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Name: Sebastian Robalino

Tips to buy a new or a used car

For buying a new or a used car first you must define for what you need the vehicle, with
this fact decided you can select the vehicle you need like it can be a pick up or a SUV or an
automobile. In this step you also have to see if the vehicle you decide to buy has all the
characteristics you need, you have to see the economy that gives you in consumption of
gasoline, if the supplies are expensive and available and if you can support and afford the
The next step is see the budget you have so you can define if you buy a new car or a used
car, with a used car you have to see with your budget the cars you can afford based on the
year of the production of the car.
Another fact to buy a new or a used car is you have to always get an insurance to your
vehicle, this fact is one of the more important things that you have to do when you buy a
car to protect your owns.

Steps for buying a new car

When you buy a new car is easy than buy a used car, in this case you only have to see the
vehicle you want you can have the security that the car is in perfect condition and if it is not
you have a guarantee depending of the trade of 2 to 5 years, the next thing to do is to
register you have to pay the 1% of the car in the bank, pay the soat (there are some other
thing you have to pay like i.v.a. or i.c.e. but those taxes you pay with the price of the
vehicle)and register in the police headquarters, after the register for a new car the most
important thing is the insurance, to protect the vehicle, also you must register the most
quickly as you can, a non register vehicle is easiest to steal also the thief’s looks for non
register vehicles.

Steps for buying a used car

Depending of the year of the vehicle you have few questions to the owner, from the year of
production of the vehicle after 5 years of use the engine needs to be repaired for an optimal
use, also the common question of if have a crash, what has been changed of the engine,
chassis, interior. For what has been used the vehicle, how many owners and how long have
the actual owner the vehicle, why is he or she selling it, check if is functioning the electric
system, the air condition, check the status of the wheels and tires, check the interior of the
Take a ride driven by the owner, to see how has been driven and which could be the
possible damages that the vehicle could have, and then take a ride driving you so you can
feel how is the condition of the car, if the clutch is bad, if the steering has something brong,
check the brakes, and the suspension, if something has a rare noise. You can also take the
vehicle to a workshop, so it can be seen by specialist if you don’t know how to do it well
yourself here also you can ask to check if the vehicle has not be crashed. A crashed vehicle
is cheaper than the same vehicle thas has not been crashed, also with a crashed vehicle you
can have more problems in the time of use or you can buy it with several problems.
When you are ready to buy the used car you have to do some steps for your security, you
must make the owner sing a receipt after the bank transaction and the singnatures in the buy
and sell contract, the receipt is for having no problems with the old owner if this try to
make one you have the witness that you have pay him and he accepted, the buy and sell
contract has to be take to the office of notary and be legalized, pay the 1% of the vehicle
value to the SRI, pay the register, the soat, and pass the revision of the corpaire and go to
the police headquarters to put the vehicle to your name. Whit a used car you also need
insurance, the insurance of a vehicle is an inversion of protection even that you have never
used in your life one day you could need it.

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