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“Plant & Animal Immune System”

Have you ever experienced common diseases like common colds, diarrhea, influenza, etc.?
Have you ever wondered the reasons of getting sick despite following healthy precautions? If yes, let
us explore this topic and discover the science which is involved in it.
Immunity is the ability to resist damage from pathogens such as microorganisms and harmful
chemicals. These microorganisms release toxins and internal threats such as cancer cells which are
not good for the body. This mechanism is being covered in the further study of the Lymphatic System’s
defense function that cites two fully integrated systems in the body such as (see also Figure 1):
Innate immunity- It is described as fast-acting defense mechanism as it is the first immunity to
respond in an infection. However, its responses never change from exposure to exposure
because specific (the ability to recognize a certain substance) and memory (the ability to
remember previous encounters with a certain substance) features are not present.
Adaptive Immunity- It is characterized for having slower responses in the beginning of an
infection. However, it can engage a faster response during the second exposure to the same
bacteria as it exhibits memory and specific features. Therefore, pathogens are being
destroyed before the development of any symptoms that makes a person immune.

Figure 1. Concept Map of the Immune System.


The innate immunity gives the rest of immune system a signal to eliminate some threats in the
body. This innate response cannot be activated by an adaptive immune response as it is being
accomplished by:
 Barrier defenses- these are the body’s most basic defense mechanisms that prevent
pathogens and any chemicals from entering. Some of its common examples are:
a. skin/ other ectodermal derivatives (epithelial surfaces as first line of defense against
any infection) and mucous membranes, and
b. secretions like tears, saliva, and urine wash.
 Internal defenses- these are the body’s defense systems that consist of chemical mediators
(antimicrobial proteins like interferons and complement system); white blood cells (phagocytic
cells and natural killer cells) -see Table 1; and inflammatory response which stimulate the
release of chemical mediators once the bacteria infect the tissues. Inflammation is
characterized by fever, redness, swelling, pain and loss of function in infected area.

Table 1. Types of cell and their functions.

White Blood Cells Description/
Type Function
-Most abundant type of white blood cell and the first
responder to microbial infection.
-Primary response to the large multicellular parasites (e.g.
helminth infections).
-Do not phagocytose pathogens but instead release chemical
products which perforate cell membranes.
-Chiefly responsible for initiating inflammatory responses by
releasing the chemicals, “histamine” and “heparin.”
-Promote inflammation as they are the common contributors of
allergic responses.
-They are slower to respond than neutrophils but are longer lasting
-It differentiates into two types of cells in response to
Monocyte pathogenic infection – macrophages (remain in the tissue and
phagocytose) and dendritic cells (present antigen fragments to
-Responsible to produce antibodies which target specific
Lymphocyte antigens present on pathogens.
-They are more common in the lymphatic system than blood.


 Our surface epithelia are more than mere physical barriers to

infection. They produce chemical substances that are microbicidal or
inhibit microbial growth. For example, the antibacterial enzyme
lysozyme is secreted in tears and saliva. Also, epithelial cells are
held together by tight junctions which effectively form a seal against
the external environment.
 Acute inflammation can be good since it activates immune response,
but chronic inflammation is bad as it ultimately leads to tissue
damage. Hence, stopping an inflammation is not always a good


The adaptive immunity is an acquired immune system that involves the recognition of traits to
certain substance or antigen. Antigen is substance / part of pathogen that generates an immune
response. It is divided into two: foreign antigen (introduced from outside the body like bacteria, viruses
and chemicals); and self- antigens (molecules that the body produces to stimulate immune system

The adaptive immune response is made possible because of:

I. Humoral response- production and secretion of antibodies (a protein produced or
immunoglobulins by immune system to specifically bind a target against specific antigens.
These antibodies are being produced by B-cells. B-cells are:
white blood cells that develop and mature in bone marrow (see figure 2),
activated when they encounter antigen in the lymph nodes, and
produced an antibody which recognizes only one kind of antigen (specificity).

Antibodies are being secreted by B-cells in the bloodstream or being displayed them in the
surface of some cells. They are ready to face and combat any extracellular pathogens. The five
major types of antibodies are being shown in the table below:

Table 2. Types of Antibodies and their functions.

Type of Antibody Function
It coats the pathogen and promotes
(first antibody to appear in the response to
endocytosis by macrophages.
initial exposure to an antigen)
IgG It activates the other parts of the immune
(major antibody produced) response and leads to neutralization and
destruction of pathogen. It also provides
immune protection to the fetus and newborn.
It prevents pathogens from crossing the
(the important antibody for the mucosal
epithelium and entering the blood stream.
immune response)
IgE It activates mast cells and leads to the
(associated with allergic reactions) production of histamine
IgD Antigen-binding receptor on B cells

 Adaptive immune response is activated by the presence of foreign
substances (proteins, nucleic acids, sugars, etc. Found on
 Drugs and other therapeutic agents can be attached to antibodies
that are specific for antigens on cancer cells, thereby avoiding
damage to healthy tissue.
 Vaccines today contain an adjuvant (substance that activates the
innate immune response) along with a protein antigen from the
pathogen, or an inactivated version of the pathogen which
stimulates B cells to produce antibodies. After getting the vaccine,
you now have cells that remember the pathogen that can act
quickly when you actually get infected with the disease-causing
organism. This memory of the B cells and quick response prevents
the person from feeling any symptoms of the disease.

II. Cell mediated response is an immune response that occurs when cytotoxic cells defend the
body against the microorganisms that live inside the body cells. It focuses on handling
pathogens that are not easily accessible for antibodies produced by B-cells like some
pathogens found inside cells such as viruses. This is due to the production of T-cells. T-cells
o the white blood cells that are
produced in the bone marrow
and mature in the thymus (see
figure 3);
o activated when they encounter
antigens in the lymph nodes,
o needed to recognize an antigen in
the context of self-molecules,
unlike B cells, called major
histocompatibility complex
(MHC) molecules (glycoproteins
that have binding sites for

Figure 2. Pathway of B-cells & T-Cells. (Photo


There are 3 major types of T cells:

1) Cytotoxic T-cells – recognize virus-infected cells and kill them.
2) Helper T-cells – secrete proteins that help other immune cells (B cells, macrophages, etc.)
survive and perform their function.
3) Regulatory T-cells – control the immune response by turning it off. They prevent the immune
system from harming the body. These are very important as the loss of function can lead to
autoimmune disease.
Like other living organisms, plants also need a way to sustain and defend themselves from any
harm. Plants have two states of being: growth mode and defense mode in which they can only be in
one of those states at a time. Compared to humans and other animals that have an adaptive immune
system, plants display an extraordinary one by having innate immune system. It is more generic,
nonspecific response to infection, and it does not exhibit immune cells or antibodies. Instead, all plant
cells have immune capabilities by having two basic immune pathways (Figure 4) which are the:

Figure 4. Plant Immune Pathways. (Photo source:

1) Pattern recognition receptor (PRR) on the plant cell’s surface recognizes pathogen-
associated molecular patterns (PAMPs) released by invaders, for example, the flagellar
proteins from pathogenic bacteria; then
2) Signaling pathways inside the cell spur the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS)
and antimicrobial compounds which are secreted to combat the pathogen. PAMP-triggered
pathways can also lead to changes in gene expression and hormone levels. Since the bacteria
compete for a nutrient to survive, it can interfere with PAMP-triggered immunity by injecting
effector molecules into the plant cell. This event will lead to set off secondary immune
cascades that boost the PAMP-triggered responses through the presence of intracellular plant
protein complexes called nucleotide-binding domain, leucine-rich repeat receptors (NLRs)
that bind to the bacterial effectors. However, NLR-binding can also lead to plant cell death,
limiting the infection.
Aside from the above discussion, do you know that plants are indeed extraordinary in terms of
protecting themselves?
Yes, plants do have a diverse chemical defense that limit damage from bacteria, fungi, worms,
or plant-eating insects. These organic compounds are produced by plants as secondary metabolites
and do not affect the normal vegetative growth and development. The table below shows some
chemical compounds for plant defense:

Table 3. Chemical Compounds for Plant Defense

Chemical Compound Function
Biosynthesized in roots from amino acids and probably
involved in defense against insect herbivory.
Produced by plants to repel herbivores, inhibit enzymes, attract
Phenolics pollinators and fruit dispersers, absorb UV radiation, and
decrease competition between plant neighbors.
Play a role in plant defense, can act like active compounds in
Terpenoids resin or as volatiles, repellents, and toxins, or can modify
development in herbivores.
Important regulator of defense responses against chewing
Jasmonic Acid (JA) insects, necrotrophic pathogens, and cell-content feeders such
as spider mites and thrips.
Plays a major role in mediating defense; its accumulation is
Salicylic Acid
essential for induction of defense responses.
Crucial element for plants, determining plant development,
maintenance, and resistance to environmental stress.

Because plants tend to interfere its growth whenever they need to make a defense from any
pathogens, many species power down their
immune systems at night when growing ramps up.
In addition, they also tend to lower their immunity
whenever there are changes in temperature,
humidity, and light exposure, and is likely
dependent on a plant’s microbiota below and above
the soil.

According to the research conducted by

Duke University, they looked specifically at how
plant cells read these copies when switching from
growth mode to defense mode. They found out that
the copies of defensive protein genes have a
special signal on them that tells the cell to only read
that copy when the pathogen is around. Thus, they
tried to work on a small flowering weed called
Arabidopsis and in rice by putting the special signal
on copies of genes that provide a broad protective
effect for the plant. By putting the special signal on
it, the plant becomes quick to respond to infections
without being in defense mode.

This breakthrough on plant immune

systems can make the plants free form any
pathogens and pesticides. But still, future
endeavors will be executed to test whether
this special signal works in other plants too.
Figure 5. Plant’s Natural way of Lowering their
Immune System (Photo source: www.the-

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