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Exercise :

1. Create following table structure.

BRANCH - branch_id(PK),branch_name, branch_course_duration
SUBJECT - subject_id(PK),subject_name
JOBS - job_id(PK),job_title
STAFF – staff_id(pk),staff_name, staff_address, doj,salary,
staff_experience, designation(FK), branch_id(fk)
STUDENT - stud_id (PK),stud_fname, stud_lname,
stud_address,per_of_marks,stud_dob, admission_date, branch_id(FK)
BRANCH_SUBJECT- [branch_id(fk),subject_id(Fk) ] -PK
STAFF_SUBJECT - [staff_id(fk),subject_id(Fk) ] –PK
- Insert some sample data.Include time part in admission_date column
- List details of students along with branch details and hod details.
- Update some rows in all the tables.
-Try deleting rows from different tables according to trainer’s
- Add check constraint on course_duration column
2. Set salary of smith with salary of jones.
3. Make a copy of dept table into department.
4. Add ‘No_of_emps’ column to department table.
5. Set no_of_emps column with number of employees in each

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