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PSR B1620-26 b – “Genesis Planet”

Atmosphere – Very old. Mostly helium, oxygen. Carbon in all forms is rare, with silicon being
more common.

Gravity – Much more than Earth – about 15 times more

Length of Day – 50 hours

Climate – Very complex. This planet orbits two stars, one a white dwarf, the other a neutron
star. The stars generate varying tidal patterns and weather is unpredictable. The planet,
however is extremely old and the climate may actually be controlled by some intelligent life
that developed over a staggering 12 BILLION years. The climate was not always this way, and in
the past may have been very temperate and non-chaotic. Life would have developed during
this temperate phase. In the past, gentle breezes with common lightning storms may have

Surface conditions - Gaseous (no land). Life has developed over a great length of time and may
not be carbon based at all. May be silicon based. All life forms would either fly or float, but
because of the extremely changeable weather, it would have to adapt. Note, that because the
climate has changed as the stars the planet orbits did, the surface has changed as well.

Notes – This is the oldest known planet. It is 12 BILLION years old, which is 3 times older than
Earth. Remember then, that life would have developed for about 2 BILLION years longer than
on Earth, and that any intelligent life here would be incredibly complex.

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