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How to make s’mores

Step 1: Prepare your graham crackers by breaking a long one into two equal squares and
place them side by side.

Step 2: Take a piece of chocolate and lay it on one of these square graham crackers.

Step 3: Toast the marshmallow by placing a large marshmallow on the end of a long
wooden stick or a roasting fork. Hold the marshmallow over the fire. Turn the stick until
the outside of the marshmallow is golden brown and starting to get mushy

Step 4: Take your toasted marshmallow, still on the stick, and lay it on the side of the
cracker with the chocolate. Now take the other half of the cracker and cover the half
marshmallow, pressing down firmly enough to pull out the stick.

Step 5: Let the hot marshmallow sit for about 30 seconds, long enough to melt the
chocolate and cool off a bit.

Step 6: Squeeze the s'more between your fingers and eat it.

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