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Transnational Education

Challenges and Future

 Transnational Education – A direct outcome of
Growth in ICT
 Education system ‘in which the learners are located
in a country different from the one where the
awarding institution is based’
 The Asia-Pacific region has been centre stage in the
development of transnational higher education
The Concept of Transnational
• Education system ‘in which the learners are located in a
country different from the one where the awarding
institution is based’

• the opportunity to gain a foreign degree in their home

country, without the expense and disruption of living
Why – Transnational Education

• Economic Growth

• Poor Education system

• Globalised Markets

• The Education Policies of the Nations

The Road Traveled so far

 China and India, are becoming the largest

education markets in the world
 1992 - 1.4 million - Total and 607,000 Asia
 1995 - 1.5 million – Total 687,000 - Asia
 2000 - 1.8 million - Total1.8 million - Asia
 2025 - 4.9 million Total 2.9 million – Asia
Challenges for Transnational

• Cultural Impacts

• No quality assurance and regulation

• Without good academic base just to make

Possible Remedies

• A well placed regulatory Framework

• An institution for International Accreditation

• Caveat emptor (Buyers Beware)

The Future of Transnational
• The growth is set to continue

• Over a period of time with the increase in economic

growth the Asian Governments are able to encourage the
export of education
• In recent years Singapore, Malaysia, the United Arab
Emirates and Qatar have all sought to establish themselves
as education hubs

• With the technological advancements scaling new

heights every day, internet based and other virtual
means of educational delivery will become
• However the countries of this region should have a
clear fore sight of the possible dangers
Thank You

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