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Impact of Computer Applications

in Society
Hecmari Vega
Impact in Education

• Nowadays, computers are useful in schools to

assist the educators and also students can take
class on the web.
Impact in Finance
• Now, you can manage checkbooks, pay bills,
track personal income and expenses or check
the status of your account, now you can
access this applications whenever you need it
and you don’t have to wait in a bank for that.
Impact in Government
• You can apply some governmental services on
the internet, that makes everything more
comfortable and faster.
Impact in Health Care
• Actually some hospital use computers to
maintain patients records, monitor patients
vital signs, and even pharmacist use
computers to file insurance claims. Usually
you can register by a computer at the hospital
and wait your turn to be attended.
Impact in Science
• Science use technology to collect, analyze and
modeling data.
Impact in Publishing

• Now publishers have magazines and

newspapers available online.
Impact in Travel
• Using technology, nowadays, you can search
or provide directions, found stolen vehicles
and buy tickets flights, planning vacations or

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