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I still remember how I felt the first time you touched me,

In that single moment I became yours.

It takes real commitment to make love lie and grow.

It takes a lot of caring and a lot of saying so.

It takes communication when talking problems through.

It takes consideration, warmth and kindness.

When you love someone as much as I love you,

It takes more than words to tell you, more than a touch to show you.

It can’t be expressed in an hour or a day, but in a lifetime of caring.

As warm as the sunshine, as far as the sky, as soft as a whisper or a sweet gentle sigh.

As high as a mountain, as solid and strong, as bright as a star shinning all night long.

As deep as the ocean, as wide as the sea. . .

This is how wonderful true love can be.

When I first fell in love with you, I thought life is as wonderful and good as it could get.

I love you and you love me, and nothing else in the world seems to matter to me.

Little did know back then, how much we could experience together, the laughter and heartaches,

The thrills and disappointments and little could I imagine how better we would come to know
each other, care about one another, love one another. When I first fell in love with you I thought
it was as good as it could get, but it only grew more with time. . .

Sometimes you say or do something that makes me realize how much I love you all over again
and how much happier you’ve made my life.

Maybe I don’t tell you often, but I’m thankful to you and hope you’ll always know that.
The longer I know you, the more wonderful tings I seem to discover about you.

Every time I think you could not possibly be nicer, kinder or more thoughtful… you do
something that proves me wrong.

I want you to know that I am thankful to you, not just for the things you do, but for the things
you are and that makes you so special to me.

Love is many wonderful things… Love is laughing and being close,

It is sharing memories and dreams… Some say love is a river that drowns the reads… tender

Some say love is a razor that leaves your heart to bleed…Some say love is a hunger and an
endless aching need.

But I say love is a flower and you are it’s only seed.

Love is everything and it is enjoying special times and making ordinary times special…

But more than all these wonderful things,


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