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Artist panel

Cézanne was a great artist of the post impressionism times and had a great many pieces of art that
show a reaction against the restricted superficial and surface paintings. Like all post impressionistic
artists he attempted to produce a more substantial form of art but not in the academic art form his
art was to be considered a thoughtful interpretation of the subject he adopted the pere bright
colour and the broken colour techniques he along with Seurat, van Goth and Gauguin were the
greatest of this post impression time. Paul Cézanne used many techniques to create his paintings like
the other great painters of the time these techniques were placing brushstrokes side by side on the
canvas, focused on the stability and instability of objects, he used broken colour and Cézanne
painted in isolation at Aix-en-Provence in southern France these painting techniques are
used in all his paintings.

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