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Indian system of Predictions

Astrology-North Indian and South

Indian Style
Nadi Jothishm (Tamil Nadu)
Oracle Predictions
Palm Reading
Dream Readings
Face Reading
Parrot Card Reading
The Stand of Astrology
Astrology is included as • Other Predictive
part of Veda the 6th systems have no
Anga or Part of Veda. Sruthi Pramanam
This Authenticity is • More misuse,
called Sruti exploitation
Pramanam. • No definite texts and
Indian any system of learning methodology
thinking if valid must • Nadi Jyothishm is
have Veda or Sruti Tamil culture oriented
Indian Astrology
• Bharatiya Jyothishm
By Sri.A.V.Sankaran Padhana Kendram
Golam Ganitham Samhitha
Calculation Jathaka Muhurtham
Of Grahana Ganitham Prasnam
Distances All sookshma
Etc Graha Sputas
The Two Aspects of Jathakam
1.Analysis 2. Prediction
1. Analysis of Horoscope is based on the
Grahanila Navamsaka ( Combination and
distribution of Planetsin the chart) based on
Lagna (+Chandra after 32 years) from the
combination and distribution and aspects of
houses the strength and weakness of horoscope
is analysed. Analysis is more than the positive
and negative aspects of the individual. First and
foremost task of astrologer is to analyse the
horoscope before prediction
2.Predictive Astrology
• Predictive astrology is the most vital part integrating
analysis, Nimittam(Reading from the omans), intution, &
grace of the master from which astrology is learned.
• Based on the analysis and Different Dasa-Apahara,
schidra, keeping in view of the shodasa varga like
Drekkana, Saptamsa, Dasamsa, Dwadasamsa and
shodasamsa, + keeping in mind the Astavarga value for
each houses for each grahas calculating Bhinnasta
varga and Prastarasta varga.
• True Prediction is inspired from intution, dropping all the
learned and surrendering to the beyond
Shatyamsa Research
Sri A.V. Sankran Padhati
• Shatyamsa according to Parashara Hora
is the finer aspect of analysis and
prediction based on shastaymsa is found
to be very accurate.
• Shatyamsa is 1/60 of one Rasi (1 Rasi=
30 Degrees). The sukshma lagna sputa
arrived as per the traditionally
recommended kundalagna calulation is
the centre point for shatyamsa analysis.
Aspects of Shatyamsa
• The 9th Rasi of shatyamsa is Purva Janma
Rasi and the 6th, 8th and 12th aspects as
well as lords of houses + Mandi(Gulika)
and gulika Bhavanadhipa,+ Gulika
nakshatradhipa are found to be papa
associated in purva janma and
experienced with negetive feelings in the
present janma of the aspirant(one who
seeks guidance through astrology)
The recommended texts
• How to judge a horoscope Vol I & II by B.V.
& All Works of Sri.B.V.Raman
• Works of Prof. Muthuswami
Works of Sri.Janardana Kurup
Works of kanipayyur, Panchangam
Understanding the basics will Help
to do the parihara and change the
past pattern of life
All Pariharams are based
on Karma sidhantam.
samastaparadham at sukshma Devata
Sankalpas besed on Recommendations in
Prasna Margam Purvardham 14th Chapter is
the recommended method is Keraliya
Some of Books Recommended
• 1. The road Less Travelled
By Dr. M. Scott Peck
2. Love medicine & Miracles
By Berne S. Saigal
3. Age less Body Time Less Mind
By Dr. Deepak Chopra
4. The Alchemist
By Paulo Coelho
Some of Discourses Recomended
• 1.J.Krishnamurti- “What is suffering” ?
• 2. Self Knowledge & Human fulfilment &
Discourses on Bhagavatham By swami Sri.
Ranganathananda (Late) Ramakrishna math
• 3. Discourses of Osho
1. Hypnosis of Past Life. 2. Searching for a
meaning in life. 3. A life of Balance. 4. journey of
a single Step. 5. Collecting sea shells. 6. Love
is the Master key 7. Discourses on Patanjali
Yoga Sutras
4. Astrology By Sri.Sri. Ravi shankar
Take Some time to read and Listen
from the Traditions

Sri A.V. Sankaran
Samskrita Jyothishm study Centre
Acharyan: Sri.V.V.Giri Department of
Sanskrit Government College Chirttur-
Palakkad Kerala

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