALL 2008 Newsletter Article

As we continue to make plans for the fall and as we look toward our celebration of the
birth of Jesus, we parish musicians invite your participation in the music ministry of the
parish. Chorally speaking, the year can divide into three periods: September – Christmas,
January through Easter in April, and mid-April through mid-June. Please use this as a
guide as you discern your role in participating in the music of the church.

The ADULT CHOIR will resume Sunday morning rehearsals on September 7 this fall. All
rehearsals are held in the choir loft from 9:25-10:25am. The choir then serves as music
leader for the 10:45am Mass. This choir is a mixed choir of adults and high school
students, men and women, who volunteer their time and talents. No previous experience
is necessary. No auditions are held. Volunteers, both male and female, are invited to join
the choir. The primary requirement is a love of singing, specifically the church’s music,
and a desire to meet and work with other members of the parish.

The CHILDREN’S CHOIR invites all students in grades 2-7 to participate in this choir.
Attention is focused on preparing music for the 5:00pm Christmas Eve Mass. Rehearsals
will begin in late September and are held on Sundays AFTER the 10:45am Mass in the
choir loft. Rehearsals continue for 45 minutes. Again this year, registration forms for
CHILDREN’S CHOIR will be distributed through PSR. Choir season for the children
will end with their musical leadership of the 5:00pm Mass on Christmas Eve. Please
watch the weekly bulletin for the date of the first rehearsal.

For further information about the musical opportunities at St. Edward, please contact our
music director Julia Parker by email at or leave a phone message at 614-
985-2277 or write a note to put in her mailbox in the church office.

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