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I '




I '









R'eport of the Central Housing Advisory Committee. 1944. Is" (Is, 2d.)


Report (if the Cent ral Housing Advis,ory Co.mmiUee. 1944. 'l s, (h. 2d.)

PR.IVATE ENTERPRISE HOUSING R.~flOl't ef the Central HQ!Usi:1l1ll: Advisory Committee. ]944, Is. (Is. 2~.)

MODEL BYE LA WS ~ SElUES IV. BUILDINGS. l~'38. h. 6d. (Is. :8d.)


'Model Clauses for use in. the PN.p"r~dOifi '(If Seheme:s {with. Not,es).

Hl39. 28. (1$. 2d .. )

(Note: The clauses are now under revision by th,= Ministry of 'fown and CQ1!Dintry PhllJuii:lg)


HHII. ]s, 6d. (Is, 8d.)

.4 seleclirm tf)/pre-wtil' house aes,jg1J amI layout is given betolw. 04# are iUl'W out ~ pr~~.

RI:PORf of the Commiue~ to' (!on$ider Building DoMlcue-lioo ill conR.CClioll wltb lhep:ro ... isieu of Dwcm:II~,~ for the Workil:l8 CLasses" TheTlldo.:I' WalltimiR.e~~.Locill. OGvemmco.t Board. 191 g,+

M"!NItIA.L 0111 11101 PrepiJlranon of Slate-aided HousinG Sch.emes:. Local (J'01;\emmmt Board. 19'19.

M",NUA:L OD the CoolO'eJ:s:ien of HiQuses ml;e,PI'al1!l fbr tlle 'WorkUilg CI!~. ~S"'9.

M)ll'!luAl. em 'UmlUfkwiSes aDd Unlread.tbf Areas. 1,919~2e.

TWi PUNS andEl~\I'aliO'J!Is IlIF H0\lUS d~~J!Ied. by the Mi!llstll' ,l,liBellhb .. l!n.O'.

Hotl:SllNG MllmJAL olltilu:: Design, 'C0'os:ImiIiCI:iO'JII SlIWRepWir or ])weUin&$.

m921. -

l\£-Ho1)5'1NO O'llEI!ATIONS, Typioo.l plans of Teaemears il:Rd oilier Dwell:iogs. ]933.

brnmm: AND' FIlWO!IL R'1iiPORililS &f fb~ 1!:leparlmJ:![I111~ Commtuce GO 1hl:'i Com:lni~ tiOtl (If Flats fill' the Workiog Classes. 1.9.U·7.

Hm:i9el WI!i LI"!(I! IN. 193f ..

s.o. C<tde No. 10454






• 'Y '0[1 UCT.u:n;;

SOOjle ill the M~lnII;ml, ~. SUIl'WYS, and Studies 1'l1ic Use er Sta.ndards .~

Th,e Loca]. AJiJtJ1.odty and. 'D::chniCit[ Advi:-ce, Studi~inP!)ogr-ess

J HOU.!l]NG AND ,sn~ PLAN:r~G The Neighbourhood ~

" a,yout of Sit'e$


Dwe.llil1llS ·of D]lferenit Sj~lt

H TO:E 'B:OUSl! n ... ITS SURROllNDINOS The HlJU;Se and the Road

S;pa.ce aboll!t liuHding;$ ,.,

P1anlmg and ,f'~~s-

rtf TUIl 'f:lilRlll'E.-B,:rn,DROOM HOUSE L:~.\lililg m tile l'Iou~e ~

711e- 'IIiroe Types Si~-afRooms

Poims in Plalimil1g

IV SO'Mf! Sl'.l'C·!AI. OCCIJIl"IIJoln Tht; Rural Worker

Sm'iI.1 Mdi La.r~ HousohoRds - Otd People

Smgle Pe~SOIlS

V FLATS PI:In:::lrng J:lls~alJaf~(').ns Jr'yp13S o,r 1Ilooks

VI E:f:I"U;::~IENCY U4 DUH.Dn"a DUli.!dillg Costs

M.Eliss Pil:Qd!UCUOIli

Strucu.lra[ Sfundal'ds

Sta:ndill'ds rOt Ma:liel'ials and Compmu::nts StalldaNl:s for Building Wad' -

VU NJ3w MATERH'i.l..S: ANJD MnuoDs WAy AI~eFriil,tivlil:. M~thods '!

Fr,am.ed Fio'UlJe$

Foamed Sfug Concreb;:

No· F'i:lies COIlc:ret1c

VIII THe llEA,T IN.sTAr.:I..AT'[O~ Fuels: and Applmnces *


K.llom He-a.liIlg

Water Healmg

ClOi,he:'l, Wash in!::

SoHd 1'1;].[ StCl:l:'a,Ge

page 7 7 8 0;)


17 17 19 20

21 2l 22 23

23 13 24

24 24 2j 26 17

17 2Si .28 29



lX S:RRV~CES AN» E'Q:IUPMltNT Electricity and (J3S




poge 36 ],7

::17 40


A, SPACE SrANOAI\DS Bl.lild,inp 1!1I~d O~n Sp:'Iae:s Ro<!ds and -Palhs

Rooms, In D,:vellillg:;, -

Soma Drn:ails ,of House De;sign A:pp,lia.l!Il;@;s and Equipment

B, STRUCTURAL STANDARDS Sttfl1li1gtb~J[ld StabiJoity

R.esnstaw:;e to Pe.J"leliulilO'n of Muistu[\c Ther.lllaJlfiisulflUtlll


Fire Rlf:$i:stanre

:Ourabili ty <lrld Ease of Maintemmce Re-sistance to Vermin Iflr~ta:tion

9l 92 92 92 9:3

l Addi[Jg~D '" Village

.2. Ways of Liv£Dg i:ni. .'he HOU5e • 3 Ho't Walter Ins,tal'lati,t:Jins

4 'Sinilk lJEits,

SK.i:l:che:o, S,tol'a~ N,~l1tS

13 18 34-5 ;H~-9 4,]



6, TI:l"mce

1 Houses Sind ]fJa:1S

8 Oldl">eopl-e's n,,,,,ejUngs

9 Bl.!ilding Round Old n,ce,s 10, Flats w~lb Gardc:lilS

11 T~s' OlD, a ,HiJt

S'O(M:Il: D:l:UI(;ENT rUDU.EliU"IG 12: Houses by '!Co-okbam .R uml Dis,tric£. Council" B~. 1.3 N~~gbb~Qoc[' PJ!i!ooinlll

SJ~oPpi"fg Cemr-u

14 Speke Estate (Liverpoo] COlpc1<ltioiJ!l} • 1.5 Waillillg Esta:I~ (London COMly Conncil)

5] 51

GI'Olfpil.rg ,0/ Hi(}#$Il$ inR'eJ'atloll to Roads

Hi La,yOl1t in, C.n~·d~ac Farm. We!\vyn O:ilrden Ci~y 52

1''1 HO'u~ roand ,11, Greell.. Modic[ by students ofU\i'er.Il'OO,1 Ul'lf~,rsrly

School ,of Archi.lecHllt 52



GroJ.iplng ()f Houses tIl ReilMi'(m ta Road'S gage

HOU.~~3 set hack from Road'. St_ Helier lEsm:!e, Mortim (Londo!} County

Council) jJ

] !ii' Road Bend. St Heller Estu¢:. Morden (Lon.don County Col,"S3 _0 H QU'5CS· at Right-angles to Ro~d. H;arnmersmilh (Lond'on COllnty Coli.! neil) :53

Olllcn Spac(Js ill ~

:! I T~rraGl'l fronting 3. Paved Opel] Sl"lI1:le. KeolLmg;tQ£I (Du~hy ofCo:mwall) S<t 22 CreSCCD frontiru); a Paved SP!l~. Ke:nlni:D8ton - 54

Prrsl!( I.'(1ti.(1.U of CXiS#flg Ti"e.~

23 Dj\l'~II1,D, ,ofBuildilllg line to' preserve an ecmsq Tree. W.etWYD Garde-iii.

City- ss

:!4 A 0 reen formed filtllld exisung T~',ees. s,Vvayth.lID£t, Southampton !is

i'Qlhs Qud P{1l,j'llf

::!j Wide Foon ... ay whh "free Pbnt.ins. We1wrn Garo~lI. CH), 36

26 Footpatih Access to HOIlS(\S n:nmd ;3 Gr-een. Roolampto.q 'CLOildoil

COIIDl'y Council) .::';6

FrOIll Gardens

_7 Uncrn:loSGd ]::'rollt. Gardens. Welwyn Garden (::ity 57' ~II f'ro:JiIt Gan;Ie;rn; f'reclo~d by Low Walh (BRldm;k Dis,U'kL Cow~.;;il. Hens,) :n

!nIlK Terrac'ES

29 Staverton. Devon ,5S:

30 Jl'adbIl.lrY. Ducks., (6ut::1cin,gham Rural Doisldot Council) S8

:1 ! R.oebl!mptotl (London Counrty Cmmcil) 58

Houses for rile Ttl'lI"ll Worker

31 Scmi-delaclled Houses, C:I:liEJsford (!! County CoLlncil) 59

:U Semj-de:mcllcd: Hou:oes. DO'nlli'[igtoll,~',enjD!lmll Rilrn1 nllil'~rict Coucil,

S!il!op) 5'

34 Terraoc HOUlle5: with Link Walk ~[1eb (LiwtPQol Corpo,rauon) Q)

35' Doorway Detail. Welw:ro Oard~f.1 azy 160'

36 St. Helie:r. Monhm. (London Ooun~y Council) 61

:3 7 Roeh .. ,mptoD (London Coanty Cou,ncil) 61

38 Terrace wilh flat J&oof (C.oventty Corporation) 62

39 :semJ·d~clled Hou~ with Flat Roofs. SWSllsea (WlU'time Ho !;iug for

J\.tmisrry of Sopply) ~ 62

40 Houses: by Cinmces(er Urbal] D'i!SmcE Cour.u;i!; Gtos, 63

4t ElQUS~ by Bebillglloll BorolJgh Council. ~es:IUrc 63

42 Long Vfe:w Sslatc (Liv~ool COllJO'm;t&on) 64

,43 Houses bl" Baldock Urn,all Distrk:[ .council, Harts, 64

Old PerSOIl3'· JJwdling:r

44 Si1l,gJc...s(:orey DloWllmil:S rOIil:i'id a oCourtyard (MIl'fU;hes(er CO'.I"POl1lti:OI:l) 6S

45 Single-Storey Dwellings shed amtms: other Housgs{BcblngtOD norou!l!h

Council, ChLlS!:itre) 6S

film/ref Iv" Agrlcu{tilft1( WOlI'keri : ~'YaJ'·tlme liniftl'1lif!IlCY Pn;gl'flmme

46 Cotta.ges. built W Whitew~b,eCl ~ri~ (B'order RllhmlllJ5tCti;;lt Olu~iJ.

Cumberland) 66

4,1 Cottages bl1iU in Col(1I.1!~I3:~d Brick whh Stoll= Doressin,F';s tCheh,ert~

ham Rllml Uistricl ,Coll!f)!:!il, cnos.J 5~



4~, Cottages bla:ilt i11l. ICoJounva:sb.edi Bl'kJc\vitb 'lbatched Roof {lloru;~oD RUM Dlstitid CQUncil" !)G.von) -

,49- Cou~, in,Coloured CQI1~'0te Blocks witb Thatched Rio-of

(W;i~r 3.'llLd \' . esltmrry Rural District Council, W,ilts,) '0 Houses by Ca.rdiff Ruml District COLlTIcil. GJalIiOl"g:al'l1 51 Ho~ by B:ideford Rl'Ilral DiStrict Cowell. De'\fOA

52 Hou!>eS by W,ar[!'lillster ll'ild West.\nI[J;· R1l!r.d District C'oum;:il, Wlits. - 53 Houses ib]l W!i:Us Rural D&s.1:not Coum:iI, 5lp,1l1e1'SO't

Blocks of Fl(1fs

54· Tl:lr&~ andFoll~StotGY Blocks. KeImir'lgtol1 - ss Three-S~orell Blocb, Liruillcie. Odoro

56 Three-StOrey Blocks (li1'etpooJ CQ'tpora,tlofl)

57 Fj,w.stnrt.y lJloc'k-:s, Cli~,rd, Pair!;; (L,ondoll COtIlll'~Y COWl'll, - 58 Fi:ve-S.wlley :H1o<;k,s, Loug'Q:bomlJ:gh F;:J.lIk (Guhmw. Tl'Ust,).

59 H\I\e-S,'ro-.Iley 1I1ooks. 'Westboume Grove. I.,ollldon (Gas Ligb;t Imd Coke Co. Uti.)

~L~N ARRANGEMENTS Tlu!KildieJI-Livillg Ro(ml How;e'

&l-6J "r1ii.I"£C,Bcdn>om HmtSeS

VIe Working' Kilchfm House'

(12.-6-1 Three-Bedroom HOllses

11S:.691 Truee and FOlIif-Bedroom HOIll:Se5 70-711br~.lledwnm Houses

72 .A l'¥o-Bedro;o1n Il:o\1~e

'LIre Dining' Kite/uIII HOllse 73~76 'Ihree.-lIooiOom HoUISCS 17' A Two~De:droom Fklljsc'

Small Dwdlil.rg$ ,(lIld Fklts 78-81 Old PeoplejsDw~mlJ,gs

82 Flal:S in l"wo-Sw:rey Blllcks ~ 83 A Maisollette

84~S7 Flal's In. T1rree-l-St:CIii'ey 13:tocks- 88-&] FJats m Hi_gb Blocks -

92-93, The Bmer~'nc:y [)\veUinG

TIlt: ComJW£ite Hent lUi/it

94 'l'wo sides ,of the!e IUl]iJt

9S Uni,ts, iii 'lhe Emergency Factmy Made JIlU!ll!':la!.I.'lM 96 Units in a l)eiJl1Qllistta(ion Flat

Ollle'r rI'lil'S

97 The Bctiroom Unh ~

98 The 1EIooromn Uni,t ~ns'!alled - Y9 A Kirchern.Il<l,uu·oom Urul

tOo A H~'t:ung.Su,~'e Unit HU A Ki'whe:n Unit

102 /it.. IG~cl'nen UriU illlstalll~d


67 611 68,

W 69

10 70 7l 71 n

75-1 1'1 78 78

79-&1 8~

81 82 82 82-3 84 85




S HORT~ m-W pr,ogmmmes for bouse "Ilild.illig cO'li\erillglh~ transitional. period of two ya..vs afierth-e end! of tbe war in. EU!fgp'~ have already booD dta,\!I'I] up. _ I A u:!]lo"bies ~ave iJ.cq~d or are acq:uirin.g tbe: il,ec:e-ssary stl:cs,; the ronstm:ctiQD of looadsand SeweN. imd 'in some caSf:lStke, prorisioll of such ptlb~.ic services as water" dearldty,. a!IJidg-as" ils bdog carried oet during too prese.II'l y.eaf. 'Thus, if the collrne of .the: war pemliil'S, It wi] be p.~]blelo make;!!, start ill: f 943: with the aot1!l31 bull'ding (If bOU5~ •. 1lo,ll.6i'ri,g Marmol' .~ 944 is iJ:lileillded tarthe, g!llidOlru:::e: ,of Jo.c:a.l·G:lJJthlO'nlies ,;UIJ.'1 albers OOllCl1u'llildi. n 'has 'been prepared joil1ltly by the MiBi:s'uy of Dealt'll and 'the

linisUjl of \VIO'iks, The. Minislry of Fucl and Po,wer bas been cOIl~u1ted upon maUus m whl:ctl it has a; di!l'cct ~1:II1.e:i'es,t.:lin(l tlle. Mmlllal' indude'S m1i~edml cOIlih:',ibu~ed by tha:t Depan~l'd. The M1n:isuYQf Towill :a,n([ <COUDtry' PbUlll1iIQ.;g h<as ad!\I'j~ 'Olil :m1iJU:e@ ..,f site p1.'IDfli.Ijg and JayOI!l~ fI

lmforma,tioDi on 'the layou:t ana, phumms: ,of .ilQWi~ bas, bei3n giYl\1l in! previo'Lis manuals Issued by the Muwl_ry of Health, P:arJ:licl!lJac mR;.r Oe· to tille HfN1Sblg M~lllQl an llie J)'f:Sigfl'. Cow,m.l.ct/IJJ7 aim i?Japa11' of lJW(Jllhlf;~ (i£slIcd ln "] 927 and reprillted kt ]9J4) ami. to tile R_'nrol Hourillg Mamwl Issued ill ljli,}8. II] gemmiLI tho guidElince m Ui.ese IP.Il:lllu;J:ls stlll hQkI~ fliooo; siQ:ce most of it has now been absorbed C"",nent p,rn'Cti';ce., ~t £s not propweo. to go ovwthe oom~ ground agaio ~Ili the f'olliow,ingpwgeS. .llor~fl!g M(Uluall~44 also g'iv:es some advice 0liI [he p.lli!Dlli~g ,O'f mats, and. a .Few typical pLans ,0001iC included. The ,~tiol1S 011 cOllStmC:liol1,.and mare espeC'hl~y Ole' iUustratiws and Appef:idJi~ reflltill,s re tbrun. are lllil:e-flded for' die aoS,-sioliLan'Ce ef il;EhHecls and othEr~echn:k.d, readers, For reasons whk:h <Ire ex,p13~.IJ.e.(Ibeilo'icv. the delail~d aclivil:C on eonstrll'Ction ,and i![)~talll!ttioltlS is cOlllill.ed 1)0. .bo~ and to ~wos storey blocks of 'fials, the ,construction 01' which is D1(jstly similar ~o' tilat or liJouses. [2

The mformaJt'ioD gi~, here 00 oomlru.ctjot'l"illst~1!aJtf0Il3 aed ,eq_-mpmSlitit 13 :!lO,t @ldIa,l[Ultivcaod :ruf~re.Il~ should be mill&: to tJIle !o'1ui,Ol!lS Acts of Parli:;ni1(!lltc btclaW'S.. I!.nd amer stattllory regulations illf~n.g 'bu[lding as well as to [ielievi!lnl 9ritish StaIildar.d§.ilI!1l:1 Brjtffi,1iI. Staod!ard Codllli , Much of the i'Hforma:tioD 00. maleriab and, comtl:liCcloll'i _Iii~ been prepared by. ot wiilith~ ~l5l:anCe ,o.f, fttl!!, SuiId.i[lg R,eseal'cb StatiOf:l of (he: D,epllrtmcllIt of Sdel1ltitie a:nd Indiustri:1l R~sG.\'in:'1i.. which also undertook a. ge,ll.crai scOltiny of the lectmicai A[lIpelidioes" 1[3


In Older 't,o obtain '!he fullest amI! moSt adVLre 'befOI~ ,prepa:[illg 1ft!) PR:SCllt .Mt11mal, tbe Minister ,of Hea:ltll MqOO1ltoo his Qm:I:!'a.1 Housing Advixcq OJ)J[im]u~ t010lNlsider th-e ~llm] qllestliM OlE [be design Qf dwellings. A 5:ubCooomiuee, undcr '1lIe CbirmaJ:lsbip.- ,of' J..Oil'dI Dud!ey. was <LPp'oi[f~ ·'[0 make reoo:mmendatiol1S as ta the dcsi:gn, pJ<I!DOinc" Jay.oll.t., standards of COllstruction, alld, equiJmrent of dwecllillgs forth'\> pwple tilrol.lghotlt· j, This Sub-COmm:1u~ oomicdlout, a, compmb~DSivtm,'I"esligati()n liEd bMr,d~ ~dence f:rom <11. very n!lfa.Q lIll~nber


[4 ·,81


(If otganisaI"ion:~ ,and persom willii'm inte['~ lin ho,)[lSmg. Muth ,01 the e;llidl91oc: iJlJustr,!lted ttUlI housewife 's, or' • "con91l:1i'I:'letr' • point laf'view. The report, of the Sub· IComt-ml~ was adopt.ed by !be ,mam Committee,alld. has beenpubtished under ther tWe De$!g:II: of D .... "'lilWs.1 The. 'report Is a most valuable'Mch Mil be of lo,terest 10 local ;:!;IeU]. their o,ffio{tl'S. plarticula:rly inlhfl stress wbich it Ilirs ,00 Ih.oholLsev;.rnlC·$ poiIlt 'of vie;w. a, considtlxllItiDil1 wllich should always be p~s;senl in tilt!; mlIlds of those concerned in the de&lgJ.! of dwe'llin~. "[1re~S!O:Ol'lUll.eoda'~ tiO,as mnde rn the l'e'port fQm1 the I:la~i.s of much of Ibe. pres.efliL Hem/tol., [4

On,lihe tec,hnicaJ side. then: was an e-vw gre.1tcr nee.d for up-to-date,i.1iIf0T'!l18:tion.

Espe-e:i£lil,.. it ll,l".iS reali!ilw lhllft de'll0!opi,ng Ile'o" m~tcri1!lslW.d, me,tbods were too otl(in proceet;ling widfout a properly rd,efinat.l objectiw in view" amd lbat much lof their' work would be [U1Ig,:l10ry u' lhe pr.nclicaJ requireme.:lltcS ~,o ~ met lWII~ deafly 'and aocurntdy stated. A.ccordfugly the Ministet Df Worb, wllo 11ad milllgJl;nned a CO'1U]lrelrensiw: scli!eme for the t.echnical s.tudy of 'pQsl"war ibuiHtingproblsms. )lOO:Posed to lJl:ie Ministei ,o;fHeilUh MId tile Secretary of Slate for Scotland mejoil'1J( 3,p.pOmtllldt, of Eli Committee Oal House Oms1ructiof.l, whlcb in due OOWS~ was set up with Su;' O~orge BUIt as Cbairman. ih~ first 'l'eiPoflOf 'this, Comrnitt,e;e waS, published in Marth 1944 ulildcr Hi!, tm~ HO'll!>e COI,rstrm::IfOI,I.'J. Tile report. contains a crittcal assesrotelilt of':~ Illlifllhe:r of ake:mativemetltods of COf}&tru,Ctioil. and makes r«olIllll,endatio,il!l D to desiian and wl:lrk.moos'lIip ill respcc,t of some Q/' the~ methods that axe .~~ 015; having ad,vanoed bey<;md tbs experlnumtal stage, [5,

As, a result o.f these [\~mmendatiol1s, tlile, NliniSt:er or Woiks IlWi amJ~~dl for a: group of deluo,nsU"llMIn bouS'eS t·o be: 'erected Oil a site on the NorthoU Grn~ge. 'I2~ta~~" Nortflolt. ~1id!dl.e&eiK.. Detailed records of costs; ami 1ll!Ul"holil"S of labour' are ooimg for tilese, iJollis;e$, F01Purpos:eS of oomp:(u:isol'l,nomm:l .brick ho'Uses were bwtt ~t tile sametim.e, 50 that similar records mi~t hit bpl. Thls and 100ther WO\I'lnI\tion gathered during llie building <If u.~ dem o'Dstmti'oll houses w:m be made 3va:iIaMe 'in due CQUr:s:e. [6

In 1 ~42 the senior prol1essiormi iu,tituti.oll$ of 31!ohilects :Oiod e!l~l'Joomcol1lhinedi' with the eIlCOUIagemem err the; Minister of \Narks .and uru'll.:W his, spollSof!llip. to form the Codes of Practice Commj(teeFor <Civil EnsiTlEerrng, Public Works. Bllilding and Cons'l'n'!ctionliJWDi'k. The 'PI!i1POSt:l or the Commiuee is~o rormu1la'~e!l. com,pTete ~l'ies of codes of g.o<ld practic:e audw()rkmansbip harvilig '1M llUPPOri. and 8'P1ROva] of 1111 mWMSlts ,coDCerned. Like tbe Bun ,Colllmhtee, the <Godesof PradiClc CommiU~ lWls ,tbe: conaborath:m O'f IDe Building Resemt'l11 Station or the .Department ,O'f Sr:i~liltlfl.c: am:'! In[lIJ.S~ R.esearch \",'bose accamwa,lea knowled~ aDd axperienoe ibasbj:eo pl1lccci at lIS diispos1'l1. The rust :resuilt of '~e widcly OJ"<lpcmdi'IC studi'C!i \vas Hile pubrication in May" 1944" forpu:rpQscs of discussioll,. of sama provnsi,oll'1I1 cilarpt,ers of tile Code of FWlctiomd RiU!1:!iremenrm of Bu.!ldings; OtIlitr!l. and codes at'Ii'i k! folklw. The description of lilIUc~maJ, standanls set f01"tb. in Appendb: 'DO of 'this, Man~l is ~m1Jy based 0'11 IDC'reco,.mIDelldarions con:tained in tliI.e,se docwntllts LUJdI io the earlier publicatioo HOIISe CDflS~'rI~Cli,(iIl,. [1


The Standards eo.mwUee,. unde-r Ult! Oll.irmarn&mp of Mr'. SYdiW;Y Tatc'he1l.

F .. II..l.D.A., was appoill;l:ed b)' the Mininer O'f Works 1'0 study the app1i~don o·:f S'tan~

1 DuJ~1I .gl .[)w'(!,lli'ftfJ"S,. TIle Report l~ tht Cent');at Housing, Ad,"'i!lorj' OlmmiueQ ,of tlle Sull-Cornmi,tt~ Oil tlle D~$igII or nwc'rlings. PubliBhoo for the Mjnistry 01 H~a1l1il 'b,y KM. SUltio.n!:1)' Office; prroe 1 $ •. 1Ie.t,post free ls, 2111.

~ Holia~ CorISI\fh't'tioli. Tbe: Report of the Oomrninee 'on House Q:rrutCil£:l:io!:'!. (post-Wl'..i' ::Swlding Snudies, No, •. 1). Pl!.lbl1lslil.«1J for Ute Mil1iS'1ry,' ,of Works by H.M. 3!a.tiollery Olilb ; [lIice 25. !let, .I'05E free 211. 3d.



[S- Hl]

_ ,!ding \\lith theparticIlJm:' ,objGcr of CIl5tl:ri:Il~eoo:ilomIca' use of m"nerials in the -V,"3:f period, together 'With simplified ;Iud speedier proeedi'lru or co.nstnU::tiOIi •. Siud, .. e:re\1i" possi'biu, improved quality and desii.cR. T!le Committee is re~nl6Se.ntathre of ~. local gQwmm~fil. tb~ professions, lind various other inter"CS'ts, eoncerned, :.. 1;II:u.nbe:r orf :s'tIi1idil:rn~ [GCOii[iwendcd b,Y me CommiHee Mid 1l0~Y being formula!ed

delcil b}· U@ Britiih 8biirnda:rds, IostitL:D tiOll: am mferred to ilL1 lh'is Mantral. They are set out DlorefliJly i:n the Goll'lmiUOO;'Is fil'lt xPO'f't rece[l~Jf publisbe~, under the title TlIe Use of Swtmaard;s Ilf lJuUdinl].3 The ,adoption of seuda1it1s will mlllbre :m 'Om.J:I'l ec.onom1es to' be made in the purebase of es~tial. ~U!pplies for hmlShl!!l', and

geneI;[]J~'y lead l(lgt,ea:ler speed and e.ll1dency in ceastruetlon, In many ~ the of standard prodl!lcts. ""m mean' 'Lhat more andMlt~req_l!IjjpmC'.n:t call be included

fudl] would have been possible by the order IDethods. [8

Special inrerest aUaches toll the standards to be adopted for hea:l.applmnces, DelUding J:ppl.iam:cs for ,ooOlcing, ;ooom limatillg, aed wate-r heatililg. It is 'ooIDlllm:lly k[lo\mlhal me ecol1ond~J ,,md ,MIiclIl,nt. '1iSe of fuel in the medern dwelling has been ~he Sll!bjLWt or COl1sidie:r:dlttl i~v~tigaH'olil dLllring recent ~.m., The rc51.1~ts of these jq,,,'csligatiQIIS l1!,e now gradually becOll:l~Pg It\lEltiable: ~[! the fo'fln of lJ.ppl1llJ1ce~ ca,]'Jab~~ of p,rodudn.& ~ same or. !I. N'I28!:er amount of h,ea1l. cmt ,of a smaller qU-<l:ntity of fue1. As FM as ootid ful·bumiin8 ~]tlP~ i:;m~ .:iI!e con~mctl" WJ:i.e1l an appliance. eonsemes Hwl m~l!:e

:ienUy and more complete!)'. them .is fe:ss ml!ri!>S.ion of smoke. Sorm. of '!he solid Iuel bClimng 1lI,e<lt appMnres discusse~ in (his Mammi lire of this 11 ish clliicil!nc,y t,ype,

no in the mteRSl of smoke ab.ate:n:tt::llt as, weill as of effideHC)' i,t il> of the wcatlo~t oopormlloe that appliallces used in. bOllsingshaU be selected, from lliis, range. DoUI dill'beIlsionail ,and pl9'foI'lnllIl()(l SiI:lhQc'I.anlc5 ar,O roqllLire.d far :rueL~bummg appli:m,cf's.. Some: WlUel'liiotrud itbn&tds !lave alfl!a.dy OO~l! laid down and specilk:ation £I!luwe,rs me .Iisted in thi:; MamlQ,l. At the 'ill'vi:tati:OII. 'of '!;be G ove:mlllellt, ~he: D';,itis.h SUUIdardsl.rn;timl:iollj wi'tb the MSBtMcs Q'f tlro indus:£r.ics cor,ccrned, are dmwiog lip perfol'mii!!1-Qf.:. stMlda:Fd~ 'Which will I!:!e publisilm from. time to [il],l~ ~ tIle Fuel RJ~h Stntil)'lli~e s·tudyilllg th.e w'ho]e q:l<I.e:&tiof! ,oft~t.wg r~ ~p.I,la.ntlcs. [9'


Of' the,~hm~ J)ll'oblelUs deelt with iii this .si!, tl1.~re are some. puticularly those: eonaeeied with standards 'of accommodatlcu, COl'IitnlCtiOIl" ,e.qui,p~nt,and FiI ']jilllg, en whlch !iptcilic advice can be givell. There all'e Qthe.fS\. plUiticlllady lh~~ C'-otll'lec~ed with thfl tay~::lU!tofsitcS and Ute pJan:IlIDl:!l ofll ilUSCS, Oil 'which oe'JIl[;II guidance calIDot be so 'specilk becaase stlcces'!i nUJ:.'i[ depend on the skill, knowledge" al1.djlLldgmellt ~1ao1lVl.t j,ln. tbe appli.c<lUOO @f genera] pril'lcil)les~o ,<IC pa:rticulltr site. This musr ~ left to the :person [0 whom the des],gn of the scheme is ~lrJJstec!. Success'ive M nnis(ers of IH~lth haw dJr.",.~)ro iltiEIltkml ~ the: imporhmce..or t'mpw;Ylng qw:il~fi~d l1:1'ichit~b on hO'lilsing worl(. TM Ji'Ql!nt 'bilS iboon ftlfth~rst.ress.ed ill, the two m;:'M,1 ~ypubli$hed, reporls oFtnecentl"alHou:rJlIC Advisory Cornj]]iu~, DeJlgil 1)/ D ~velt1l1,{Js ;and! Ruml flOtl3ing~. It. is ~nlia.l that the hOlllli1lg &:hemespromored by locat au:thon,lies should set a good] staIld1i!~ for the co UllUy" ,as .ma.!il)' have a1re."u:I~' done, and that this ~tllDdard shOLild apply. not only to' a~Qmmod.ll.LioJj; 8lld CCiilstmctlon whkhcaf.llaTg~ly be, proscribed. IDUl, alse (0' qucsliclIlS of a!"ra'llgem~nl, tasffi" and harmony with t~ SU'ITOUIlrnDItS, whIch largely depend 011 professional, knllil.vlooge and its right app,lication.

I Tim Use. of Sltllidards til Bi~ilaing:. The 'First PCCll~~ !tejlwt .or tile" StiJiodor'!:ls Qommi~wc.

PubliShed ror Ihe Mi'niS'lry (if Works by H..M. SmtiO'oofol!' Offl'Oe- " price 6d •. 'lifet, post free 'iii. 4 Rural .H.artJ{IlK. l'il~ Report liD 'the Central HOI.l:iirng Advi:sory Comm.iUee of the Ruml Iiou~iM: S'ub-O;nnl'l1ittre .•. Published .for the Mi[llistry ,of Jlc.dO:! 'by H.IVr. St~'tiQll~ry 0:I1l00 ; p:rice I s~ mel,. post [;rec J s, 2'dl,


The Services of a: 'ql.l1O![ified archi,tect should l.11el'-do'lle 'bel s\t(Ured by 10c";I11. nUaoti'lies, for their hollsm.g, schWas.. [lO

V/lfI.1etc. <!Inarchltect bss been appomb:d. it is of spedaJ ~Itance tllat there s:bQu1d be effective co:-CIperalioll between ]rim, a[ld ilM: s!iLn'C:yor :1:0 the [«:;'II aliltbodly. The arebile(:it 'owli gaji]se; tha.tthe.sur'l'e}\M knows nu~. l0Cil4 charmcrerfstiC.s3nd diiliicliIJties of the sllte, alld ~he; dt'll:IllIlnds \?o'Itich ma,y be ,tm!l;losed Ol!'l UlclayoUlI, by lievel:s', ecx!sting servioes,the llatl1.rre or '!hegrollind; etc'., and that 1m 'will ,Q'fle:ra. be.,esiJ:Klnsib~e ror the I:I'l!amt,ef.Lance of tiLl: estate. Tbe SUf'\'GJ(O! ;,vill1 m;ognille th.a:t btiildillgs and 'tilleiJr a,pprQi.Il~hes, ~'Ilould 00 tbought of f.ogellier, tba,tEhe hOIlSGS are UIi!' mos.t impoftaDt part ,of [he. i(:h>e'l11'ei.I:hM tl1¢ roads :aodsewe:rn to S~ the b.o,uses, and !t1iJat hO\ve~'tl 'efficiellt Ih,(t l'a:YOlit, maybe from <l1Il ~mlil;lL}(id.l.'lg' ]Joint 100f !li~y. where all arcl:litwis designing ti:J~~.the 'best result w.mnot be achj~vcd if the ~ite plan is dete,rmined widUJil't bis, oo.-opero:liofl. {II


Advice on a n'um'ber of s11lib~,e;;;ts whiL!liii iio.. yarious ~:!i,ons CiOWdoot pr,operly Il;w dealt with :if:l the Pf~l:'It M'ani'fa!\v.iI!I ba given, if m·~a:ry., m. publi.cadollS t,o. 'be [~edIRll!"r. [1.2 The Mjnisny 'of T,o",'" and COlmWPhmmrliS ]w in 'pf~araQOl'i a I.'lu.blkatiqn Oill roquil'em.e:_n,t,s :FartoWD. andneicJ:'ibol!!1rhooCi p,lallll!illg:; al1d 'the selection 0IF.s1tes. [13

Provcisi;onal infQ:rm3,tiotl on ; nClW materials and methods for bouse CQllStmc.liclll wiU be found ~G Section VB and :if! APPmldix C.'I1m pubUcartion Q.f flllletliechnicaiJ, ,g&l'idM~ Dlust Q.;'vait,th~compl.edOD. of the MWstry 'ef Wl.u'b;· ,study ·of UtI!! wriow demCl115trn,ti:olil ,ho1!1ii¢s and .of Uli!! ~p~rimellilalho1i!se5ll1ow ~g: C(l;astmc~ed by a numbeI' of commercial undertakings. These 'homes, wil'l be crltiealb examined. 'lIDdi ,conlm.e[U~ liIil(;l!1. by the'! Burt IComrniUee in :l'w1lIe t reporl$ to l1le pU:b]jsh~d. [14

Tll£' ~tal IDrob!ems of flat CQ[lstno~tion n:re. also heiD! studie:d by tile Blurt Com,., ,min~, 'iNihlchhas ~n ask~d by 'the three Minful¢rS concerned ,. ,to examine ili~ fCCOHittilmd.a!i(!I1s, concerning the oill1swd;ion of fla~, made by tl1J.e Cen!tral. HORsing; Ad'll'jso~ Committee :and the Sootti$h Bo.usi:J:Ig Advisozy ,Comflltuec: to review dle ind.i.ngs of t.he. z...'uniiSl"ry of .E-Ie:ildl De:parlmel!i.tal CommiUee. in 1935 ailld ID931 :; ~nd to advise: HiS 110 the roos:~ 'effic:ie<lIlt ,3nd econoIllk:a.1 mef'F!.ods of ctJmtru'Ctiol'lin rel<1lii01l, to t]].I!i V'arious tj'J,'le$ ,of la'ls, 3,lld in paftkular to jO:\l\e:M;.Gfl~e wl1ethef' b~' <IllY mea.ns 'me cost ofRmt 'CQJ:lsil:mc:rJiOI'l ~ be bro.l!Ight ml,o c'tQ~r .reJatiooohip widl (he ClOS.t of cmillinary llomi:ii,g. '" Adi ... lee 01:1 the COIls,truclil:m of ibl.ock.$ of tlats will bep!IJbiished ,ag ,R SlJipplclllen:t ,tiO, IDe Murmol ,,,,he,nthe Ministers have :r~i.ved and conoS'i*red the findings 'of the Cornmitlee. [Ii


'IHlIE. NlncnmSmmOOD'

WHERE, hig ,GlUdlO'riues m'U!l,t :b'lli:ld a very Ia:rFDumbBr of IiIQW liIouse-s~ it Iiml¥ be possible to plan it IlBW self~ontaintd cm:mIluuity baoWd on a new cenlI~ of ~p]oyme.nt. In su-ch ,3: oomnnJl!Iii~,y (IDe reg;;J!rdmllisit ~ pwd to u. t1Stcial, s:aci:a1;, 'educarwnal. and 'recreati,orrn] centres ,iilP('I their rehu.jons 100 the: I1~W e.-elopmell't as ",rellas to iicCOliI:1rmodatkmt:'QI" die dilfere.nt ofpeopJewho mat,!

po a we[l.baila.iiic~d residential nei~lbol:lriw(Jd. Tlie scilC'!lle must. not be p!rnlned slimpl)' ;;0.; a dOl'Mit,O'ry witiElout a ll!COgnisaO:te ootItte; :it sJ)ouldmcludic shopping facUilie;s. ~hoo~ chllICChes. lind tiEle oth,e.r cornmumd IbiUiMil:l.!lS fre~!u~nted ill e,~a)" ur~ so as 'Ulr m~t Pi'RCtJ."caI needs <rnd a,t ,tl:i.e samelimC! le."ld to ,3: seeee of Ileighbowliil'less among the wllQ' go t,o' I h.r,e tber¢., SOil:J,C; ,ar Ih~e,uIC,S, maybe' pr,o.vlded 0:1' the local J.iltlIority. ,others bydiffelient or,~llisIl,t.ioJliS OlE by priWIIe tmteFPcise, but whichever the methoo. mrery ,e:lfort ,5brn.l1d be .ma:d-e 'too enSlne (bat so far as possihl0 'the nwm!.'jes ace teady by the time the bulk of tile nol.lws rure eeeupied, Tlli,c am~ceOiI' .SlJiC:h fadlI:lies ,:H '~liIe outse>t ,ime'l(ita.b!y '~llSeS discontent afiiOID',!; die tp:Rfln'l;!; Mid gh'e;s tha .IHWi' ,oommuphy ,('I bad s1art. A J;lQPu:laJt,ioll ofrou,ghly 5,.000 'mo mO,.()OOaflbr&:EI COIllve;n:lieIlt basis 'b'l Il nei~ltboW:hood. In SU'l;:baliild~b!lI.I!r'llood mere snO!ldd be II vatiel}, 'of fwmbi' t;:l'Pes: di~g no e}l~erie!'lre and OtlJtJ:ook ,RS well ,:1I!s.:iill slse, n ls l:ttrg.e ,emo11il1n. eo requme a;nd sllI.pporta. faiely c(lmple~e r.1l)Lge of cOlllrn1!lIla1i facilities and yet small moll.Sh '1lObrillg every M'U~ witW.ll, easy diSitai!!D"~ of tile, main miiglitholHhood ~hoppl:mI:S illUI. SO~ CCj]/tce:, It is also a. cOIl!o'ellkntWljt an which to basa lire iPII'ovi&ion of ~hoo'ls, [l'ti

Where Ule scnleof;prqjooted bu.ildilllg ojmmliom; ~ likely to lC$ult till tile estfiblislllil'teIlit of ,s. new neigl'liJOlJrh.aod, t.he broad outlillGS of Ule neigihboLllI'boodl~ the l~tiollor hOllSell), inil ,other roc1a1 centres. MJO;P5' and otbeJ: C1:lUllmiUCia] kIiI~iNI~ !'i1!ld of iinduS<tI)' Wl:'liifC pr,Qvjslon ro[" wdllsby js to be made, s.oo'l!Ild be planned from IDe: 01lltset, eiVel:l if o.n:b'<IpO-llwn f5 ~o be buUf at, '0'I],w aod. SQ'.lI"i'e of th~ bLiil1dif.i1g5 are 'to be '~kldby persons oth~ 'Iha:..o the 3.1I1Uiori'l:y. Tt~e :,uUbodty must cOJJ!Sl:ill bcforer ~d. tl:i!o;sc g;;esp()ll1~i.·bJe fo.r the [ptlJbLic utility serl,lllCC$ aad fm the I'l:l'ovis~of.l of 'ed'll.C<luO:I1Iii'l1. healilh, aad s.otial services, <rnd ascertaill llu:, need fur fina, Pl'ac.t.1cabili:ly of pt1l)Vjdil!lg them. It w,ill u$!.i..'llly b[i most ,conwniell~, for the wiJole or the la:nd reqo~f@d. to be, pUrChased, by tJile !loMing; 1l1!fI:hority I arra:ngemellts. hemg m"de as neCCiSiIifY fur appropriation for otherpW'p.o,se.!l. [J.,

Wi~b mosL lecal a!J!lhor:li:ies the or hO'l1llSing operatiomis not likely to lire so large as to [lesuU in. 'the erearion ora !leW ocighbow'oood with. a population ofan.ytbjng approachiing '5~OOl The mel'" h,o'UsiTlg siie mny well, l1o,we:w:t. be ef ~~h lit\ size as '~O render the e.xisling SQcial and cdu"ln!iO:llal fad.litlcs il'ILkevicinity madegU[I'e for the m.cfC1l.Sed pop1l!:£ati.o!!l. In Ilt~!m.£; tlle S'iteill COt:ls,yUR'tial'l w.ith Ute: p.laruli:l'lg ailll:ho.rily" Cii[fetu~ :!tudy sllo'lJ~d lle given to ilts ,re:falioll to cl'd$ting centres afpo,Pula.fiof.l. It is '1!I]l;d~jr~b'le thalt th!:lie 8h()~:ld be ,o.ewl.oped, :R mew ,e$Ia'kl ,of a ,s~ wldctl is i:nsuftlcier.U to justify (ne pl)ovillioEi ,of separa:lc~ socia] and cdllCational fa,cilities or its own, lIndi SQ' s:it~as I~O be't'ed fl)o;m and utlsb.te toparticipa~:e m. ei'&lioG facili'rtes. The <lJuthodty ~o,u~d aim at acquiriD~ a: site, whi.cb whe:n de\l\e!CJP"..iI would '00 an addltlon w,3IId cou'ld be ,wCOIpomt:ed in an e,xiS'ling cen'lre of po-pula.tioll in sltlcn a way (bat tba· n:ew3Sazy is:erviOiiS mnd atmnities CilnreaJdily be luade Olv,l1Ii1a.lbi.c'. SometM[jl~S m~ <EII(]dli,tiol1. to dle, poPulation ma particular area may in'lllolVl} ,e)(tei'iS100 ·of e~till,g ~rvjces1 sQ"r.IlIctimes n Imty be just efiOlllgh 'to\V<liITant Ihe ~t<tbli8b_me:1lI,t of ii, [Jew servib:C:. [18

nis importoot tiud the same ead)' consultation \loi:th oth~1' ;~nlJiiN:s,u; should! tallm ~ 5usgcswd 'whcnlli'e e;S[ablisbmll[1iI or a rQeW' meighbourhoQd is in QIleSaon"



FIG. 12. Heuses by Coolkham R'Yr;a'l IDistrlct CQIUidl, Serb,

The geJ:le'rnl adv]ce gi\I\e.:D. in S~don II and ,cbewhere in this Mwural is here :iIJ[lS:lrat~d byrefercnce :aQ, cx«utoo, work. The 48pilOt:ogmphllreproduced, 0'11 fuI'S aad follo\!!oi:llg ~ages were C!b.osen bccau~ in. ~ncb pbotograph Ul.em is e%,~Rlplil1ed 5-ot1'1eprinciple of siti.1l8. WOllpmg Oil desiGII to which it I;S de:sirred to QU, it'UentioD. W.ith tbe ,e;.:\;.Wpt!oti ·of Fic;.~, 7. aplwtol8:rn:ph 'Of a model, the subjects areal! 'existl:l!,S buiIdin:g5.

Most of the mUiSlradomi ar~ of lecal alltiJ;O'rity housing: CIlmled out in vatieus parts >or England and Wales bLifove tire war. Figs. 38 and ,39' arc of wartime rndustria] bou-'S'ins,an.d Figs.. 46 110 ,53 show ii, iii.umber of house,s, for ,a,gdcultuml, work:ers buill ulld,ertne 1.943 wanime 'eme:rgenq !;ll'llgr:am:m", 1I~ Ii!. ~umoor of lll,ese "",airtime iHwllratoons th@ i.'l.>ck of trees Bifid bodgecs is part.iol!l.lady [I,Odceable. U maybe ~ssi.l:med tlmt Hmim:portnnre of ,careful pla:nlifl!g,to \v'hicl1rer~1m,OO is, made ln para.graph 42 of this MOJ!ual, bas ]lot: been ove41o[)li:ed by Uw atulloriries r-espons:ible. and that in diue tilne' thcsettil:l;g of Lae heuses ~1lI. :folr ,exampl.e, Figs., 38: and 39. wiU CODIC t.o' rese,mbJe ti1a(, show.n .ill Figs. 2'7 and 3 ~ i}lIldio. others amGDl,i!: the older examples.


FIG. 13. Aerial view of Hampstead GardC:fl Suburb. _ An eady e,xiI,mple, of neig,nbomiloodi pilili:f1IIling, ill th'~ Lo,ndon ilw~a, showing dev'el,opment reuad _" f'lC:i,ghbourllcod centre. ln 'thhi: lPal"tl'cWlla,r ease ,only some of the fadlit.ies $uggest!ed In 1P31"l!-

g ra,ph 1,6 were pn':I'I{'ld'ed. _



fiG. 14. Sj:leke Eu.a:tl! (llvlZrpool c.orpcllr1.ltj.Qf1).

FI;G. 1:S. Wat'lin.g: Estate (Londo'li Co.unty Counclll) •

. 51


FIG. ~ 6. Layout I" ~UlI·de"'l5ac form.. We,lwyn Garden Ci~y.,

F~G. 1'7. Ho,use>s: round iii G r<een" M'odd Iby Stud e n:tS or

.lIverpool Uliliver~I'ty School of Archlr;ec~!.!i'e:.



FIGi. 18. Houses seC back from road. 'St. Hellier IE~t~te, Morden, (lonG 0'1'1 CO'1i! flty COllln,elll,.,

:FIG. 19. RO;<I!d1.b,end. S'~. Heher Est<lJte, H'ord,en (london Cou1lnty COUlI1G;;ill).

FI Goo 20'• HQIJ:ii~s a;t righ~ii.ngi eS 'E/O roadl. Ham m,er:smj th ,(lOliidolil CO'lIl'1ty COllnclll).


fiG. ll.l'errace frclnit!l'lg a paved epen SPJ}c~. iK;e111 nlngc,on (Duch'y 'of Cornwall).

fiG. 22. Cr'llso:nt fl"ollt:in,g a: paved open space. Kennington (Duchy of COlrrnwall). -



IF~G. 2;]" Dliver:sionof buHd~ng llne ~D preserve: ;a,1i\l existing tree.

Wc~wyn Garde:nl CIty.


FIG. St. FI ve""5[,O re ~ .B~ odks,. CIU~so~ d Pa r k (Lon,e! 0 U1I Co u nty Coullu:.ill).






md other speci:al conditic:lIls govern: th~ p.lm:mit1S and of buildmgs • .:: (.~ ~. U'iId.iliol'ls. and 'p,rofere!Wes of the oocupier and his family;' !:hcfie social and ~stbelic {-elations ,err the beuse tiD its, envko.Imlent i Umw are .... ""~''''-''''',...... :hara,c:tcristic.s of the. si'le such as, Je'llets, as;pect. subsoJl. raiil1fuLi. e;qro81l11e • . and sumlificr tempmtlures: : ,and! 'tn,er-e iu',e mateda& and ~Oll!OJni.C fu~o~., rall area fiX«!. fClr the dwel1iQg. dle. ]imilt ,of eest, 'the a.vaJibd;,iliil;y ,i1ndpri.ce - urld materials, and Qif sef'll'iQiliS and filS'!"

'_--~l:!% has been made, in, this .. ,MalIlMI to se:t dow,n, st:alldards of lWco:mmodatioo .. ~""""""""' ... '111 t ia <I form' hid'), will. allow as 'Iilru~h freedom as possible '1.0 the designer.. - - ro:sghrcll in Seclio!:!8 III and IX and jn AppendiX A llave ~D drnfied ""__;;" '. and tho (y~)i,call, plan an.angemellits reproduoe<iin the, foUo~!ili'!lg P1'lgcs bili!;\e :sm with a. vieww il.lm.lradng the wIde va:ri-e:iy of sotutions tha,taliep~ibte ~ standards.

_ dr.iI' '11 to' ;11, ullifonnsca1c:, the pla1ll5ue sltictly dMgm:mmaHc, i.e .• the rQQm~ ~. u outlined oIlly ,instead of e-I1,cloS¢d, by oo'JiIOOttly drawn waRs. [0 emphasise ~ fa; givillg,iipecill.l ,ootl.sideratioll to e>roll' planrWlig plicblem. Other strut:t'Uml • ~':!i".l~b asihlll~s have also l'lee:r:l o~i.u,tld. Wmdow ,o-peni.ogs a;re. :sh.ownby syolbols ~ and 1I.r~ !l@t jnt¢f.I,ded!.o ~ivc. allY indication ,of size and position. The

~ sugge-swd fo]' cooking" room himtio.g~ and '\Vater .hc:fullg iI[\ealso Ir,epre~ b)' :s.j\ll:lbols.

has been erxpielmed in para,!lfaphs. 4S-51.the plam, Fal] i[JItQ three basic gro,ups, :e-..mnined •. in tbe main, bYlhe; arftlll,gem,eniJ:S fol:' 'coolting: andeati'og meals. ThIZ . pas ofkitcbetl embodying th~e aaan~Il1oots are shown dia:gnoolll:aticaliy nO! Fi.g. 2.

The plans range fwm a dwelling for two peLSOB 'hatviJlg !l flo.G'_' Mea of 420 sq. ft. ,;.:J _ ,nouse far <11. family of s;e.VI1:11 I:i!l.v'.iflg lie floW' ar-e3. ofM&O sq. n.

The [plamfor' the 3vcrage,sizoD hO'~£e for 5 'pe;~QllS .,UIg,t'l fnma the minIlmu_m bouse if 00 sq. ft. '1:0 the fl.i!~~ 900 sq. ft r«o~llded ill: liu:: Re:port lJesfg,~ 0/ JhJ!~flillg$ .• At~Dti.O\t'l is {I.m,wn i(lparagrapbs 65 and 69 to the importance of the outside: stere, \if, I. hi!Jl mOIl'!: easee wil[be provided as. amaUer of course. J!3xoep,t ~!lr Pip. 16-8

.! oufbiliiildings have been ,Q,miUed kl aU tb~ p)<!!!Il$. .

The Roor areas given for I;lnlillc houses illld.flat.s,a,e ·Ihe gross <!;r-ea!l:w"iti' the (ji]tc;r -aIls OIl an floors. For indi~id1!lal rooms me areas llndude ~tlj1l~in oupbollrds. The rlimCll.s:ion-s for frontages, and depths arre also iD~mm'l.

Ii, Bedroom F. F'Il.eI, Store R Eeri:lse
'It! Broom. CupbQ.rrrd H Hall S ScuHery
lEI.AL Ba.ticl:lIlY KL Kitci.ten·Livillg s Sink.
Bill BatbroOUl R.oom Sn: SWing Room
e CupboiU'd L Lift ST Store
C:W 'uOntmOfi Wash l Larilil:r t, Tub
H01l.l:le 1'c Unw. Cupboard W Wa~ Iiou$e
d Dresser LR LiviDgR:()O'm w Wa.l'll Boiiler
DK Di:I!I:iD!S: K.itcben p Pram we WOller Closet
DS D;illling :SP<l~ PAS. Pa~ WI( Working K.i~chelil
13 p

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