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ICT for Language Teachers

Nowadays there is a problem of highly qualified English teachers in the field of

Computer-Assisted Language Learning, the use of informational communicational
technologies in second language teaching and research including e-learning system.

Among them, institutional support serves as a fundamental determinant of ICT use and
teacher education is a prominent determinant of ICT use.

English Language Space Station

In the future I hope to redo the whole thing using something that works better like

Provides online PowerPoints, grammar lessons, reading lessons, lesson topics, and
listening quizzes as well as web links.

Pffers one of the best teaching resources for teachers and students. Free lesson plan
materials, board games, crosswords, wordsearches, PowerPoint videos and more.

Technology Integration and Adult Learning

The use of digital technologies for learning supports the education of adult learners and
their teachers and extends educational opportunities to reach new groups of students.
The thoughtful integration of digital technologies into the traditional scheme of
education and their use in developing new ways of learning is necessary to ensure
students have the tools to thrive in a complex and rapidly changing technological

Digital technologies for learning, such as self-paced learning modules, multimedia case
studies, simulations, video tutorials, and communications and assessment tools, can
increase the array of learning opportunities for adult students and their teachers.

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