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April 19, 2005

Re: 96 D217
Unsupervised Visitation Recommendation

Mr. Swartz,

Rikki and I are still waiting for your procedure or guidelines in procuring and beginning
as normal as can be ‘unsupervised’ visitation per Shawnee County Guidelines and Right
if 1st refusal.

It is time to make a change. We have been subjected to this oppression for a year and four
months. The love that we have for each other WILL not go away, quite contrary to the
hopes of the petitioner and father.

I have ‘co-operated ‘ with you as the case manager per the direction of the Honorable
Wilson at the March 3, 2005 status conference.

What more do you want? What more can I do? Next Month Rikki will be out of school
for the summer, and next month is also another mother’s day. Only you as the case
manager can give this child her mother on mother’s day instead of forcing her to pretend
that she does not have a mother.

Please I implore you, to bring this ‘process’ under control, as has been your role in this
very sad and nonproductive separation of mother and daughter.

Allow Rikki to spend time with her mother in a more ‘natural’ environment. Please bear
in mind that Rikki has an entire family on her maternal side that has also been eliminated
from her life under the strict guidelines of the supervised visits.

Please do not allow the rest of her young years believe that only dad’s family is
important, and not her aunts, uncles, cousins and grandparents to whom she has had a
bond with since birth on her maternal side.

At the safe visits…Rikki talks about how I am to decorate her room, etc…and asks about
her dog that she has had since age 2. She is more than ready to spend some time with
mom, here in Topeka, close to her school…and to her dad.

With summer vacation’s approaching…. and school being out until fall, I believe that it is
now time to stop this, and begin to allow Rikki to have a healthy relationship with mom
as well as dad and ALL her family, maternal as well as paternal.

I eagerly await your recommendation to the Courts…. to allow this to happen.


Claudine Dombrowski

Cc: Don Hoffman, Jill Dykes, Clerk of the Courts and The Honorable Evelyn Z. Wilson

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