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Learning And

 Learning is relatively permanent change in
behavior caused by experiment.
 Learners need not have the experience
directly. We can also learn by
 Learning is ongoing process.
Classical Conditioning
 Involves making connections between two
forms of stimuli:
Unconditional (US)
Conditional (CS)
 Example: dog salvation on ring bell
 Repetition: Conditioning effects are more
likely to occur after (cs) and (ucs) have
been paired a number of times.
 Extinction : which occurs when the effects
of prior conditioning are reduced and finally
 Stimulus generalization: it refers to
tendency of stimuli similar to a CS to evoke
similar condition responses.
 Stimulus discrimination: it occurs when a
UCS does not follow a stimulus similar to a
Operant Conditioning
 It occurs when individual learn to perform
behaviors that produce positive outcome
and to avoid those that yield negative
outcomes. it occurs in three ways:
 Positive reinforcement
 Negative reinforcement
 punishment
Observational learning
 Occurs when people watch the actions of
others and note reinforcement they
receive for their behaviors.

Example: Afridi in cricket

 It involves a process of acquiring
information and storing it over time.

 Memory process:

Encoding ------- storage--------retrieval.

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