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Term paper review

On Stress management

Stress management is the amelioration of stress and especially chronic stress often for the
purpose of improving everyday functioning.

Stress produces numerous symptoms which vary according to persons, situations, and
severity. These can include physical health decline as well as depression.

Techniques of stress management

There are several ways of coping with stress. Some techniques of time management may help
a person to control stress. In the face of high demands, effective stress management involves
learning to set limits and to refuse some demands that others make. The following techniques
have been recently dubbed “Destressitizers” by The Journal of the Canadian Medical
Association. A destressitizer is any process by which an individual can relieve stress.
Techniques of stress management will vary according to the theoretical paradigm adhered to,
but may include some of the following[6]:

1:Autogenic training

2:Cognitive therapy

3:Conflict resolution


5:Getting a hobby


7:Deep breathing

8:Yoga Nidra


10:Relaxation techniques

11:Artistic Expression
12:Fractional relaxation

13:Progressive relaxation


15:Somatics training[7]

16:Spending time in nature

17:Stress balls

18:Natural medicine

19:Clinically validated alternative treatments[8]

20:Time management

Measuring stress

Levels of stress can be measured. One way is through the use of the Holmes and Rahe Stress
Scale to rate stressful life events. Changes in blood pressure and galvanic skin response can
also be measured to test stress levels, and changes in stress levels. A digital thermometer can
be used to evaluate changes in skin temperature, which can indicate activation of the fight-or-
flight response drawing blood away from the extremities.

Stress management has physiological and immune benefit effects.

Stress Management Techniques

This section of Mind Tools helps you survive the intense stress that can come with a
challenging career.

The first articles help you to understand stress and what causes it: This is an important
starting point for effective stress management. They introduce you to the three main
approaches to stress management, and then shows you how you can identify the key sources
of stress in your life.

We then look at a range of stress management techniques. The Mind Tools approach is,
where possible, to tackle stress at source. This means that not only do we show you how to
cope with the symptoms of stress, we help you deal with the underlying causes as well.

By the end of the section, you should have a clearer understanding of stress and the
importance of managing it; you should be able to analyze the points of pressure in your life,
so that you can plan to neutralize them; and you will understand how to use a range of
different stress management techniques.
Stress Management - Start Here! - What you need to know about

Stress Diaries - Identifying the short-term stress in your life

Job Analysis - The first step in managing work overload and job stress

Performance Planning - Planning ahead to reduce performance


Imagery - Mental stress management

Physical Relaxation Techniques - Deep breathing, PMR and the

relaxation response

Thinking On Your Feet - Staying cool and confident under pressure

Rational Positive Thinking

Are You a Positive or Negative Thinker?

Anger Management - Channeling anger productively

How Good is Your Anger Management?

Burnout Self-Test - Testing yourself for burnout

Building Self-Confidence - Developing the self-confidence you deserve

Locus of Control - Finding out who's in charge of your destiny

The Wheel of Life - Finding balance in your life

Warning: Stress can cause severe health problems and, in extreme cases, can cause death.
While these stress management techniques have been shown to have a positive effect on
reducing stress, they are for guidance only, and readers should take the advice of suitably
qualified health professionals if they have any concerns over stress-related illnesses or if
stress is causing significant or persistent unhappiness. Health professionals should also be
consulted before any major change in diet or levels of exercise.

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