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When an antigen or invader enters the body, antibodies are activated in order to identify and
aide in the antigen’s destruction. Characteristically antibodies are Y-shaped proteins which
connect with antigen receptors and allow the Immune system to see the antigen clearly while
eliminating it through phagocytes, T cells, Natural Killer cells etc. Antibodies, more simply, act
as red flags identifying the antigen as nonself, making it easier to destroy. There are millions of
antibodies all created for exactly one antigen so if it were to return the antibodies would
quickly react and extract the not so foreign invader. Antibodies are also known as
Immunoglobulins (Ig), while they all have a specific invader ‘buddy’ they also have different
regulation tasks in the body’s everyday systems. IgG’s are the smallest antibodies which makes
it easy for them to cross the membrane, they regulate the … and are found in the …

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