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“Reflection by a Former Student”

The following is written for the Iowa Cattleman’s Association magazine by a former student, Kevin
Carstensen, as he completed his year as the state president. In the article he was reflecting on events
and mentors in his life.

“There are certain teachers and 4-H leaders who guide us through our teens. Mr. Patton, my FFA
advisor, had a huge impact on my life. He maintained that learning the FFA creed, working hard to
understand parliamentary procedure and becoming comfortable at both and public and extemporary
speaking would be valuable life skills. Little did I realize at that time how right he was. Who was the Mr.
Patton in your life?”

I ‘m humbled by Kevin’s comments and glad I was part of his life. I hope we all take time to reflect on
those events and mentors that touch our lives.

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