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Name_______________________________ Period__________ Date_____________________

A Letter to Pyongyang
The Situation: Kyu Bok Un, a 17 year old male living in North Korea, has begun to think
about whether or not he wants to continue living in North Korea. He has heard of an
opportunity that will allow him to possibly risk his life to escape the country. He is not sure
of what he should do. Should he remain in North Korea or attempt an escape?
Directions: Throughout our learning about the Koreas, we have discussed various aspects
of life inside of North Korea. You will be responsible for writing a persuasive letter to Kyu
Bok Un, a resident of North Korea. In this letter, you will attempt to convince Kyu Bok Un
of your opinion on what he should do in his situation. You will need to support your point
of view with appropriate evidence.
1. Complete a “Persuasive Essay/Letter Graphic Organizer” to help map your thoughts.
a. Within this organizer, you will need to evidence for your opinion.
b. Use evidence and examples to create a stronger argument.
i. Include examples from North Korea’s history, their political
conditions, or their current economic situation.
2. Create a rough draft of your writing using the format described below.
3. After the revision and editing process, produce a final copy of your letter.

Letter Format:
October 18, 2010
Mr. Kyu Bok Un
100 Dearleader St, Apt. 302B
Pyongyang, People’s Democratic Republic of Korea

Dear Kyu Bok Un,

Paragraph #1 (Introduction)

Paragraph #2 (Reason #1 with Evidence)

Paragraph #3 (Reason #2 with Evidence)

Paragraph #4 (Reason #3 with Evidence)

Paragraph #5 (Conclusion)


Your Name

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