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What products and services do we buy?

Why do we buy?

How often do we buy?

From where do we buy etc?

Are the issues which are dealt with in the discipline of consumer

Consumer behavior can be defined as these acts of individuals
(consumers) directly involved in obtaining, using and disposing of
economic goods and services including the decision processes
that precede and determine these acts.


1. Consumer behavior is helpful in understanding the purchase
behavior and preferences of different consumers. As
consumers we differ in terms of our sex, age, education,
income, occupation, family set-up, religion, nationality, social

2. To successfully market to different market segments, the

market needs appropriate marketing strategies which we
can design only when he understands the factors which
account for these differences in consumer behavior and

3. In today’s world of rapidly changing technology, consumer

tastes are also characterized by fast changes. Consumer
behavior provides invaluable clues and guidelines for
marketers on new technological frontiers which they should
explore. For example- CTV in lieu of B/W TV

4. Consumer behavior is a process and purchase forms one

part of this process. There are various psychological and
environmental factors which influence this process, to the
extent that the marketer can understand and manipulate the
influencing factors, he can predict the behavior of

Thus the importance of consumer behavior lies in the fact that

the behavior can be understood and influenced to ensure a
positive purchase decision. The marketing manager’s interest
lies exactly here i.e. to ensure that his marketing strategy
results in purchase of the product.

All consumers can be classified as

• Personal

• Organizational

All individuals fall into the category of personal consumer.

All business organizations, government agencies and bodies, non

business organizations such as hospitals, temples, and trusts are
organizational consumers of goods and services purchased for
running the organizations.


Often the person who purchases the product is not the person
who actually consumers or uses the product.

Question – Who should be the subject of study in consumer


Should we study buyer or consumer?

Many companies play safe and focus their promotion at both the
user and the buyer. For example- Maggi Noodles- Mother and


External Influences
I Marketing Stimuli Other
N Stimuli
P • Product -
U Economic
T • Price
• Promotion
• Channel of distribution -Social
Consumer Decision Making
Proces Buyer Characteristics
s Buyer Decision
• Psychological
• Personal &
• Cultural characteristics
O Consumer Decisions & Actions
U • Product choice
T • Brand choice
P • Dealer choice
U • Purchase timing
• Purchase amount


You are on your way ‘home’ from work after a hot, long, tiring

• On the way you see a hoarding/ kiosk for a cola drink which
promises to be cool, refreshing and tasteful.

• This hoarding/kiosk provides you a stimulus to stop at the

nearest cold drink shop and drink a cola.

• All three brands (Pepsi, Coke and Thums Up) are available at
the shop at a certain price.

• You can recall some association with each of the three

brands from the advertisements. You have seen on media
viz T.V., hoardings, newspapers, magazines.

• You buy a particular brand of cola and consume.

• The initial stimulus for this purchase and consumption was

provided by the hoarding.

• This was further backed-up by other stimuli such as product

display in the shop, watching other consumers buy a
particular brand, a pop material, earlier satisfaction with a
given brand etc.

• Your response to these stimuli results in the purchase of a

particular brand.

• In between the process of receiving these stimuli and

responding to them, you went through a decision
making process.
• The stimuli, the process of decision making and
response constitute a simple model of consumer





Culture Personal

Reference Groups Age & Life cycle


Sub-culture stage

Family Occupation

Social Class Income


Role & Statuses Lifestyle

Beliefs & Buyer

Personality Attitudes


When a need is sufficiently pressing, it directs the person to seek

its satisfaction, it is known as motive.

Primary Needs or motives

These are physiological needs which we are born with. For
example- need for air, water, clothing & shelter.

Secondary Needs

These are our acquired needs, which we have developed in

response to the society & environment we live in. for example-
need for power, prestige, esteem, affection, learning, status etc.




Self Fulfillment

Ego Needs, Prestige, Status,

Success, Self respect

Social Needs, Affection, Friendship,

Belonging etc

Safety & Security Needs, Protection,

Stability etc

Physiological Needs

Food, water, Air, Shelter, Sex etc

Same product- Many segments- example- Bicycle

One- for community

Second- Recreational/Leisure Need

Third- Need of a health aid

Fourth- for converting into rickshaw/cart

Example- Generally consumers tend to perceive the

quality of perfumes on the basis of

• Package

• Brand name

• Price &

• Manufacturer’s image


It can be described as “how we see the world around us”

The different sights, sounds, smells, tastes & sensations that we

feel are known as stimuli. Each person recognizes, selects,
organizes & interprets these stimuli in his own individual manner
based on his needs, values & expectations and this is known as
perception since each individual’s needs, motives and
expectations are unique. Therefore each individual perception is

Perception helps to explain the phenomenon of why different

individuals respond differently to the same stimulus under the
same condition.

As a marketing manager you are providing stimulus to your

consumers through the physical shape, color, size, fragrance, feel,
product taste, packaging, ads/commercials.

But we all have an in built, screening system which helps us to

‘select’ & ‘recognize’ only the relevant stimuli & ignore all the

There are three aspects of perception:-

• Selective exposure

• Selective distortion
• Selective retention


People are more likely to notice stimuli which relate to their

immediate needs.

For the marketer, the implication is that he has to carefully and

accurately identify his potential customers since other customers
are not at all likely to notice the stimuli having identified the
potential customers, the marketer has to ensure that the stimuli
are interesting enough to attract and hold their attention.

For example- Washing machines (Punjab), hair dye (goat-

Rajasthan), Refrigerator (for storing goods & services)


When you attempt to fit information to suit your own ideas or

personal meaning the process is known as Selective Distortion.
Thus a marketer may find that his message is often not received
in the intended manner but it is twisted in different ways by
different consumers.


People forget much of the stimuli which they receive and only
retain that information which reinforces their values and decision.


New Born- instinctive behavior

Adult- learned behavior

For example- housewife has need for cutting down cooking time-
Pressure Cooker

Influencing stimuli-
• Various advertisements

• Positive feedback (friend)

• Window display

• Discount

She buys and is satisfied with its performance her response to

pressure cooker is reinforced. Satisfied housewife may settle for
another product of same company (say oven) i.e. generalization
of response.

Consumers can be made to learn the desired behavior through an

interplay of motives, stimuli cues, responses and reinforcements.


A person’s belief- cooking oil ‘X’ has lowest fat content. Belief
based on real facts or notion or opinion- the person has.

A belief is a ‘descriptive’ thought that a person has about

something. The belief that the customer has about a brand is
important. Therefore it determine his behavior towards buying
and using the belief constitute the brand image and if the
customer has the wrong belief he is likely to generate negative
image about the brand.

The marketer must ensure that consumer have all relevant and
correct information about the brand to facilitate formation of a
positive image.


Age influences and buyer’s decision the need for different

products and services changes with age.

• Babies and children need product like milk powder, baby

foods and toys.

• Young adult’s need- clothes, recreational and educational

facilities, transportation and a host of other age and fashion
related products.

• The first factor influencing a buyer’s decision is his age need

for different products changes with age.

• There are certain physiological differences between men and

women which result in their having different consumption
needs. For example:- women need certain specialized
medical facilities, clothes and cosmetics. Their requirement
is different from that of men.

• Consumption behavior is also influenced by the specific

stage of the family life cycle.


Single stage- young, unmarried Few financial burdens. Spend on
people, living away from home rent, food very basic kitchen
equipment/furniture stereo
systems etc

Young children newly married. Better off financially now, wife is

usually working, highest
No children
purchase rate, spend on
furniture, durables such as
refrigerator, gas stoves, vacation

Full Nest- Ⅰ Spend maximum on home

purchases, interested in new
Youngest child under-6
products, influence by
advertising. Buy T.V., baby
foods, cough, medications, toys

Full Nest- Ⅱ Some wives return to work,

better financial position, buy
Youngest child over-6
large sized packs, education,
bicycles, house purchasing

Full Nest- Ⅲ Financial position still better,

spend on education, better
Old married couple with
furniture, cars, appliances etc.
dependent children
Empty Nest- Ⅰ Spend on travel, recreation,
health care, self improvement,
Older married couples, no
home improvement etc
children at home, have head still

Empty Nest- Ⅱ Drastic reduction in income, buy

medical appliances, Medicare
Older married, no children at
products for health
home, head retired

Solitary survivor Likely to sell home, but income

still good

Working Reduced income, spend on

medical products


Education widens a person’s horizons, refines his tastes and
makes his outlook more cosmopolitan.

Occupation also shapes the consumption needs people following

specialized occupations such as- photography, music, carpentry
etc need special tools and equipment.

Further the status and role of a person within an organization

affects his occupation behavior. For example- chief executive
buys 3 piece suits of best fabric; handmade leather briefcase
junior manager in same organization may also buy similar things-
but compromises on quality.

The income which a person earns is an extremely important
influence on his consumption behavior. He may aspire to buy
certain goods and services but his income may become a
constraint. Person’s attitude towards spending vs saving and his
borrowing power are also important.

• Small size packaging in sachets is meant for LIG customers.

• Luxury products are more income sensitive than necessities.

Personality is sum total of an individual’s psychological traits,
characteristics, motives, habits, attitudes, beliefs and outlooks.
Personality is the very essence of individual differences in
consumer behavior. Personality is defined as those inner
psychological characteristics that both determine and reflect how
a person responds to his environmental stimuli. Personality is
enduring and ensures that a person’s responses are consistent
over time.

Different types of personalities can be classified and each type

responds differently to the same stimuli and personality can be
used to identify and predict that response.

For example- Charms cigarettes used by young, modern, carefree

personality. Potential marketer segment students and other
young people.

Surf’s Lalitaji- A middle class traditional forthright and objective

housewife for appeal to a potential customer of surf.

Lifestyles are defined as patterns in which people live; as
expressed by the manner in which they spend money and time on
various activities and interests. Lifestyle is a function of our
motivations learning, attitudes, beliefs and opinion, social class,
demographic factors, personality etc.

Life style is measured by a technique known as psychographics. It

involves measuring consumer’s responses to activities, interests
and opinions (AIO) along with collecting information on
demographic factors.

Work Family Themselves Age
Hobbies Home Social issues Education
Social Job Politics Income
Vacation Community Business Occupation
Entertainment Recreation Economics Family Size
Club Fashion Education Dwelling
Community Food Products Geography
Shopping Media Future City Size
Sports Achievements Culture Stage in life

Garden Vareli, Raymonds, Vimal textiles have based their

promotional strategies on lifestyles.



• Culture-
The study of culture encompasses all aspects of a society
such as its religion, knowledge, language, laws, customs,
traditions, music, art, technology, work patterns, products
etc. All these factors makeup the unique distinctive
personality of each society.

1.Formal learning
In which parents and elders teach children the proper way
to behave.

2. Informal Learning

In which we learn by imitating the behavior of our parents,

friends, film actors/ artists in action.

3. Learning

In which instructions are given about the specific method

by which certain things have to be done such as printing,
dancing, singing etc.

Through a marketer can influence all the 3 types of

learning through his company’s advertising strategy. It is
informal learning which is most amenable to such

The kind of products and advertising appeals that can

work effectively in a society depend largely on its cultural

For Eg:- In American society, individualism, freedom,

achievement, success, material, confort, efficiency and
practically are the values/products/services which fulfill
these values are successfully marketed in America.

In Indian society- conformity, spiritualism, respect for

elders, tradionalism and education are few dominant
cultural values.

However our society is undergoing a cultural

metamorphosis, some major cultural shifts have far
reaching consequences for the introduction of a vast
variety of new products and services. Some of these
changes are-

• Convenience

• Education

• Physical appearance

• Materialism

With more women joining the work force there is an
increasing demand for products like gas stoves, mixies,
washing machine, precooked food, fast food outlets etc.

People in our society today wish to acquire relevant
education and skills that would help improve their career
prospects , so many professional/ career oriented centres
are coming up.

Physical Appearance
Physical fitness, good health and smart appearance are on
a premium today so slimming centres and beauty parlors
are mushrooming in major cities.

• Sub Culture
A sub culture is an identifiable distinct, cultural group
which while following the dominant cultural values of the
overall society also has its own beliefs, values and
customs that set them apart from other members of the
same society.

Sub cultural category Illustrative sub culture

Nationality Indian, Pakistani, Sri Lankan
Religion Hinduism, Sikhism, Islam,
Race Black, white, Asian
Age Young, middle aged, elderly
Sex Female, male
Occupation Farmer, teacher, doctor
Social class South, north, western
Geographic location South, north, eastern,
western India

These subcultures offer readymade market segments to

the marketer who can position his products to meet the
specific needs, motivation, perceptions and attitudes of
each sub culture. However the marketer may need to
modify both his product and advertising appeal to suit
their specialized needs.

Each member of a society is a member of several

groups( such as elderly, keralite, Christian, female,

Social Class
Social classes can be defined as relatively permanent and
homogeneous divisions in a society which individuals or
families sharing same values, life styles, interests and
behavior can be categorized. Social class is a concept
based on distribution of status and the categories are
usually ranked in a hierarchial order ranging from low to
high status. Social status is an idea basis for segmenting
the market.
Major social classes and their dominant characteristics
and buying behavior patterns

Social Distinguishing Dominant

class consumption
Upper Elite of society, aristocrats, or top Spend on property,
Upper industrialists, inherited wealth; well homes, best education
known family background; spend for children, frequent
money lavishly but in discreet, foreign vacations,
conservative taste. antiques, jewellery,
custom made cars

Lower Top professionals, businessman Spend on large homes

Upper who have earned rather than with flashy and
inherited money, style and taste is expensive décor, best
conspicuous and flamboyant, they education for children,
seek professions which will reflect imported cars, latest
their status household gadgets, 5-
star hotels.

Upper Professional careerists coming from Spend on buying

Middle middle class values of respectable quality products,
buying conformity, emphasis is on irrespective of the
good education, style is gracious & category of product it
careful. is quality which is the
most important
feature, color TV, VCR,
Maruti car are some of
the products
associated with this

Lower White collar workers such as office Spend a great deal of

Middle workers, small businessman, time shopping around
traders, value neatness and for best bargain, they
cleanliness and want their home buy refrigerator, B/W
and professions to reflect this TV, scooter, motor
cycle etc

Upper Poorly educated, semi- skilled B/W TV, gas stove,

Lower factory workers, they comprise the ceiling or table fan are
largest social class segment. Their bought but largely on
major motivation is security, hire purchase basis, if
purchase decision, often impulsive available
about exhibits a high degree of
brand loyalty

Lower Often uneducated, at the bottom of Buy only the basic

Lower the society and working as necessities of life
unskilled labor , live from day to usually buy loose and
day basis with little planning for unbranded products
future. have no comprehension
and value of brands.

Reference Groups

The consumer’s decision to purchase and use certain

products and services is influenced not only by
psychological factors, his personality and life style, but
also by the people around him with whom he interacts and
various social groups he belongs to .

A group is defined as two or more people who interact to

achieve individual or common goals.

The 3 categories of groups are-

• Primary & Secondary groups- A primary group is one

with which an individual interacts on a regular basis
and whose opinion is of importance to him.

For eg:- family, neighbours, close friends, collegues

and co-workers

Secondary groups are those with which an individual

interacts only occasionally and does not consider
their opinion very important.

• Formal & Informal groups- Rotary, lions, Jaycees are

well known social groups in our society. A formal
group has a highly defined structure, specific roles
and authority positions and specific goals. An
informal group is loosely defined and may have no
specified roles and goals. For eg- meeting neighbours
over lunch once in a month, for friendly exchange of

• Membership & Symbolic groups- A membership group

is one to which a person belongs or qualifies for
membership. All workers in a factory qualify for
membership to the labour union. Symbolic group is
one in which an individual aspires to belong but is not
likely to be recognized as a member. A head clerk in
an office may act as if he belongs to the top
management group by adopting their attitudes,
values and modes of dress etc.

• Reference groups- are used in advertising to appeal

to different market segments, group situation with
which potential customers can identify are used to
promote products and services. Hidden in this appeal
in the subtle inducement to the customer to identify
himself with the user of the product in question. The
three types of reference group appeals are
celebrities, experts and common man.

celebrities Film stars & sport Heroes

experts Doctors, accountants,
Common man Lalitaji (surf)

Indirect reference groups comprise those individuals

or groups with whom an individual does not have any
direct face to face contact such as filmstars, TV stars,
sportsmen, politician.
Direct reference groups are ones which exert a
significant influence on consumer’s purchase decision
and behavior can be classified as

• Family

• Friendship groups

• Formal shopping groups

• Consumer action groups

• Work groups

Family – two families shape an individual’s consumption


1. Family of orientation is the family in which an

individual is born, consists of parents, brothers and

2. Family of procreation consists of consumer’s spouse

and children. Within the family, different members
play different roles, marketers want to find out
exactly the role played by individual member. For eg-
traditionally wife purchases food, clothing and other
household sundries, Husband plays a dominant role in
the purchase of automobiles/insurance children are
also beginning to exert their influence on family
purchase decisions. TV, music system, personal
computers etc.


An individual may participate in many groups has

position within each group can be defined in terms of
activities he is expected to perform. For eg:-

At workplace At home
Individual manager Spouse/parents
Requires 3 piece suit, tie, Jeans/T-Shirt/
leather shoes Kurta Pyjama
Reason To reflect status Informal/comfort


Each role a person plays has a status which is relative

prestige according to society. People buy and use
products which reflect their status.

Group Norms

The norms of a group are the implicit rules of conduct

and behavior that are expected of its member.

For eg:- multinational company in India

Norm for office wear is shirt/tie even in summer

Marketers need to identify the various groups to

which potential consumers belong to market the
products required.


This implies that members of a group have adopted

attitudes and behavior patterns that are consistent
with the group’s norms. In the context of consumer
behavior it refers to the percentage of members who
knowingly use the same brand of product.

Opinion leaders

Apart from family, a consumer is influenced by the

advice he receives from his friends, neighbours,
relatives and collegues about what products and
services he should buy.

This process of influencing is known as the opinion

leadership process and is described as the process by
which the opinion leaders normally influences the
actions and attitudes of others.

The advice of opinion leaders is sought in case of

specific products. People who have acquired
considerable knowledge and experience in a
particular field are considered as opinion leaders in
that area.

Advertisers/marketers are therefore concerned with

reaching opinion leaders.

Diffusion of Innovation

The acceptance of new products, brands and ideas is

known as the diffusion of innovation. Marketers are
concerned with spread or diffusion of this innovation.



In between the stage of receiving the stimuli and

responding to it, the consumer goes through the process
of making his decision.
A decision is the selection of an alternative out of the
several number of alternatives available.


As a buyer are consumer, we are all the time making

decisions such as

1. What product to buy

2. Which brand to buy

3. From where




2 wheel or 4 wheel vehicle


Scooter, motor cycle, moped, car, jeep

Brand level Scooter


Bajaj, Honda, Kinetic

Maruti, Chevrolet

Motor cycle

Yamaha, Hero Honda, Bajaj

M&M, Tata Sumo


Kinetic, Luna etc

Type of Retail Outlet

• Company showroom, exclusive brand dealer outlet

• Multinational brand dealer outlet

• Dealer outlet near home/recommended

• Dealer outlet with servicing facility


Making a decision is a rational and conscious process in

which the consumer evaluates each of the available
alternatives to select the best amongst them.

Each decision you make involves an elaborate mental

thought process, a degree of active reasoning, though on
the surface it may not always seen to be so.

For eg:- Daily Bread- Decision variable, brand quantity,

retail outlet

Sofa set- Decision variable, far more in number

• Readymade/ made to order

• From shop/ to be built at home

• Type of material and design

Three factors-

1. Involvement

2. Alternative differentiation

3. Time pressure

Which influence the degree of active reasoning

undertaken by the consumer in his process of decision

When a product is perceived to be of great personal
importance to the customer, such as personal clothing, or
its purchase involves a great deal of money or risk viz
jewellery, car , home, company shares the level of
involvement is likely to be very high the consumer is likely
to spend a great deal of time before arriving at the final
decision. In contrast when buying items which do not
reflect much on the consumer’s personality or their
purchase involves small amounts of money or the risk
associated with them is not high, the degree of
involvement of the consumer is likely to be low.

For eg:- toilet soap, tooth brush. Biscuits, shoe polish etc.


When we are under pressure to make a decision quickly

we cannot afford to spend a long time finding out about
the various products or brands. We probably buy
whichever is readily available

For eg:- purchase of car tyre/tube under emergency on the

road when it bursts and purchase when we need to buy


When the consumer perceives that the various

alternatives which are available are very different from
one another in terms of their features and benefits
offered, he is likely to spend more time in gathering
information and evaluating these different features.

On the other hand, in case of products which are not very

different from one another either in terms of their
features or benefits offered, the consumer is bound to
perceive them as being almost the same and buy the first
available product/brand which satisfies his minimum

• Routinised response behavior

• Limited problem solving

• Extended problem solving


this occurs when the consumer already has some

experience of buying and using the product consumers do
not give much thought or time. When buying such
products and already have a preferred brand. The degree
of involvement in buying such products is low. Frequently
purchased and low cost products such as razor blades,
coffee powder, tooth paste, soap, soft drinks etyc fall in
this category.

Marketers dealing in products involving RRB must ensure

the satisfaction of existing customers by maintaining
consistent quality service and value.


In this type of buying behavior, the consumer is familiar

with the product and the various brands available, but has
no established brand preferrance. The consumer would
like to gather additional information about the brands to
arrive at him brand decision.

For eg:- Branded refined oils (shopkeeper’s view)

LPS also takes place when a consumer encounters an

unfamiliar brand in a known product category. For eg:-

The marketer’s task in a situation where he is introducing

a new brand in a well known product category is to design
a communication strategy that gives complete information
on all the attributes of the brand thus increasing the
consumer’s confidence and facilitating his/her purchase


EPS occurs when the consumer is encountering a new

product category. He needs information on both the
product category as well as the various brands available in

The marketing strategy for such buying behavior must be

such that it facilitates the consumer’s information
gathering/learning process about the product category
and his own brand.

The marketer must be able to provide his consumer with a

very specific/unique set of positive attributes regarding
his own brand so that the purchase decision is made in his

The concept of EPS is most applicable to new products.

The product may be new at the generic product concept
level (magi noodles) or it may be an established product
concept but new for a particular consumer (tribal exposed
to concept of toothpaste).


In making a purchase decision the consumer goes through
the five stages of

1. Problem recognition

2. Pre-purchase information search

3. Evaluation of alternatives

4. Purchase decision

5. Post purchase behavior

However, in case of routine purchases, the consumer may
skip the second & third stages and straight away go the
stage of purchase decision.

• Problem recognition- the buying process starts with

the buyer recognizing a need or a problem

• Pre-purchase information search- External & Internal

Internal- refers to recalling relevant information

stored in the memory.

External- refers to deliberate and voluntary seeking

of information, recognized the product/brand under
consideration which can be from-

1. Personal sources- family, friends, collegues,


2. Commercial sources- advertisements, retailers,


3. Public sources- seeing others, consumer

information centres


Commonly used criteria

• Product attribute

• Relative importance

• Brand image

• Attitudes towards the different brands/alternatives

under consideration

The stage of the buying decision process gives the

marketer a chance to modify his product offering in
keeping with the relative importance attached to each
attribute by various consumer segments, altering beliefs
and attitudes about his own brand and calling attention to
neglected product attributes.


Consumer end up buying a brand which is not his most

preferred because of

• Shopkeeper’s influence

• Preferred brand not available

• Attractive incentive on other brand


After purchasing the product if consumer finds that its

performance/utility matches up to his expectation,
satisfaction occurs.

Satisfaction will reinforce customer’s perceived favorable

image of the brand which can get extended to the entire
range of products manufactured by the company.

Customer may also strongly recommend the brand to

others. However if the product is not upto his expectation-
dissatisfaction results. The customer may decide to stop
buying other products of the company and inform people
known to him/her about the poor quality performance of
the product.

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